Strider (2014)

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Strider is an Action game released on 18 Feb 2014 by Capcom and Double Helix. It is not to be confused with older games in the series that share the same title, and is referred to as Strider 2014 for this purpose.


The game is still very new and categories are subject to change. There may be a distinction between regular and glitch-less runs in the future. There may be distinctions based on difficulty as well.

Low % - Collect only essential upgrades
Any % - Do whatever it takes to beat the game as fast as possible
100 % - Collect every upgrade, large item, and unlockable

Additional Information

Game Mechanics and Glitches - Some explanations about game mechanics, and how to perform glitches
Movement Techniques - How to move through the game quickly: gotta go fast!
Additional Resources - Links to other helpful resources such as videos

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