Thief 2/Source Code
From SDA Knowledge Base
/* Potion's effect is to reduce gravity on the imbiber to 50%. Also reduces movement speed by 50%, keeping jump distance about the same. Only supported for player-character imbiber. */ BEGIN_SCRIPT(LoGravPotion,TimedPotion) METHODS: METHOD void PotionEffect(object imbiber, boolean start) { if(!Object.InheritsFrom(imbiber,Object.Named("Avatar"))) return; if(start) { vector vel;
// Arrest downward velocity by 50%. If you'd been at 50% // gravity all along, you'd actually only be at 30% less // velocity at the same depth (a factory of 1/root(2)). // This will then tend to encourage use of the potion in // mid-fall, which sounds like fun. -TJS Physics.GetVelocity(imbiber,vel); if(vel.z<0) vel.z/=2; Physics.SetVelocity(imbiber,vel);
DrkInv.AddSpeedControl("LoGrav",0.5,1.0); Physics.SetGravity(imbiber,0.50); } else { Physics.SetGravity(imbiber,1.00); DrkInv.RemoveSpeedControl("LoGrav"); } } END_SCRIPT(LoGravPotion)
Setting Velocity
This is what causes drinking slow-fall potions to free you from being stuck.
STDMETHOD(SetVelocity)(object obj, const vector ref vel) { // Setting velocities from scripts wants to be initially clear from the // effects of friction, so we break all contacts. cPhysModel *pModel = g_PhysModels.GetActive(obj); if (pModel) { for (int i=0; i<pModel->NumSubModels(); i++) { pModel->DestroyAllTerrainContacts(i); DestroyAllObjectContacts(obj, i, pModel); } } PhysSetVelocity(obj, (mxs_vector*)&vel); return S_OK; }
Calling DestroyAllTerrainContacts also calls another method that makes you fall off any ropes.
Mission 6 Key Location
The mission source code basically takes a random number (and RNG seed is based on system uptime in miliseconds): Code (MISS6.SCR):
#define KEYPATHS 9 [...] SetData("PathNumber",Data.RandInt(1,KEYPATHS)); //which key we're using. [...] SetupLocation(); //setup the location, if we are the starting //point. This allows all sorts of wholesome //linky goodness.
There is also a game config cheat parameter to fix the key location to a specific one.