Metroid Prime 3: Corruption/Techniques

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Bomb Space Jump (BSJ)

Allows you to jump in human form immediately after a bomb jump. The bomb jump must end with an instant unmorph, where the game switches back to human form as soon as you hit C, without the usual animation. If you have space jump or screw attack, they can also be used after the first jump.

Instant unmorphs can be triggered near most walls by manipulating the camera. Use the Z button to center the camera behind you in order to show the wall behind you.

For a single BSJ, simply hold down during the ascent from the bomb. Unmorph near (or at) the peak and immediately press B. This has to come at nearly the same time as X, or the game doesn't let you jump after the unmorph. It's recommended that you use two fingers.

Also commonly used is the SSJ, which is faster than the BSJ. Instead of using a bomb to jump, just spring ball towards the wall and unmorph near or at the peak. This should generally be used over the BSJ.

The key behind this technique is that the game stores Samus's current state as a certain value. During the first 22 frames the morph ball goes airborne, the state is functionally the same as if Samus were standing on ground. So doing an instant unmorph within these 22 frames will make the game think Samus is standing on the ground, allowing you to jump as if it were your first jump. In other words, do an instant unmorph within 22 frames after being flung up by the bomb. [1]


  • You can still use a 2BSJ or a SBSJ (spring bomb space jump), but the bomb's blast radius in MP3 are absurdly small, so you must be extremely precise.
  • Although you need to stay close to a wall when using the camera trick, don't actually touch it (or anything protruding from it) before hitting X.

Ghetto Jump

Pure height technique. However, due to MP3's physics, it has been heavily gimped from MP1 and MP2's ghetto jump, but it is still possible and helpful sometimes.

Get a running start and hold Z and jump just as you touch a slanted object on the floor. You'll gain a slight bit of height and be able to reach areas normally unreachable.


  1. Jump up Research in the Metroid Prime Series by MilesSMB at [1]
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