Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas/any%
From SDA Knowledge Base
This is just a quick overview, with notes that are relevant to the overall route (e.g. "Pick up X for use in mission Y") that might not be obvious. How to do stuff in detail is probably best learned from recent runs. Notes on individual missions can be found when clicking on the mission name (read that for some of the stuff not so obvious from watching runs).
Missions that can only be started at certain times are indicated by e.g. @20-6, which means the mission can only be started between 8pm and 6am.
Duping is indicated by (2x) behind the mission name, which you can also click to get more information on that specific dupe.
Los Santos
A big problem with routing in Los Santos are the missions you can only start at a certain time. Especially OG Loc's missions, that are far away from CJ's house (so you can't save to correct the time).
- Big Smoke
- Get a handgun for use in Cleaning The Hood
- Get a Police Bike for RTLS if possible
- Ryder
- Tagging up the Turf
- Cleaning The Hood
- Use the gun picked up during Big Smoke to kill the Drugdealers.
- Get a Police Bike for RTLS if possible
- Drive-Thru
- Nines And AK's
- OG Loc
- Life's a Beach @22-6
- Running Dog
- Drive-by
- Sweet's Girl
- Pick up the MicroSMG ammo so you have enough for Wrong Side of the Tracks
- Cesar Vialpando
- High Stakes Low-Rider
- Madd Dogg's Ryhmes
- Management Issues
- House Party (Cutscene)
- Burning Desire
- At the start of the mission, enter the police car to get a Shotgun for sliding in Home Invasion
- Wrong Side of the Tracks
- You need at least 50 SMG ammo, more is safer (Backup Strat: There is an SMG at the train station behind some walls to the right of the marker)
- Just Business
- After the mission go north to the carpark and get the NRG on the 2nd floor as well as the grenades on the 3rd floor
- Doberman
- Gray Imports
- After the mission, park the NRG (or other bike if tire was popped) in the garage
- Home Invasion @12-20
- House Party @20-6
- Catalyst
- Robbing Uncle Sam
- After the mission, get the spraycan if you want to use it for Reuniting the Families
- Los Sepulcros @9-17
- Reuniting the Families
- During the autoscroller get your AK skill to Hitman level (for use in Black Project/Stowaway)
- The Green Sabre
- Badlands
- Bustedwarp to Dillimore
- Tanker Commander
- If you did the Bustedwarp, you won't have any weapons to kill yourself for the Deathwarp after this mission. While you wait for Catalina to finish talking, you can look out for a cop to run over or if there is none quickly get the gun from the Police Station.
- Deathwarp to Angel Pine
- Body Harvest
- If you did the Deathwarp, you won't have any weapons to kill yourself for the Deathwarp after this mission, so get a rifle from the farm you steal the Combine Harvester from.
- Deathwarp to Angel Pine
- King in Exile (Cutscene)
- Bustedwarp to Dillimore
- Small Town Bank
- Go to Ammunation to buy Rifle-Ammo to be used in Local Liquor Store (Micro-SMG ammo might be useful as backup, and maybe Armor)
- Local Liquor Store
- Against all Odds
- Pick up the 15 additional Satchel charges in the alley to the right of the entrance of the Betting Shop. Can be used for Are You Going To San Fierro? and for stuff until LV when duping
- Wu Zi Mu
- Farewell My Love...
- Are You Going To San Fierro?
- Use the Satchel Charges picked up during Against All Odds to burn the weed.
San Fierro
- Wear Flowers in Your Hair
- 555-We-Tip
- Deconstruction
- Photo Opportunity
- Duping Setup (Blood Bowl) [T-Bone Mendez Dupe Route A]
- Jizzy (Cutscene)
- Jizzy
- Duping Setup (Blood Bowl) [T-Bone Mendez Dupe Route B]
- T-Bone Mendez (2x) → skips Mike Toreno
- Mountain Cloud Boys
- Outrider
- Snail Trail
- Duping Setup (Trucking) (on the route back from Snail Trail)
- Ran Fa Li (2x) → skips Lure
- Duping Setup (Blood Bowl) [You can also do the Setup after Ice Cold Killa if you don't want to carry the call through it]
- If necessary, save before the setup to be able to start Ice Cold Killa
- Ice Cold Killa @20-6
- Required for Pier 69, which is right next to Amphibious Assault
- If later than 02:00, save to get to 20:00, so AA can still be started after the mission and duping setup
- Amphibious Assault @20-6 (2x) → skips The Da Nang Thang
- Pier 69
- Toreno's Last Flight
- Requires at least one rocket left from Outrider
- Pick up 60 rockets/AK from the helipad after the mission (for use in Las Venturas)
- Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
- Monster
- Get rid of all your SMG ammo by drive-by shooting at convenient spots (straight, not traffic) during the mission, so you don't have to shoot it during the duping setup on the bike
- Duping Setup (Bike School) (start&fail Highjack to get bike for drive)
- Highjack (2x) → skips Interdiction
- Duping Setup (Blood Bowl) (from the garage after Highjack)
- Verdant Meadows (2x) → skips N.O.E.
Las Venturas
- Learning To Fly
- N.O.E. skipped by duping Verdant Meadows
- Rustler to Maverick [only if duping Black Project, otherwise Stowaway]
- Jumping out at the Helipad should give you parachute for Stowaway later
- Fender Ketchup
- Explosive Situation
- You've Had Your Chips
- Don Peyote
- Intensive Care
- The Meat Business
- Duping Setup Quarry or Bike School
- Fish in a Barrel (2x) → skips Freefall
- After the mission, save to set time to 12-20 [with Black Project dupe] or 15-23 [without], to get the timing right for Black Project. This is with decent execution (and some margin of error), substract 1 from both numbers in the range if you expect to be 1 minute slower. If necessary, you can also save at the airfield, however that is a fair bit slower.
- Madd Dogg
- Misappropriation
- Stowaway [only if duping Black Project, otherwise directly after Learning To Fly]
- Duping Setup (Quarry)
- Black Project @20-6 (2x) → skips Green Goo
- High Noon
- Saint Mark's Bistro
- A Home in the Hills
Return to Los Santos
- Vertical Bird
- Get Minigun ammo
- Home Coming (2x) → dupes Beat Down on BDup
- Beat Down on BDup (2x) → skips Grove 4 Life
- Cut Throat Business
- Riot
- Los Desperados (2x) → skips End of the Line Part 1, Gang Territories
- End of the Line
Badlands Bustedwarp
On the route from Angel Pine to Catalina, which you have to do twice in Badlands, there is a chance for a Bustedwarp. It is possible because you don't have any weapons that you definately want to keep (since you loose all your weapons when being busted).
You drive from Angel Pine to the small street that runs along the highway and get busted there, so you teleport to Dillimore.