Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas/Missions/Dupes
From SDA Knowledge Base
The information on this page mostly applies to the PC 1.x versions of the game. Duping doesn't seem to fully work on the Steam or Console versions. |
This page has notes on how duping specific missions works and affects the game. For general information on how duping works, refer to the Duping Page.
[hide]T-Bone Mendez
After Photo Opportunity or after Jizzy:
- Setup (Blood Bowl)
- You should have a high-priority call from Zero or Jethro (15s delay), see Phonecall Management.
- Phonecall start Blood Bowl by timing the call so that you enter the marker just before it is scheduled to ring. Pausebuffer in the marker until the phone rings for more consistency. Start holding the call before you fail/exit the mission and hold it until you do the dupe (unless the route requires otherwise).
- There are two possible routes for this setup:
- Setup at Blood Bowl directly after Photo Opportunity, which requires you to carry the call through Jizzy (Cutscene) and Jizzy:
- After Blood Bowl, go to Jizzy (Cutscene).
- Enter the marker on the side of the building, so CJ will walk out of the marker during the fade when he walks towards the building (what we usually want to avoid for duping, however this mission isn't going to be duped), then let got of the held $OM=0 call once the cutscene comes up, wait at least 15s so the call can come in again. Then start holding the call, skip the cutscene and the phone should ring once CJ is placed outside, just moments before the mission will pass and set $OM=0 again.
- Simply holding the call through the Jizzy (Cutscene) will not work, because CJ will answer the phone once you skip the cutscene.
- Hold the $OM=0 call until Jizzy
- Start the mission and skip the cutscene while still holding the call. The call will be cancelled automatically, you can let go of holding it once the cutscene showing the Pimpmobile comes up.
- At the end of Jizzy, drive ahead of the Limo as you normally would, get out preparing to attack the Limo, start holding the call, getting out of the Pimpmobile will cause the phone to ring (make sure you don't have a wanted level), then kill the enemies. You can't use a Rocket Launcher to destroy the Limo, since aiming with the Rocket Launcher while holding a call will cause CJ to answer the call. You can either use your SMG (that the mission gives you) to shoot the driver of the Limo and then kill the other enemies or place down Satchels. Either way requires a bit of practice and traffic can troll you quite a bit.
- After Blood Bowl, go to Jizzy (Cutscene).
- Setup at Blood Bowl after finishing Jizzy, which is a bit longer drive, but you can simply drive to T-Bone Mendez directly after the Setup.
- Setup at Blood Bowl directly after Photo Opportunity, which requires you to carry the call through Jizzy (Cutscene) and Jizzy:
- Duping
- Having the $OM=0 call held, walk into the marker, then let go of the call once the cutscene comes up. Entering the marker away from the door may be safer, because CJ may walk towards the door a bit, possibly walking out of the marker.
- Because the cutscene is in an interior, duping in the cutscene (not cancelling the cutscene after starting the first instance, then letting go of the held call while still standing in the marker to start the second instance) will cancel the call instead of answering it, so you don't need to press F (or whatever puts down the call) for duping and you can also use the call again.
- Once you started the second instance you can skip the cutscene.
- Mission
- Duping in the cutscene means you get no traffic on the roads for the mission and you get interior lighting.
- Result
- Skips Mike Toreno.
More Information
- Video: T-Bone Mendez Duping (using Blood Bowl, Setup after Photo Opportunity)
- Video: T-Bone Mendez Duping (using Blood Bowl, Setup after Jizzy)
Ran Fa Li
After Snail Trail:
- Setup (Trucking)
- You should have a high-priority call from Zero or Jethro (15s delay), see Phonecall Management.
- Phonecall start Trucking by timing the call so that you enter the marker just before it is scheduled to ring. Pausebuffer in the marker until the phone rings for more consistency. Start holding the call before you fail/exit the mission and hold it until you do the dupe (unless the route requires otherwise).
- Attach a Satchel to the Truck, which cancels the call setting $OM=0, drive to the mission, get and hold a call and then explode the Satchel to fail Trucking and get $OM=0 call.
- Using a Satchel means you have no traffic on the way to the mission, because starting Trucking without ever getting into the truck prevents traffic from spawning. You should still have Satchels from Badlands. If you don't have a Satchel you can also hold the call and blow up the Truck, but then you'll have traffic.
- There is a despawn zone around Trucking, so park your vehicle on the bridge to keep it
- Duping
- Having the $OM=0 call held, walk into the marker, then let go of the call once the cutscene comes up.
- Because the cutscene is in an interior, duping in the cutscene (not cancelling the cutscene after starting the first instance, then letting go of the held call while still standing in the marker to start the second instance) will cancel the call instead of answering it, so you don't need to press F (or whatever puts down the call) for duping and you can also use the call again.
- Once you started the second instance you can skip the cutscene.
- Mission
- Duping in the cutscene means you get no traffic on the roads until you enter the car in the parking garage.
- There will be two mission cars spawned in the parking garage inside of eachother, which may cause the car you get into to roll and land on its roof. To prevent getting stuck laying on the roof and eventually exploding, you have to hold both "Sprint" and "Move Left" (usually A) once you enter the car. That way you skip the cutscene (so you can actually control the car soon enough again) and then roll the car around fully and back onto its wheels again.
- Result
- Skips Lure
More Information
Amphibious Assault
After Ran Fa Li or Ice Cold Killa:
- Setup (Blood Bowl)
- You should have a high-priority call from Zero, Jethro or Woozie (15s delay), see Phonecall Management.
- Phonecall start Blood Bowl by timing the call so that you enter the marker just before it is scheduled to ring. Pausebuffer in the marker until the phone rings for more consistency. Start holding the call before you fail/exit the mission and hold it until you do the dupe (unless the route requires otherwise).
- There are two possible routes for this setup:
- Setup at Blood Bowl directly after Ran Fa Li, which requires you to carry the call through Ice Cold Killa:
- After Blood Bowl start Ice Cold Killa.
- Hold the call until you skip the cutscene. This will cancel the call, setting $ONMISSION=0 while on the mission. Don't start the mission again, just complete the one instance of the mission. The setup is merely done to be able to receive phonecalls during the mission, so you can get another $ONMISSION=0 call at the end of the mission that is then used to dupe Amphibious Assault.
- Once you get to the club, do the normal strats of shooting Jizzys car 6 times with the Sniper Rifle. The phone will ring, but the shooting will cancel the call.
- Go up to the roof. Jump down onto the roof after the phone starting ringing again, then enter the building through the skylight. Entering the building will cancel the call.
- There is a trigger on the roof that will set $ONMISSION=1 again. Entering that trigger only while the phone is ringing makes that have no adverse effects. (Video: Trigger Issue)
- Now either wait about 3-4 seconds before jumping down or don't skip one of the cutscenes for about 3-4 seconds. This is done because the phone needs another 15 seconds to ring again and otherwise it wouldn't ring before Jizzy starts driving away.
- Skip the cutscenes and sprint to the door. After doing outside, during the cutscene (where Jizzy gets in the car), starting holding the call and keep holding it once it rings. If you got the timing right it should ring before the cutscene ends.
- While holding the call, shoot the car to set it on fire and Jizzy jumps out. As opposed to regular strats, you can't use the Sniper Rifle or Rocket launcher, since this would make CJ answer the call you are holding. You can use an AK or Silenced Pistol. You can crouch to get better accuracy, since holding the call means you shoot continuously while aiming.
- Kill Jizzy, get the phone and finishing the mission while holding the call. Try to not pick up his SMG ammo if you plan on using a bike while holding the call.
- After Ice Cold Killa, drive to Amphibious Assault while holding the call to do the dupe.
- After Blood Bowl start Ice Cold Killa.
- Setup at Blood Bowl after finishing Ice Cold Killa, which is a bit longer drive, but you can simply drive to Amphibious Assault directly after the Setup.
- Setup at Blood Bowl directly after Ran Fa Li, which requires you to carry the call through Ice Cold Killa:
- Duping
- Having the $OM=0 call held, walk into the marker, then let go of the call once the cutscene comes up.
- Because the cutscene is in an interior, duping in the cutscene (not cancelling the cutscene after starting the first instance, then letting go of the held call while still standing in the marker to start the second instance) will cancel the call instead of answering it, so you don't need to press F (or whatever puts down the call) for duping and you can also use the call again.
- Once you started the second instance you can skip the cutscene.
- Mission
- Duping in the cutscene means you get no traffic on the roads and interior lighting.
- Twice the number of patrol boats will spawn, on top of eachother. Sometimes they blow eachother up and activate the enemies, the same as if you got into the open water (which triggers the cutscene and activates the enemies).
- Sometimes the enemies on the patrol boats can get quite dangerous, even using the Dhingy. Make sure the Dhingy doesn't end up too close to the Patrol boat when it's drifting to the front of the ship.
- On the ship, some more enemies than usual can spawn, some apparently inside of eachother. To be able to plant the bug and advance the mission, you have to kill all enemies that are running around on the ship.
- After the Setup with Blood Bowl you won't have an Uzi anymore, so you can either sprint and stop to shoot the enemies with a Shotgun or slide with the AK.
- Result
- Skips The Da Nang Thang (which aside from saved time also means you can keep your weapons)
More Information
- Amphibious Assault
- Video: Verdant Meadows Duping (using Blood Bowl) - shows the Setup
- If you fail the duped mission, one instance of the mission will keep running, making the game crash if you start another mission or save and reload that save. Simply starting the mission again (without setup) may work to still complete the dupe.
After Monster:
- Setup (Bike School)
- You should have a Catalina call (60s delay), see Phonecall Management. Make sure the call is ready when you enter the Bike School marker. Since it has a 1000ms check delay, pause buffering is advised to get the call consistently during the 500ms fade until the mission sets $OM=1.
- Get a bike: Answer the call to unlock Highjack, then start Highjack, kill Cesar to fail the mission and use the spawned bike.
- Phonecall start Bike School by exiting your vehicle into the marker while having a call ready. Start holding the call before you fail/exit the mission and hold it until you do the dupe (unless the route requires otherwise).
- The call will be ready 60s after you failed Highjack, so make sure you don't fall off the bike when the call is ready, so you don't have to wait once you get to Bike School.
- Duping
- Having the $OM=0 call held, walk into the marker, then let go of the call once the cutscene comes up.
- Since the cutscene is outside (not an interior), CJ will answer the phone once you let go of holding the call, so you have to also hold F (or whatever hangs up the phone) for a bit. Because of this, it can take a few seconds for the second instance to be started.
- Once you started the second instance you can skip the cutscene.
- Mission
- Duping this mission in the cutscene will remove all traffic for the mission.
- Result
- Skips Interdiction.
- You can get Rockets and AK which you would normally pick up during Interdiction from the Helipad after Toreno's Last Flight. If you also duped Amphibious Assault and skipped The Da Nang Thang, you can pick them up directly after passing Toreno's Last Flight or otherwise during Yay-Ka-Boom-Boom.
- You'll still get the phonecall that unlocks Interdiction, which is actually used to dupe Verdant Meadows.
- Skips Interdiction.
More Information
Verdant Meadows
After Highjack:
- Setup (Blood Bowl)
- You should have the call that would normally unlock Interdiction (since you skipped Interdiction by duping Highjack you don't need it for that), see Phonecall Management.
- Phonecall start Blood Bowl by timing the call so that you enter the marker just before it is scheduled to ring. Pausebuffer in the marker until the phone rings for more consistency. Start holding the call before you fail/exit the mission and hold it until you do the dupe (unless the route requires otherwise).
- Since you skipped Interdiction, the Verdant Meadows mission marker will be invisible, but it will still work.
- Duping
- Since this mission only consists of a cutscene, you have to dupe it in the cutscene.
- Having the $OM=0 call held, walk into the marker, then let go of the call once the cutscene comes up.
- Since the cutscene is outside (not an interior), CJ will answer the phone once you let go of holding the call, so you have to also hold F (or whatever hangs up the phone) for a bit. Because of this, it can take a few seconds for the second instance to be started.
- Result
- Skips N.O.E.
- Sets
, like after Flight School. However, there is a separate variable that tracks if you passed Flight School, which is required to start the following missions. Luckily Flight School starts if$TORENO_TOTAL_PASSED_MISSIONS > 3
, otherwise duping Verdant Meadows would basicially softlock the game. Flight School itself increases the mission chain variable as well, setting$TORENO_TOTAL_PASSED_MISSIONS to 6
, so you skip the next mission instead (N.O.E.).
More Information
Fish in a Barrel
After The Meat Business:
- Setup (Bike School or Quarry)
- You should have a Catalina call (60s recall delay). One of those is unlocked after The Meat Business. Make sure the call is ready when you enter the Quarry/Bike School marker by getting out of your vehicle. Since it has a 1000ms check delay, pause buffering is advised to get the call consistently during the 500ms fade until the mission sets $OM=1.
- Phonecall start Bike School or Quarry by exiting your vehicle into the marker while having a call ready. Since the Catalina call has a 1000ms check delay, pause buffering is advised to get the call consistently during the 500ms fade until the mission sets $OM=1. Start holding the call before you fail/exit the mission and hold it until you do the dupe (unless the route requires otherwise).
- Bike School requires a bike to drive into the building and get off into the marker. Since you're probably going to use a bike on the way to the Casino, having SMG ammo makes you shoot all the time.
- Using Quarry you can hold the call, then blow up the truck to get $OM=0 call and drive back (having SMG ammo when holding the call on a bike makes you shoot all the time) or use a Satchel to blow the truck up remotely from the Casino, to get an $OM=0 call there (you may get shot up by the guards in the casino a bit). Since the Casino is an interior, you have to hold the call before entering the casino either way.
- Duping
- Since this mission only consists of a cutscene, you have to dupe it in the cutscene.
- Having the $OM=0 call held, walk into the marker from the stairs, without sprinting, then let go of the call once the cutscene comes up.
- CJ walks a bit towards the door, so make sure you enter the marker from the stairs, so CJ is still in the marker when you set $OM=0 after starting the first instance. CJ will sprint on the stairs if you sprinted on the previous stairs, you can switch to a weapon you can't sprint with to prevent that or don't actively press sprint on the previous stairs. Wait for the marker to appear before entering it in case you blow up the Satchel shortly before it, to make sure you actually hit the edge away from the door.
- Once you started the second instance you can skip the cutscene.
- Result
- Skips Freefall.
- You'll still get the Freefall phonecall, which will add the mission marker when answered, but it has no effect.
More Information
- Video: Fish in a Barrel Duping (using Quarry)
- Video: Fish in a Barrel Duping (using Quarry, without Satchel)
- Video: Highjack Duping (using Bike School) - Showing the Bike School Setup
Black Project
After Stowaway:
- Setup (Quarry)
- You should have the high-priority call that unlocks High Noon, which is available once you finished both Freefall (or skipped it by duping) and Misappropriation, so just don't answer any phonecalls after finishing Misappropriation.
- Phonecall start Quarry by exiting your vehicle into the marker while having a call ready. You don't hold the call for this dupe.
- Skip or answer the phonecall after starting Quarry. As opposed to other dupes, we don't want an ONMISSION=0 call, but instead Quarry running with ONMISSION=0, so Black Project can be started while Quarry is running.
- You can sprint to the Cropduster north of the Quarry while answering phonecalls if you have any left.
- Duping
- Start Black Project with Quarry running, which turns the Quarry instance into another Black Project instance.
- Skip the cutscene with the Mothership as soon as it is possible, otherwise the mission can softlock (no triggers inside the facility). There appears to be a 1000ms grace period after the cutscene becomes skippable, so the skipping doesn't have to be ultra precise. Skipping with Sprint should work.
- Mission
- There appear to be double the Armor pickups and more blips on the map, however the enemies seem to be at least similiar.
- Result
- Skips Green Goo.
Under some circumstances starting Black Project with Quarry can apparently crash the game (frozen at "Black Project" text). This doesn't appear to be a problem unless you had started Black Project before doing the dupe without restarting the game (e.g. trying the dupe several times loading from save). This seems to have to do with the Nightvision Goggles already being loaded in memory.
More Information
- Video: Comparison of route with and without Black Project dupe - Also shows the dupe itself, however not to be taken as a proper tutorial
- Info on softlock/crashing
Beat Down on BDup (Home Coming)
After Vertical Bird:
- Setup (Trucking)
- You should still have the Vertical Bird call (if you didn't answer it and started Vertical Bird with the invisible marker) and possibly two calls from LV (Woozie, Leone). Basicially you shouldn't answer calls after Saint Mark's Bistro.
- Phonecall start Trucking (or Bike School) to get an ONMISSION=0 call. You can either attach a satchel to the truck and fail Trucking remotely after receiving and holding a call again, or fail Trucking immediately and hold the ONMISSION=0 call while flying (you need to test that your flying controls don't interfere with holding the calls, depending on your keyboard).
- Home Coming Dupe
- Walk into the marker while holding the ONMISSION=0 call, cancel the cutscene, answer the call and then start the mission again.
- You can also let go of the call during the fade to black (when the mission name is shown), then you'll answer the call after skipping the cutscene hands-free and "take" it by just hanging up.
- Don't dupe the mission in the cutscene, since then there would be no spawns, and spawns are required to finish the gang war during the mission.
- After completing Home Coming once instance of the mission will keep running and then dupe Beat Down on BDup. Careful: Since one instance of the mission is still running, saving the game and then loading that save will crash the game. You can only load saves that you created after finishing Beat Down on BDup (just saving is fine though, for example to get health back).
- Beat Down on BDup Dupe
- After finishing Home Coming duped, simply walk into the Beat Down on BDup mission marker and it will dupe.
- Two Sweets will spawn, while only one of them will work for the mission. You can take both with you, but if you're taking a bike you have to kill the wrong Sweet, because he will get on the bike first. Directly after spawning, the wrong Sweet will always be the one that's a bit further away from CJ. He takes quite a lot of damage, so even with the Minigun it can take a few seconds to kill him.
- Play normally through the mission until you enter the house at the end. The cutscene directly after entering the house must have been duped before you can skip it, otherwise you fail one instance of the mission. So basicially you need to get "Say something!" twice, then you can skip it.
- Result
- Duping Beat Down on BDup skips Grove4Life.
- Skipping Grove4Life and thus not getting the territory near the train station means you won't be able to do the strat in Los Desperados where you recruit the gangmembers at the train station, so you'll have to deal with them possibly jumping out of the car.
More Information
Los Desperados
Note: Los Desperados isn't really duped in the usual sense (because a consistent way to finish two instances at once hasn't been found yet), instead it is done twice in a row.
After Riot:
- Setup (8-Track)
- You should still have at least one of the following high-priority calls: Vertical Bird, Woozie (LV) or Leone (LV). You should also still have 1-2 Catalina calls (one of them unlocks after Home Coming).
- Phonecall start 8-Track to get an ONMISSION=0 call. You need at least 200 Driving Skill to start 8-Track and you also need to hold the call through the entire mission.
- First Instance
- With the ONMISSION=0 call held, enter the marker and skip the cutscene while holding the call.
- This will sometimes cause CJ to answer the call, although you regain control, meaning you just hear the call. Pressing F will complete the call (so it's gone then), unless you shoot first. Shooting will invalidate the call (as if you never took it) and then you can press F (e.g. get in a car).
- If you still have another call (even a Catalina one), it doesn't really matter if the call is used up.
- You don't want to dupe this mission, you merely want to start it with the call, so that cancelling the call will set ONMISSION=0. You need to be on the mission while still being able to receive phonecalls.
- Play normally through the mission, until the very last wave of enemies (Rocketlauncher on roof). Kill everyone except the guy walking to the fence on the right and then attach a Satchel to that enemy. Make sure it's attached to him, because he will move around.
- Drive to CJs house.
- With the ONMISSION=0 call held, enter the marker and skip the cutscene while holding the call.
- Second Instance
- In front of CJs house, wait for a call and hold it.
- Blow up the Satchel that is attached to the last enemy.
- Immediately enter CJs house (this prevents you from being teleported to the cutscene).
- Once you see that the cutscene has started, let go of holding the call. This makes you regain control and you can leave CJs house again.
- Pretty exactly 3 seconds after the last subtitle of the cutscene disappears (".. good luck my friend.") you need to enter the invisible Los Desperados mission marker.
- Enter it too early and the first mission instance will not be completed when you start the second instance, and the first instance will fail.
- Enter it too late and the first mission instance will pass before you start the second instance, and you won't be able to start it anymore.
- There is some randomness involved, because triggering the mission is on a 250ms cycle, so it can vary a bit.
- You can tell that you did it correctly if you started Los Desperados again and there is also no visible mission marker (so the first instance didn't fail and set ONMISSION=0 again).
- Normally play through and complete the mission.
- Result
- Skips Gang Territories and End of the Line Part 1.
- Once you complete the second Los Desperados instance, you will immediately teleport into the second part of End of the Line.
- You can play through it normally, except that the bottom floor won't be loaded and CJ will fall through the map and spawn in front of the building, where you then have to trigger the cutscene from the outside.
- You may also receive a phonecall during the black screen before the Firetruck chase, making the black screen last a lot longer unless you cancel the call. You can cancel it by spamming your Answer/Hold call and putting the phone down keys (F). This can always happen, although it is much more likely when skipping Gang Territories, since you never answer the Gang Territories call after Los Desperados (the more call threads still have an active call the more likely a call sneaks in during the fraction of a second in between mission parts where ONMISSION=0).