Disgaea 3/Chapter 1
From SDA Knowledge Base
[hide]Tutorial 1
This stage can be cleared with starting equipment and a little luck on counters.
Buy Spear
- The enemies on the next stage have attack range 2, so a spear will counter them.
- De-equip everyone's weapons, sell them and spend a total of 750+ to increase customer rank.
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
- Pass Corner Res Group and put Mao in it. +25% xp
- Pass More Expensive Gear Bill. Better weapons.
- Fill classroom. Free classroom upgrade after next map and visitors that leave nice presents when scared off.
Strongest Entrance
R won't attack on her first turn, even if you damage her.
Buy Fist
- Scare off the visitors...
- Equip the ninja tabi and 2 dark rosary.
- Sell the belt, buy Knuckles.
- Heal