Bastion/Pike Vaults
From SDA Knowledge Base
Pike Vault is a Brusher's Pike Skill, currently only used in NG+ categories. Using it propels the Kid up into the air, stalls for a second, and then makes him fall back down, dealing damage around the spot he landed at.
This ability is not used for its damage part in speedruns - its only useful application is covering distance without falling, which is made possible by the fact that you can move in the air while using it. If you use it while rolling, that will let you gain much more distance, especially if you couple the roll with mouse movement. As a result parts of some levels can be skipped by Pike Vaulting over gaps that you wouldn't normally be able to cross. All these potential Pike Vaults are listed and explained on this page.
[hide]Wharf District
Vulajin's WD pike vault tutorial
- Keep in mind that the first pike vault shown in this video, the Distillery skip, is no longer used(we now equip Cham-pain in the Distillery, which saves more time).
Hanging Gardens
Vulajin's HG pike vaults tutorial
Sundown Path
[coming soon tm]
Cinderbrick Fort
Vulajin's CF pike vaults tutorial
Langston River
[coming soon tm]
Prosper Bluff
Vulajin's PB pike vaults tutorial
Colford Cauldron
Mount Zand
[coming soon tm]
Burstone Quarry
[coming soon tm]