Age of Mythology/IL any%
From SDA Knowledge Base
TwIsTeD_EnEmY did some pretty good runs of this game - however he used pause strats, effectively invalidating his run. I found mission 2 a particularly good watch.
These routes are based on his routes. Edit this if new routes are discovered.
Mission 1:
Each wave will occur on a timer after the previous wave is destroyed. Note that centaurs have an attack bonus of 3x vs myth units, and towers have an attack bonus of 5x vs ships.
All waves are kill-able from the outlying peninsula, unless specified below.
Wave 1: 1 ship Wave 2: 2 ship, 1 kraken (lurable in TwIsTeD_EnEmY's run) Wave 3: 1 ship, 1 kraken headed for shore (not killable from peninsula) Wave 4: 2 ships (1 headed for shore, not killable from peninsula) Wave 5: 3 ship, 1 kraken Wave 6: 4 armies (krakens and ships don't need to be killed, but killing the ships will kill the armies.) 3 armies head for bottom of cove, 1 army heads for top of cove. No army is killable from peninsula.
Somehow, in TwIsTeD_EnEmY's run of Mission 1, he seems to lure a kraken early - I haven't tried duplicating this.