Age of Mythology/IL any%

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TwIsTeD_EnEmY did some pretty good runs of this game - however he used pause strats, effectively invalidating his run. I found mission 2 a particularly good watch.

Mission 1:

Each wave will occur on a timer after the previous wave is destroyed. Note that centaurs have an attack bonus of 3x vs myth units, and towers have an attack bonus of 5x vs ships.

All waves are kill-able from the outlying peninsula, unless specified below.

Wave 1: 1 ship

Wave 2: 2 ship, 1 kraken (lurable in TwIsTeD_EnEmY's run)

Wave 3: 1 ship, 1 kraken headed for shore (not killable from peninsula)

Wave 4: 2 ships (1 headed for shore, not killable from peninsula)

Wave 5: 3 ship, 1 kraken

Wave 6: 4 armies (krakens and ships don't need to be killed, but killing the ships will kill the armies.) 3 armies head for bottom of cove, 1 army heads for top of cove. No army is killable from peninsula.

Somehow, in TwIsTeD_EnEmY's run of Mission 1, he seems to lure a kraken early - I haven't tried duplicating this.

Mission 2:

Build a Temple and House. Start building a dock, just enough to give it collision. Use 1 trireme to scout the enemy base, and the other 2 to surround your transport (with help from the dock). Load your scout into the transport, teleport it to the enemy base. Use it to lure the enemy units out of the base. Go to Classical age, and build a cyclops. Teleport your army to the enemy base. Teleport peasants to the enemy base, and build a wall out of houses with help from the lure god power to trap Kamos (you cannot build an actual wall too close to a settlement). no need to finish the houses, just give them collision.

This is what the surround should look like. It might work with only 1 trireme, but there is little reason to bother. There is also a shipwreck near the top of the map that gives you gold and lumber if discovered. File:AOMSurroundTeleport.png

I'm trying to upload, but it doesn't seem to be working -_-

Mission 3:

You can do the transport teleport glitch even if you don't have vision of the area you are teleporting. The following is not fully tested, but possibly the fastest strat is to send 1 unit down to the town centre to get the workers, send everyone else top with the transport to bypass the wall and take down the dock, use the workers building a dock along with the transports that spawn when you kill the enemy dock to trap your transport, and then use the teleportation glitch to teleport to the other dock.

You can also use the allied transport control glitch to control Agamemnon's transport at the very start. I tried to use this to trap my starting transport, but failed. Maybe it is possible?

Mission 4:

Rush underworld passage. Destroy the three mining camps to get enough gold, build an armory and shift click the goats. Age up to Apollo ASAP. When enough food is gathered, build a pegasus, and order your peasants to mine gold (required for the mission to end). Use the pegasus to get vision of the gate, use an underground passage, move your units into the underground passage to attack the gate, and use restoration to heal your units.

Mission 5:

Comments from current run: There is something amusing about running straight past the army attacking Ajax. This mission is a somewhat simple case of destroying the fortress, town centre, archery range, stable, temple and academy. You want to avoid losing a unit in the fight outside the base, and then use the cavalry to take out units and the hoplites to kill the town centre. Odysseus is sacrificed to get rid of some guards. As per last mission, you need to send arkantos to Ajax's town centre or you will not win the mission.

Mission 6:

Also pretty straightforward. Actually, nvm, underground passage strats probably faster.

Mission 7:

In some ways, I feel like these are turning into pretty much the run comments. But this one is pretty simple too.

Mission 8:

Same strategy as Mission 4, essentially. There is an area behind the fortresses that you can underworld passage to.

Mission 9:

Make sure you get the Nemean Lion and the Medusae. Also, the invisible gates aren't that invisible -_-. And for some reason the boulders have 1 gold in them.

Mission 10:

When are these missions going to get more interesting? The next one had better be a good one!

Mission 11:


Mission 12:

Mission 13

Mission 14

How exactly does Kemsyt respond to what Amanra says but then completely miss her immediately afterwards? Anyway, this is the one where you jump over things with Amanra.

Mission 15

Mission 16

You can pick up the relic through the statue.

Stack your units so that as many can attack the rocks as possible.

In the second half, use the teleport glitch. The manticores can attack the wonder from the lake above. Everything else can just attack from the shore. This is one of the scenarios where the mid-way objective has to be completed in order to finish the final objective.

Mission 17

Use the transport glitch, and then use Amanra to jump over the enemy walls. (use a leviathan as the transport and ghost ships from the ancestors god power to restrict pathing)

Mission ends when Amanra reaches the piece.

Mission 18

Mission 19

Rush, rush, rush.

Mission 20

Mission 21

Mission 22

Mission 23

Mission 24

It is possible to glitch a builder through the wall, if you surround a production building and use the spawn-glitchiness that sometimes happens (the units don't spawn on the other side of the wall, the units spawn partially inside the wall and walk straight through or something. It seems to help when the order they are given is attack rather than move, but that could just be me). Then you can build a tower on the other side and garrision units through. However, you get slightly stuck at the trees, and I'm not sure whether after skipping the first objective the final objective is even activated.

Mission 25

Mission 26

Mission 27

Mission 28

Mission 29

Mission 30

Mission 31

Mission 32

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