Strider (2014)/Additional Resources
From SDA Knowledge Base
Additional Resources
Area Maps
100% glitched route maps:
- Kazakh Outskirt - 1st passage
- Kazakh Outskirt - 2nd passage
- Kazakh City - 1st passage
- Kazakh City - 2nd passage
- Kazakh City - 3rd passage
- Industry - 1st passage
- Industry - 2nd passage
- Industry - 3rd passage
- Military Ring - 1st passage
- Military Ring - 2nd passage
- Military Ring - 1st passage and return
- Underground - 1st passage
- Underground - 2nd passage
- Military Headquarters - 1st passage
- Military Headquarters - 2nd passage
- Research Facility - 1st passage
- Research Facility - 2nd passag
- Balrog
- Tower
- End of list
Out of Bounds (OoB) Glitch
First Video OoB Glitch with instructions
Slide in Air Tutorial
Video of all SIA spots before Charge Strike
Official Discussion Thread
Link to SDA Forums: Please post discoveries there
Video Archive
Residential District Alarm Skip: shows practical use of the OoB Glitch
Another Switch Skip: only possible with the speed from a Charge Boost
Glitched Any% Run by Sainiku2
46:27 RTA