From SDA Knowledge Base
Yua is a free program that will encode your speedrun recordings for you to prepare them for submission. Yua is currently under active development and it will eventually replace our current encoding tool, Anri-chan. Yua is actively being developed and if you have any questions or feedback on it, please report it here.
Advantages over Anri-chan
- No installation is required
- Runs on Windows XP SP3 or higher, Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, and Linux
- Quality is either comparable or better than Anri-chan
[hide]Using Yua
Yua download links:
Extract the contents of the zip file and you can simply open Yua. No installation required.
Input type
Click File and select Open. Navigate to your recording. You will analyze the recording. This may take some time depending on the nature of your recording. Please be patient.
Your choices are progressive and interlaced Interlaced - If you recorded your game using a standard definition capture device, pick interlaced. Progressive - If you were recording using a high definition capture device, and your game console's resolution was set to 480p, 720p, or 1080p then pick progressive. If you are recording a PC game using screen recording software or you were using the Nintendo DS capture software, select progressive.
Field Dominance
This choice will only appear if your recording is interlaced. When you select Interlaced as video source, you'll notice the picture will change and you will see five images of your footage with the labels 1 pixel shift, alternate 1 pixel shift, de-flicker, alternate de-flicker, and no change. You will also be given a choice of picking field dominance and selecting top or bottom.
You will most likely not know which option to pick if this is your first time using Yua with your recording device. If you make the wrong choice, then your encoded video will display a rapid jerking effect. This effect is probably best described in numbers: a video normally plays its frames in order, like this: 1, 2, 3, 4. If you make the wrong choice at the Odd Dominant question, then your video will play its frames as follows: 2, 1, 4, 3. This is obviously unacceptable, and you will have to run Yua again, this time answering the other way. If you left click and hold it down on the slider, the video preview can give you an indication as to what selections are correct. However, once you know whether your recording device is odd dominant or not, you should be able to make the same choice with your recording device each time.
Aspect Ratio
Your choices are standard or widescreen. You pick whatever setting your console was using. For older consoles it's always standard. Newer consoles offer the choice between standard and widescreen. If your console's screen settings were widescreen, pick widescreen here.
Dimensions, framerate, and decimation
The right selections here depend on your game. We keep a list of dimensions and framerates for each game in the wiki here. If you don't see your game listed, the page also links to an SDA thread where you can ask.
Downmix to mono - If you are recording footage from the NES or Sega Master System, check this box. If not, leave it unhcecked
Shutdown when done - Shutdown refers to shutting down the computer when the encode is finished. This is optional
This is for the quality setting of your encoded run. For each quality box you checked, a separate video file will be made at that quality.
This is where you can put the StatID onto your video. If you move the playback slider to the very left, you can see how the StatID will look once the run is encoded. Line 1 is usually the runner's name or nickname. Lines 2 and/or 3 includes the name of the game, its category, and its time. If you are doing a segmented run, the segment number will be included here.
SDA Logo - If your run has been verified and accepted, check this box to add an SDA logo to the StatID
Audio commentary - If you plan on having audio commentary with your run, check this box. Please note that you will need to use Anr-chan at this time to add audio commentary to your run.
Output folder - This is where you decide where the finished files will be stored
Trimming and Encoding
Often your recorded footage has some unwanted content. To edit it out you can use the trim option. Drag the slider to where you'd like your final video to start. Click trim and select "Set Start Frame". Next drag the slider to where you want your video to end and select "Set End Frame".
Once you are happy with all of your settings click File and select Encode. You can watch the part of your video that's being processed in the preview window and the slider will be replaced with a progress bar.