Ys: The Oath in Felghana
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Ys: The Oath in Felghana (YsF for short) is a 3D re-imagining of Ys III: Wanderers from Ys, built on the engine used for The Ark of Napishtim.
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Skipping FMVs
On PC, the first tab of the configuration dialog for the PC version contains a "disable movie playback" checkbox, which can be used to automatically skip the three cutscenes in the game (opening, ending, credits).
On PSP, cutscenes can be skipped by pressing Start.
Skipping Text
Text can be fast-forwarded by holding the Cancel button. In the PC version, this is the same as the Jump button; in the PSP version, it is the circle button.
PSP Note: Holding the cancel button will also skip popup dialogs (for skill information as well as item acquisition).
Glitches and Tactics
Jump Slash
Slashing during the ascent of a jump allows Adol to gain a bit of additional height. This can be used to jump more efficiently in some areas, e.g.:
- Jumping two steps at a time on the way to the first Ruby (example)
- Performing the jumps on the platforms before Ligaty without needing to use Double Jump (example)
- Jumping back to the upper platform after obtaining the Topaz in the Valestein East Wing spiral, without needing to use the Ventus Bracelet (PC only)
PSP Note: While Jump Slashing still has benefits in some cases, its effects appear to be more limited. For example, the third bullet point above seems to be impossible without using the Ventus Bracelet on PSP.
Extended Jump Slash
This glitch enables significantly extending Adol's jump distance. To perform it:
- Hold the direction you want to move
- Jump, attacking twice on the way up
- Release movement controls
- Attack again; this should cause Adol to hop in mid-air
- Immediately resume moving in the desired direction
- Attack up to 3 more times (the 3rd is not generally recommended since it slows Adol down)
It's important to get the first two slashes off reasonably quickly - otherwise, if you're beyond the apex of Adol's jump, you will end up downthrusting instead of hopping once you stop moving in mid-air.
It's easy to screw up the third attack by forgetting to coordinate the controls so that you stop moving before hitting the attack button the third time. Don't rush it.
It's also worth noting that performing the extended jump slash specifically up through the 4th step above (the hop) is a significantly faster means of movement, as opposed to just running (even after getting the Dash ability).
Extended Double Jump Slash
It's possible to compound upon the Extended Jump Slash once Adol gains the Double Jump ability. Perform the technique as outlined above up through the 4th step, then perform a Double Jump, then immediately repeat the full process.
This enables crossing the large gaps in the 2nd part of the Elderm Mountains without using the Ventus Bracelet.
Wall Run
It is possible to run faster than usual by running against a wall on Adol's right side at a specific angle. This can also cause him to jump higher.
Using an analog stick rather than a d-pad for movement is highly recommended in order to be able to take advantage of this glitch.
Quicksave (PC / Very Easy Only)
The Very Easy difficulty exposes a Quicksave feature in specific rooms, accessed by hitting F12. However, it's not what one would ordinarily associate with a feature by that name; it saves/restores only Adol's position. Adol's health, enemy locations, the game timer, etc. are not affected; only Adol's position is reverted.
In addition, the flag indicating whether Adol's Double Jump has been used is unaffected as well. This means that you can Double Jump, Quicksave in mid-air, land, restore mid-air position, then jump again. This can be repeated to gain additional height, though each repeat will take longer as it takes additional time for Adol to land each time.
Quicksave is particularly useful in the following areas (remember, it's not enabled in all rooms):
- Valestein: saves a couple of seconds after obtaining the Topaz in the East Wing spiral (example)
- You can actually make the jump back to the upper platform using a well-timed double-jump-slash or the Ventus Bracelet as well
- Dungeon: allows obtaining the Battle Saber without going well out of the way, saving probably at least 30 seconds (example)
- Clock Tower: allows skipping some platforming and the need to activate certain torches (example)
- Dark Shrine: allows skipping some platforming in several rooms (example)
Disabling Vsync (PC Only)
Disabling vsync is known to have a couple of interesting effects:
- It allows you to immediately deal significant damage to Galbalan's hands during his second phase (example)
- However, it adversely affects the height of jumps; in particular, it causes Jump Slashes to no longer gain the height they normally would
Magic and Knockback
If Adol is hit while casting magic, any knockback it would have caused will be canceled. This is mostly noticeable with the Ventus and Terra Bracelets, as their attacks execute over a significant period of time (and Terra Bracelet attacks additionally nullify damage).
One example of where this is useful is the icy hallway with the swinging spiked ball and chains in Valestein Castle.
Charged Terra Bracelet
In addition to nullifying damage, the charged Terra Bracelet attack is capable of inflicting several hits in quick succession, particularly at the location that the attack ends. This is particularly useful against a couple of bosses, namely Z. Z. Schultiger, who can be locked against the right side of the room and abused repeatedly with this attack. For this reason, it's advisable to get at least one Topaz in the run.
Momentum on Ice
Ice can actually be used in your favor, as it builds momentum as you run on it (and builds even more momentum if you jump-slash on it).
PSP Note: Momentum on ice does not build as easily on the PSP version of the game, and use of mid-air Ventus Bracelet attacks will cause the built momentum to deteriorate, unlike the PC version.
Skips, Shortcuts, and Sequence Breaks
Firewyrm, Guilen, and Ventus Skips
It is possible to completely skip Guilen (the first Lava Zone boss) by using the Extended Jump Slash twice in the room east of the area outside the Drop-Off save point. This also makes obtaining the Firewyrm Amulet completely unnecessary.
Depending on how adventurous you are, you have two options after performing this skip:
- Return for the Ventus Bracelet later after obtaining the Wing Talisman - once you obtain the Ventus Bracelet, warp out
- Skip the Ventus Bracelet entirely, using the Extended Double Jump Slash in its stead to cross gaps in the Elderm Mountains
(The second option may prove inadvisable on higher difficulties, where it is impossible to quick-kill Death Faleon and thus lacking the Ventus Bracelet may further prolong the fight.)
PSP Note: If you return for the Ventus Bracelet later, Dularn will not show up to lecture you, and Guilen will not appear. (Regardless, you would likely want to warp out once you obtain it.)
Stone Shoes Skip
The Stone Shoes are not necessary in order to cross the icy room after the Within save point of the Elderm Mountains.
Momentum can be used to quickly cross the entire chasm by building up momentum moving straight to the right, then jumping off the decline at the right edge of the initial icy area. Use the Ventus Bracelet or Extended Double Jump Slash to reach the other side.
Example with Ventus Bracelet Example with Double Jump Slash
PSP Note: Crossing this chasm is trickier on the PSP version, and it may be necessary to land on one of the platforms in the middle of the room.
One point of warning: without the Stone Shoes, beware of Detohs (the slimes) in the Clock Tower.
Clock Tower Light Statue Grab (PC Only)
In the 4th room of the Clock Tower, it is possible to grab the Light Statue from underneath its platform, by hitting the attack/examine button when Adol's head hits the ceiling below it.
Unnecessary Items
It is not necessary to obtain Bob's Pendant and the Nightfire Gem. The only adverse effect of this is limited visibility in the Abandoned Mine and in the room before the West Wing save point in Valestein Castle. For that matter, the effects seem less noticeable on the PSP version.
The Silver Chimes are not needed in order to complete the game. Furthermore, they are not required in order to kill Levynades (the strongest non-boss monster in the game, potentially useful for last-minute grinding).
Dogi Position Reset
In the final section of the game, when leaving town, you can enter any house to immediately reset Dogi to your position. Generally it's useful to run full-speed to the inn and enter/exit it, rather than waiting for Dogi and making sure he doesn't get stuck.