Metroid Prime 2: Echoes/Speed Tricks
From SDA Knowledge Base
This page lists significant speed tricks that don't involve skipping items or collecting items early.
[hide]Temple Grounds
Industrial Site
If you are not using ILS and/or are doing 100%, you can traverse this room very quickly with a ghetto jump as you do not have space jump yet. Do not scan the post to move the crate yet; there is a slant between the bar to the right of the post, and the square crate to the right of the slant. Ghetto jump off of this to get on the square crate to the right, then jump on the big one that the scan post moves. Scan the post, watch the cutscene where the crate moves; Samus will be on that crate during the cutscene. At the end, you'll fall from the ceiling and in front of the door leading to Temple Assembly Site. This saves more in-game time as the cutscene does not count towards the in-game timer.
GFMC Compound
Also known as the 101% Trick, you can get the missile launcher in GFMC Compound twice. There is a cutscene trigger on the path to the right that you are normally supposed to trigger; you can't get around this via normal means. However, either with a difficult ghetto jump, or having space jump via ILS, you can bypass this trigger and get the missile launcher. Activating the cutscene trigger makes the missile launcher spawn again.
If you did ILS, simply space jump on the higher ledge and go get the missile launcher.
If you didn't use ILS, then you have to use a difficult ghetto jump. There is a black boot-shaped rocked against the wall in front. Stand to the right edge of it and ghetto jump by pressing forward and left against the boot to gain some height.
Note that the second missile launcher does add a percentage; however, the community definition of 100% is to collect all 100 distinct items. This means that for the official definition of 100%, you cannot collect the missile launcher twice and skip a different upgrade. The missile launcher can be collected in a 100% category if it helps speed up the run.
In any%, this trick is recommended for a very easy extra 10 missiles if violet translator is collected early.
Agon Wastes
Bioenergy Production
You can climb this room and skip the puzzle quickly after defeating the flying space pirates. The trick involves locking on to the scan post, but making the game think you aren't pressing L hard enough to actually scan the post. Then while locked on without scanning, go to the left of the three rising platforms, scan it, then jump to the higher ledge while the platform is rising.
An easy way to manipulate the controller calibration is the follows:
- Lock on the scan post with L suppressed all the way.
- Before it finishes scanning, pause the game.
- Unplug your controller. Suppress L until just before it clicks, then keep it held there.
- Plug your controller back it while suppressing L as mentioned above. Press L all the way after plugging it back in and keep it locked there.
- Unpause. Move Samus to the platform you want her to ride. Pause again.
- Unplug the controller, let go of everything, plug it back in, then hold L all the way before unpausing.
- You should now scan the post all the way. Skip the cutscene, then as the platform rises to the correct height, jump to the higher ledge.
If you fail this trick, you can still use a faster solution to solve the block puzzle. When at the scan terminals to move the blocks, lower the center platform once, and the left platform twice (instead of right once, center twice, left three times). On the left platform, there is a small lower ledge on the right side that you can jump to.
You can also use this trick to reach the energy tank quickly.
Torvus Bog
Great Bridge
You can skip going around the initial upper Torvus area and immediately go to Torvus Temple upon entering Torvus Bog.
In Great Bridge, lean against the wall below the light door. Do a BSJ to climb up on that ledge.
If you have a power bomb, you can take the morph ball tunnel behind it with a power bomb tank to reach the dark door to the temple.
If you don't have a power bomb, then you can reach the dark door with a scan dash. Stand on the scan terminal by the light door, look down and to the right of the higher dark door and you'll see a Sentinel Crystal. Lock on it and scan dash left. This method is actually faster than the power bomb method, even if you get the power bomb tank first.
Dark Forgotten Bridge
In the grated area, you can get into the open area without using the boost slot in the light version of this room. There is a rectangular grated alcove facing the light door. Do a 3BSJ along it to jump over the wall and get into the open area.
Sanctuary Fortress
Dynamo Works
This trick is also known as "Gyro Skip," which is used to skip stopping the outermost ring of the gyro in Main Gyro Chamber by opening the gate from the other side via a short wallcrawl.
With the map on Dynamo Works, go right by the door to Dynamo Access, barely enter it (keeping the map on Dynamo Works) and do a morph secret world. The moment you go through the floor, unmorph and hold back and left to land in the aether. Jump on the door to transition the game to Dynamo Access and walk past it. While in the aether in Main Gyro Chamber, quickly walk deeper until you're far enough so when the game loads Main Gyro Chamber, you're in the other side. Morph and find the invisible boost slot and activate it, then roll to the dark beam door to transition to Main Gyro Chamber.
This trick cannot be used in 100%, as you must stop both rings of the gyro.