Final Fight/Enemies

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Basic Thugs

Thugs are sorted by type since each basic thug has several types.

Bred / Dug / Jake / Simons

Ffight-arc bred fightmode.png Ffight-arc dug fightmode.png Ffight-arc jake fightmode.png Ffight-arc simons fightmode.png

Bred and Dug have no resistance to striking, Jake and Simons resist 20-30%.

These guys are the basic thugs, they will try to surround you then punch and kick. Not much special, but somebody's gotta be the filler.

J / Two P

Ffight-arc j stand.png Ffight-arc twop stand.png

Neither J nor Two P resist strikes. These guys don't do much other than jab, but they tend to wait till your back is turned to strike.

Bill Bull / G. Oriber / Wong Who

Ffight-arc billbull stand.png Ffight-arc g-oriber stand.png Ffight-arc wongwho.png

None of these guys resist strikes. The tubby trio like to charge at you with a headbutt, or to stand next to you for a headbutt or high kick.

Axl / Slash

Ffight-arc axl stand.png Ffight-arc slash stand.png

Axl resists about 70% damage, while Slash resists half. The only enemies who can block, and they will swing with an axe-handle chop or a side kick when they are in range.

Poison / Roxy OR Sid / Billy

Ffight-arc poison.png Ffight-arc roxy.png Ffight-snes sid stand.png Ffight-snes billy stand.png

Poison and Roxy are replaced by Sid and Billy in some ports.

No damage resistance from these, they tend to walk up and slap you or jump kick. They like doing acrobatics a lot. They are the only enemies who can escape a hit, which they do by backflipping away.

El Gado / Hollywood

Ffight-arc elgado stand.png Ffight-arc hollywood.png Ffight-arc hollywood-molotov stand-empty.png

Holly Wood does not resist strikes, but El Gado does by 30%. These guys like to gut punch you or slide kick. They will pull out a knife given the chance, which changes the gut punch to a stab and replaces the slide kick with a jumping downstab. They both stand up extremely quickly, which means turning their own knives against them can be extremely effective.

Andore / Andore Jr. / F. Andore / G. Andore / U. Andore

Ffight-arc andore stand.png Ffight-arc andorejr stand.png Ffight-arc f-andore stand.png Ffight-arc g-andore stand.png Ffight-arc u-andore stand.png

The Andore family all resist strikes by 50-60%. They can punch, chest bump you, or grab you for a piledriver.


Damn'd OR Thrasher

Ffight-arc damnd stand.png

Damn'd is renamed to Thrasher in some ports.

300 HP, 20% strike resistance.

This guy will either gut punch you or jump kick. At every increment of 100 HP life, he'll summon some thugs to help him.

Sodom OR Katana

Ffight-arc sodom stand-both.png

Sodom is renamed to Katana in some ports.

300 HP, 90% strike resistance

His armor heavily reduces strike damage. He'll either swing his swords at you or go for a gut punch, but after being knocked down he likes to charge at you.


Ffight-arc edie stand.png

300 HP, no strike resistance

Edi.E will start the fight by swinging at you with a club, or grabbing you and hitting you in the face with it. At low HP, he backs up and starts firing his pistol.


Ffight-arc rolento stand.png

300 HP, no strike resistance

Can do some acrobatic kicks, poke you with his tonfa, or toss you across his shoulder. Also likes to throw granades [sic]. At low health, he starts moving extremely rapidly, gaining a ton of invulnerability frames, and throwing lots more granades.


Ffight-arc abigail stand.png

500 HP, 40% strike resistance

Abigail is totally not a retooled Andore sprite. He likes to throw you around, which he does with a huge amount of priority. He can also power up a charge punch that you really don't want to get hit by.


Ffight-arc belger stand.png

300 (600) HP, 40% strike resistance.

The head honcho. Starts the fight holding Jessica as a hostage, you can either punch her for 300 hp or grab him to release her, at which point his HP is set to 300. Jumps away and rapid-fires crossbow bolts. When you hit him, he'll rain bolts by firing them upwards; caution is needed.

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