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#                               Credits
# nathan jahnke <>
# Ian Bennett
# Philip "ballofsnow" Cornell
# Brett "Psonar" Ables
# Anri is distributed under the terms of the Gnu General Public License 3.0:

#                               Initialization
# Some obvious stuff in here. Desktop location is set using the win32api
# module under Windows.

use warnings;
use strict 'subs';
package anri;

#version of this software, used in building the path to the executable, so must match the value from the installer
$version = '4a1';

#name of this file
$anripl = '';

#cute prompt for user input
$prompt = 'ANRI> ';

#what os are we running? unix is default since there are so many possible flavors
$os = 'unix';
$os = 'windows' if "$^O" eq "MSWin32";

if ($os eq 'windows') {
	#the below api calls probably require the win32api module(?) to be installed which will have to be included in the anri installer ...
	#get the name of the work directory. this is the desktop by default under windows
	$desktop = Win32::GetFolderPath(CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY);
	#get the path to program files so we can build the anri program directory
	$programfiles = Win32::GetFolderPath(CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES);
	#anri program directory
	$anri_dir = "${programfiles}/anri_${version}";
	#name of the directory containing dgindex.exe under anri's program directory and of the executable itself
	$dgmpgdec_dir = "${anri_dir}/dgmpgdec152";
	$dgmpgdec = 'dgmpgdec.exe';
	#name of the directory containing virtualdub.exe under anri's program directory and of the executables both gui and cli
	$vdub_dir = "${anri_dir}/VirtualDub-1.8.5";
	$vdubgui = 'virtualdub.exe';
	$vdubcli = 'vdub.exe';
	#our encoders
	$x264 = 'x264.exe';
	$naac = 'neroaacenc.exe';
	$mp4box = 'mp4box.exe';
	#some anri support files
	$directshowsourcelistfile = 'directshowsource_list.txt';

	#set some keys in the registry to make vdub show only the input video pane (having both the input and output panes open as is default tends to confuse users)
	&update_registry_key("CUser/Software/Freeware/VirtualDub/Persistence/Update input pane", "0x0001", "REG_DWORD");
	&update_registry_key("CUser/Software/Freeware/VirtualDub/Persistence/Update output pane", "0x0000", "REG_DWORD");

	#os-specific commands
	$clear = "CLS";
	#or, for debugging ...
	$clear = "";
	#                              Color Initialization
	# Edit by: Psonar  -  Brett Ables
	# Below is the code necessary to use the CECHO.exe function
	# to add color to anrichan. Run CECHO.exe /? for usage help.
	# CECHO.exe was written by Thomas Polaert.
	# The environment variable CECHO is set to the absolute path
	# of the CECHO.exe program so that %CECHO% may be used 
	# to call the function regardless of the working directory
	# RESET_COLOR is used to reset the default color scheme 
	# after CECHO has been used to output different colors.
	# Color is a DOS function that affects the whole command 
	# window at once.  It is used only once here to initialize the
	# background color of the window. 80 is the same as {black on gray}.
	# CECHO is used in out_cls, out_info, out_error, and out_section.
	$cecho = "${anri_dir}/cecho.exe";
	$black_on_gray = '{black on gray}';
	$gray_on_black = '{gray on black}';
	$blue_on_black = '{blue on black}';
	$white_on_black = '{white on black}';
	$aqua_on_black = '{aqua on black}';
	$blue_on_black = '{blue on black}';
	$teal_on_gray = '{teal on gray}';
	$navy_on_gray = '{navy on gray}';
	$maroon_on_gray = '{maroon on gray}';
	$maroon_on_silver = '{maroon on silver}';
	$white_on_gray = '{white on gray}';
	$red_on_gray = '{red on gray}';
	$reset_color = "\"${cecho}\" ${black_on_gray}";
	system("Color 80");
} else {
	#color initialization
	#os-specific commands
	$clear = "clear";



#main menu

#TODO: using_settings

#                               Main menu
# Anri's home.

&out_info("ON HERMESUS LUC ARSUS ESTARIAS AUC ELTRAS LI CELES! Now, let's get to work!");
@mainmenu = (
['Rip DVD to hard drive (required for DVD material)', 	'&rip_dvd'],
['Start new project', 					'&project'],
['Extract sample', 					'&proc_sample'],
['Station ID preview', 					'&statid_sample'],
['Exit', 						'exit 0;'],
while (<STDIN>) {
	if (m/^([1-5])$/) {
		#execute the contents of this value in the array
	print "Invalid input.\n\n";

#                         Sample extraction procedure
# Sample extraction is basically regular mode minus a bunch of questions.
# This procedure gets called when a parameter "sample" has been sent to
# anri.bat. There isn't much documentation about how this works since this
# was meant to be short. One thing that's different is that the sample video
# will have separated fields. This is to avoid the problem with interlacing
# and the Yv12 colorspace. The fields are then weaved back together to
# determine DFnD.

sub proc_sample {
#	&out_cls;
	#FIXME no_pause_before_indexing?
	$projname = 'sample';
	&out_cls_section("Sample Extraction");
	&echo('DVD/MPEG source [y,n]');
	print $prompt;
	while (<STDIN>) {
		if (m/^[yn]$/) {
			#y becomes 1 (true), n becomes 0 (false)
			$_ ? &index_dvd : &q_avi;
		print "Invalid input.\n\n";
		print $prompt;
	&out_info("This sample will be 300 frames long. Pick the starting frame of a scene with");
	&out_info("Press ENTER to continue ...");
	if ($os eq 'windows') {
		system("START \"trimming vdub\" \"${vdub_dir}/${vdubgui}\" ${projname}_trimtemp.avs");
	} else {
		#how are we going to do this in unix? your guess is as good as mine
	print $prompt;
	while (<STDIN>) {
		if (m/^[0-9]+$/) {
			$startframe = $_;
		print "Invalid input.\n\n";
		print $prompt;
# 	@todel = (
# 		"${projname}*.avs",
# 		"${projname}.bak",
# 		"${projname}*.d2v",
# 		"${projname}VTS*",
# 		"log*.txt",
# 	);
	&echo("\n\n${white_on_gray}Finished. You will find a sample.mp4 file on your desktop. Feel free to rename it something more descriptive like nameofgame_sample.mp4.");
	&echo("\n${red_on_gray} - READ -${white_on_gray} You will see that the video has been resized vertically.");
	&echo("${red_on_gray}THIS IS NORMAL${white_on_gray} and will make it easier for the techies to help you.");
	exit 0;

#                               File Handling
# Handle files in project directory.

sub make_projdir {
	mkdir($projname);# if !-e $projname;

sub wipe_avs {
	&rm("*.avs") if -e "${projname}.avs";

#load_plugins makes a file plugins.avs in the project directory that contains the proper loadplugin() or import() declarations for every plugin (defined as a file ending in .dll or .avs) found under $anri_dir/plugins.
sub load_plugins {
	&rm("plugins.avs") if -e "plugins.avs";

	opendir(PLUGINS, "${anri_dir}/plugins");
	@plugins = readdir(PLUGINS);
	for (@plugins) {
		if (m/.*\.([dll]+)$/i) {
		} elsif (m/.*\.([avs]+)$/i) {

#                               Windows
# These subroutines make use of the win32api module.

#fullpathtokey, data, type
sub update_registry_key {
	use Win32::TieRegistry(Delimiter=>"/",ArrayValues=>0);
	$Registry->{$_[0]} = [ $_[1], $_[2] ];

#                               System
# These subroutines send OS-dependent shell commands.

#string, > or >>, filepath
#not much here yet but may need to modify in the future
sub echotofile {
	open(OUTFILE, "${_[1]}${_[2]}");
	print OUTFILE $_[0];

#/D means change even if cwd is on a different drive letter
# sub cd {
# 	$flags = '';
# 	$flags = ' /D' if $os eq 'windows';
# 	#for debugging
# 	$command = "cd${flags} \"${_[0]}\"";
# 	print "$command\n";
# 	system($command);
# }

#path, newpath (both can be relative)
#/Y means overwrite (i.e. automatically say Yes to the overwrite question)
#/B means force binary copy (do not attempt to translate line endings)
#-R means recursive (copy directories and the files in them as well as just files)
sub cp {
	if ($os eq 'windows') {
		for (@_) {
			#COPY gives me errors unless the path delimiter is \ under doze
			s,/,\\,g if m,/,;
	$command = 'cp';
	$command = 'COPY' if $os eq 'windows';
	$flags = ' -R';
	$flags = ' /Y /B' if $os eq 'windows';
	$redirect = '';
	$redirect = ' > NUL' if $os eq 'windows';
	$command = "${command}${flags} \"${_[0]}\" \"${_[1]}\"${redirect}";
	#for debugging
#	print $command."\n";

#-r means recursive (delete directories and the files in them as well as just files)
#-f means force (don't ask for confirmation, just do it - may be necessary on some red hat linux installs)
#/Q means don't ask for confirmation
#/S means recursive (delete directories and the files in them as well as just files)
sub rm {
	if ($os eq 'windows') {
		for (@_) {
			#COPY gives me errors unless the path delimiter is \ under doze
			s,/,\\,g if m,/,;

	$command = 'rm';
	$command = 'DEL' if $os eq 'windows';
	$flags = ' -rf';
	$flags = ' /Q /F' if $os eq 'windows';
	for (@_) {
		#is this a directory?
		if (-d "$_") {
			$command = 'RD' if $os eq 'windows';
			$flags = ' /Q /S' if $os eq 'windows';
		system("${command}${flags} \"${_}\"");

#lol it says subtitle - set the console's title
sub title {
	if ($os eq 'windows') {
		system('TITLE '.$_[0]);
	} else {
		system('declare -x PROMPT_COMMAND=\'printf "\e]0;'.$_[0].'\a"\'');

#                               Input
# These subroutines get data from the user.

# function: q_avi
# Ask the user if he wants to do manual input of file paths, or automatically
# by loading the files in a specified directory alphabetically.
sub q_avi {
	$maxaudiobitrate = 320000;
	&out_cls_section("AVI SOURCE");
	&out_info("Enter the path to each avi file [i]ndividually or [a]utomatically. Note that if you choose automatic, Anri will load the files in an alphabetical manner. The files must have the same resolution and framerate to be joined together.");
	print $prompt;
	while (<STDIN>) {
		if (m/^([ia])$/) {
			#i becomes 1 (true), a becomes 0 (false)
			$_ ? &q_avi_i : &q_avi_a;
		print "Invalid input.\n\n";
		print $prompt;

	#IF "%auto%"=="y" GOTO avimethod_skip
	#AVI files loaded, generate avs source lines.
	$alignedsplice = '';
	for $avifile (@avifiles) {
		if ($os eq 'windows') {
			@fourccstuff = qx("${anri_dir}/cfourcc.exe" "${avifile}");
			$fourcc = join('',@fourccstuff);
			#"${anri_dir}/cfourcc.exe" "%avifolder%%%~G" >> running_log.txt
			$fourcc =~ s/.*Use : (....).*/$1/s;
			open(DSHOW, "${anri_dir}/${directshowsourcelistfile}");
			for (@directshowsourcelist) {
				$use_dshow{lc($_)} = 1;
			$sourcedecverb = 'avisource';
			$sourcedecverb = 'directshowsource' if $use_dshow{lc($fourcc)};
			$alignedsplice = "++\\\n";
		} else {
			#unix avi source declaration stuff goes here?
	#newline needed

# function: q_avi_i
# Manually add each file path to @avifiles. Do some validation; no 
# resolution check yet.
sub q_avi_i {
	&out_info('Path to source video file e.g. c:\path to\video.avi without quotes.');
	&out_info("  - Type n to quit -");
	print $prompt;
	while (<STDIN>) {
		#error codes' precedence is descending, e.g. empty string is first because it is the most serious error
		if ($_ eq '') {
			$errormsg="You must enter a path, or type n to quit.";
		} elsif (m/^n$/i) {
			if (@avifiles < 1) {
				$errormsg="You must load at least one avi file.";
			} else {
		} elsif (!m/.*\.av[si]$/i) {
			$errormsg="Must be an avi file, try again.";
		} elsif (! -e $_) {
			$errormsg="File does not exist, try again.";
		} else {
			&out_info('avi #'.@avifiles.' loaded successfully!');
			print $prompt;
		print $prompt;

# function: q_avi_a
# Automatic file loading. User just has to specify a directory and it will
# load the files alphabetically.
sub q_avi_a {
	#saved this string in a variable for use later on down
	$enterhelp = 'Enter the path to the avi folder e.g. c:\my video folder\ without quotes.';
	print $prompt;
	#Validate avifolder. Check for blank, then :\ for full path if windows, then see whether it exists.
	while (<STDIN>) {
		@avifiles = ();
		if (m/^$/) {
			$errormsg="You must enter a path.";
		} elsif (m/^.[^:][^\\].*/) {
			$errormsg="Must be full path.";
		} elsif (! -e $_) {
			$errormsg="Folder does not exist.";
		} else {
			$avifolder = $_;
			#remove any and all / or \ characters from the end of the path
			$avifolder =~ s/[\/]*$//;
			#build list
			for (<$avifolder/*.avi>) {
				print $_."\n";
			#user can accept if files were found
			if (@avifiles == 0) {
				$errormsg = 'No avi files found in that folder!';
			} else {
				#Ask user if the list is good.
				&echo('Continue [y] or rescan [n]?');
				print $prompt;
				while (<STDIN>) {
					last if (m/^[yn]$/);
					print "Invalid input.\n\n";
					print $prompt;
				#do we need to do this whole thing again?
				last if $_ eq 'y';
				$errormsg = $enterhelp;
		print $prompt;

#                               Output
# These subroutines send data to the console.

sub echo {
	$_[0] = '' if not defined $_[0];
	if ($os eq 'windows') {
		system("\"${cecho}\" ".$_[0].'{\n}');
	} else {
		print $_[0]."\n";

sub out_cls {
	&echo("${gray_on_black}                                                                               ");
	&echo("${white_on_black}                        Speed Demos Archive Anri ${version}");
	&echo("${aqua_on_black}           ");

sub out_info {
	$_[0] = '' if not defined $_[0];

sub out_error {
	$_[0] = '' if not defined $_[0];
	&echo("${maroon_on_gray}[!] ${maroon_on_silver}".$_[0]);

sub out_section {
	$_[0] = '' if not defined $_[0];
	&title("Anri-chan ${version} - ".$_[0]);

sub out_cls_section {

sub out_cls_info {

#print the numbered english half of a 2d array consisting of english,command pairs and show the anri prompt at the end
sub out_menu {
	for ($i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) {
		print " ".($i+1).". ".$_[$i][0]."\n";
	print "\n${prompt}";

#                               Encoding
# Encode video in OS-specific ways.

#input filename, output basename, output audio bitrate in baud, x264 minimum quantizer, delete tempfiles boolean
sub onepass {
	system("\"${anri_dir}/${x264}\" --qp ${_[3]} --ref 8 --mixed-refs --no-fast-pskip --bframes 5 --b-rdo --bime --weightb --nf --direct auto --subme 7 --analyse p8x8,b8x8,i4x4,p4x4 --threads auto --thread-input --progress --no-psnr --no-ssim --output \"${_[1]}_video.mp4\" \"${_[0]}\"");
	system("\"${vdub_dir}/${vdubcli}\" \"${_[0]}\" /i \"${anri_dir}/audioout.vcf\" \"${_[1]}_temp.wav\"");
	system("\"${anri_dir}/${naac}\" -br ${_[2]} -lc -if \"${_[1]}_temp.wav\" -of \"${_[1]}_audio.mp4\"");
	system("\"${anri_dir}/${mp4box}\" -tmp . -new -add \"${_[1]}_video.mp4\" -add \"${_[1]}_audio.mp4\" \"${_[1]}.mp4\"");
	if (${_[4]}) {
		@todel = (