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Revision as of 10:51, 18 July 2007 by B'man (Talk | contribs)

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@ECHO OFF REM metroid 2002 speed demos archive anri-chan beta 6 REM REM REM nathan jahnke <> REM Ian Bennett REM Philip "ballofsnow" Cornell REM INITIALISATION (SET in_anrichan=y) (SET anri_dir=%~dp0) (SET anri_path=%~dp0anri.bat) (SET curdir=%HOMEPATH%\Desktop) REM SETTINGS (SET vars_to_use=temp_files this_anriver done d f vhs onepixel nes twod statid statid1 statid2 statid3 driveletter chapternumber projname gba gameboy odd dvdsource vbo prog trim trim1 trim2 create_hq create_mq create_lq create_iq create_xm create_xl using_settings check_now avipath deflicker twodtemp) (SET anri_ver=b7) REM MAIN PROCEDURE :proc_main CALL :out_cls IF "%main_anri_updated%"=="y" GOTO die IF "%using_settings%"=="y" GOTO proc_check_settings CALL :resetvars CALL "%anri_dir%settings.bat" CALL :out_cls CALL :out_info ON HERMESUS LUC ARSUS ESTARIAS AUC ELTRAS LI CELES! Now, let's get to work! CALL :out_section PROJECT SETUP CALL :q_projname CALL :make_projdir CALL :find_existing_settings IF "%using_settings%"=="y" GOTO proc_check_settings CALL :out_cls_section MOVIE SOURCE IF NOT "%_dvdsource%"=="y" CALL :q_dvdsource IF "%dvdsource%"=="y" ( IF NOT "%_driveletter%"=="y" CALL :q_driveletter IF NOT "%_vbo%"=="y" CALL :q_vbo IF NOT "%vbo%"=="y" IF NOT "%_chapternumber%"=="y" CALL :q_chapternumber IF NOT "%_mpa%"=="y" CALL :q_mpa IF "%mpa%"=="n" CALL :index_dvd IF EXIST *.wav GOTO doneindexing CALL :wipe_projdir CALL :make_projdir IF "%mpa%"=="y" CALL :index_dvd_mpa ) ELSE CALL :q_avipath :doneindexing CALL :out_cls_section GAME PROPERTIES IF NOT "%_dfnd%"=="y" CALL :q_dfnd IF NOT "%d%"=="1" IF NOT "%d%"=="4" CALL :q_d IF NOT "%f%"=="1" IF NOT "%f%"=="2" IF NOT "%f%"=="3" CALL :q_f IF NOT "%f%"=="1" SET twod=n IF NOT "%twod%"=="y" IF NOT "%twod%"=="n" CALL :q_2d IF NOT "%dfnd_set%"=="y" CALL :q_submit_dfnd CALL :out_cls_section VIDEO PROPERTIES IF NOT "%_prog%"=="y" CALL :q_prog IF "%prog%"=="y" GOTO contprop IF NOT "%_vhs%"=="y" CALL :q_vhs IF "%d%"=="1" GOTO contprop IF NOT "%_odd%"=="y" CALL :q_odd IF NOT "%_onepixel%"=="y" CALL :q_onepixel IF NOT "%_nes%"=="y" CALL :q_nes IF "%nes%"=="y" GOTO contprop IF NOT "%_gba%"=="y" CALL :q_gba IF "%gba%"=="y" GOTO contprop IF NOT "%_gameboy%"=="y" CALL :q_gameboy IF "%gameboy%"=="y" GOTO contprop IF NOT "%_deflicker%"=="y" CALL :q_deflicker :contprop CALL :out_cls_section CONTENT PROPERTIES IF NOT "%_trim%"=="y" CALL :q_trim IF "%trim%"=="y" CALL :q_trim_1 IF "%trim%"=="y" CALL :q_trimtwo IF NOT "%_statid%"=="y" CALL :q_statid IF "%statid%"=="y" CALL :q_statid_lines :proc_check_settings CALL :check_settings IF "%settings_good%"=="y" ( CALL :savesettings CALL :out_cls_section READY TO ENCODE CALL :out_info Your settings for this project have been saved to "%projname%_job.bat". To resume the project, double-click that file. IF NOT "%_encodenow%"=="y" CALL :q_encodenow GOTO :start_encode_test ) ELSE ( CALL :wipe_projdir CALL :resetvars SET using_settings= GOTO proc_main ) :proc_encode CALL :script_buildfiles CALL :out_cls_section ENCODING OPTIONS CALL :select_qualities REM IF "%not_encoding%"=="y" GOTO proc_close REM see below comment for more about this REM CALL :out_cls_info Now encoding. CALL :encode_movies :proc_close ECHO All dun. GOTO die REM QUESTIONS ABOUT MOVIE SOURCE :q_dfnd CALL :out_info The next few questions are about the game played in this video. SDA has a database of games we have seen in the past, which can answer some or all of the questions for you. SET s= SET /P s=Do you want to use Anri-chan's games database [Y] or enter the data yourself [N]? [y,n] CALL :set_var_bool dfnd q_dfnd IF "%dfnd%"=="y" CALL :dfnd GOTO :EOF :q_dvdsource CALL :out_info Tip: If you already have your DVD source files on your hard drive, move them into C:\VIDEO_TS\, select Yes here and select C as your drive letter. SET s= SET /P s=DVD source [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool dvdsource q_dvdsource GOTO :EOF :q_driveletter SET s= SET /P s=DVD Drive Letter: CALL :set_var_letter driveletter q_driveletter GOTO :EOF :q_vbo SET s= SET /P s=DVD-RAM .VRO source? Answer n if you don't know [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool vbo q_vbo GOTO :EOF :q_chapternumber SET s= SET /P s=DVD Chapter Number: CALL :set_var_number chapternumber q_chapternumber 9 GOTO :EOF :q_mpa SET s= SET /P s=MPA Audio? Answer n if you don't know [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool mpa q_mpa GOTO :EOF :q_projname SET s= SET /P s=Project name (no spaces allowed; if you enter the same name as an existing project then all of its files will be overwritten): CALL :set_var_nospace projname q_projname GOTO :EOF :q_avipath SET s= SET /P s=Path to source video file e.g. c:\path to\video.avi without quotes: CALL :set_var_notnull avipath q_avipath GOTO :EOF :q_d CALL :out_info "D" and "F" are letters used at SDA to refer to the video dimensions and framerate. D1 is full resolution and D4 is half resolution. F1 is full framerate, F2 is half framerate and F3 is 1/3 framerate. CALL :out_info Find D and F for your game at this URL: CALL :out_info CALL :out_info If you don't see your game listed there, you can use the Extract Sample utility to make a sample video to post in the SDA Tech Support Forum. Someone there will look at the video and let you know what D and F are. :q_d_p2 SET s= SET /P s=D [1,4]: CALL :set_var_in d q_d_p2 14 GOTO :EOF :q_prog SET s= SET /P s=Progressive scan source? Answer n if you don't know [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool prog q_prog GOTO :EOF :q_vhs SET s= SET /P s=Originally VHS [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool vhs q_vhs GOTO :EOF :q_odd SET s= SET /P s=Odd dominant ... answer n if you don't know [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool odd q_odd GOTO :EOF :q_onepixel SET s= SET /P s=1 pixel bob ... answer y if it's jumping up and down [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool onepixel q_onepixel GOTO :EOF :q_nes SET s= SET /P s=NES [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool nes q_nes GOTO :EOF :q_gba SET s= SET /P s=Game Boy Advance [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool gba q_gba GOTO :EOF :q_gameboy SET s= SET /P s=Game Boy [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool gameboy q_gameboy GOTO :EOF :q_deflicker SET s= SET /P s=Deflickered (rereleased old game e.g. Mega Man AC, Sonic Mega Collection, Wii Virtual Console) [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool deflicker q_deflicker GOTO :EOF :q_f SET s= SET /P s=F [1,2,3]: CALL :set_var_number f q_f 3 GOTO :EOF :q_2d SET s= SET /P s=2D game [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool twod q_2d GOTO :EOF :q_trim CALL :out_info Trimming lets you remove the start and end of the existing movie so you only keep the run itself. :q_trim_p2 SET s= SET /P s=Do you want to trim off unwanted content in this video? [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool trim q_trim_p2 GOTO :EOF :q_trim_1 CALL :out_info VirtualDub will now open with a low quality temporary version of the source video. Use the slider at the bottom of the VirtualDub window to locate the first and last frame numbers of the part of the video you WANT TO KEEP, then input them here. When you are done, you can close the VirtualDub window. PAUSE CALL :sball START "trimming vdub" "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\virtualdub-1.7.1\virtualdub.exe" "%projname%_trimtemp.avs" :q_trimone SET s= SET /P s=First frame to keep: CALL :set_var_number trim1 q_trimone GOTO :EOF :q_trimtwo SET s= SET /P s=Last frame to keep: CALL :set_var_number trim2 q_trimtwo GOTO :EOF :q_statid CALL :out_info Set the info shown on the Station ID (the clip at the start of an SDA movie). Run the Station ID Preview program for a preview. :q_statid_p2 SET s= SET /P s=Do you want to append an SDA Station ID to the front and end of this video? [y,n]: CALL :set_var_bool statid q_statid_p2 GOTO :EOF :q_statid_lines CALL :out_info Line 1 is normally the runner's name. Line 2 (and Line 3 if necessary) normally include the game name, the type of run and the time to completion. SET /P statid1=Station ID Line 1: SET /P statid2=Station ID Line 2: SET /P statid3=Station ID Line 3: GOTO :EOF :q_encodenow SET s= SET /P s="Do you want to start encoding now [Y] or save the job for a later date [N]? " CALL :set_var_bool start_encode q_encodenow GOTO :EOF :q_update_anri SET s= SET /P s="Do you want to update Anri-chan's games database now? [y,n] " CALL :set_var_bool check_now q_update_anri GOTO :EOF :q_submit_dfnd CALL :out_info You didn't use the anri-chan DFnD database. Does that mean that it didn't have your game? CALL :out_info If so, we'd love it if you posted the "D", "F" and "2D Game" info you just entered here, into our DFnD updates topic on SDA, so we can add it to the next version of the database. You don't need to register to do so and it only takes a few seconds. SET s= SET /P s="Submit this game's DFnD data to SDA? [y,n] " CALL :set_var_bool submit_dfnd q_submit_dfnd IF "%submit_dfnd%"=="n" GOTO :EOF START;action=post;num=1180412303;title=Post+reply;start= CALL :out_info Thanks! PAUSE GOTO :EOF REM DFND SECTION :dfnd CALL :q_update_anri IF "%check_now%"=="y" ( DEL dfnd_data_temp.bat "%anri_dir%wget.exe" DEL dfnd_titles_temp.bat "%anri_dir%wget.exe" IF EXIST "dfnd_data_temp.bat" MOVE /Y "dfnd_data_temp.bat" "%anri_dir%dfnd_data.bat" IF EXIST "dfnd_titles_temp.bat" MOVE /Y "dfnd_titles_temp.bat" "%anri_dir%dfnd_titles.bat" CALL :out_info Anri-chan updated. ) SET nodb=n IF NOT EXIST "%anri_dir%dfnd_titles.bat" SET nodb=y IF NOT EXIST "%anri_dir%dfnd_data.bat" SET nodb=y IF "%nodb%"=="y" ( call :out_error The DFnD database was not found in anri-chan's data directory. GOTO :EOF ) CALL :out_info Ignore "The" in a game's title when answering this question: in the case of games from the "The Legend of Zelda" series, enter Z. For .hack games, enter D. :dfnd_letter SET s= SET /P s="Enter the first letter of the game's title: " CALL :set_var_letter dfnd_letter dfnd_letter :dfnd_list CALL "%anri_dir%dfnd_titles.bat" | MORE PAUSE ECHO. :dfnd_code CALL :out_info If your game was not shown, enter L to select another letter or X to enter details manually. Enter R to repeat the list of games. SET s= SET /P s="Enter the game's code (shown at the left, not including the colon): " IF /I "%s%"=="l" GOTO dfnd_letter IF /I "%s%"=="x" GOTO :EOF IF /I "%s%"=="r" GOTO dfnd_list CALL "%anri_dir%dfnd_data.bat" IF NOT "%dfnd_set%"=="y" ( CALL :out_error A game with code %s% was not found. GOTO :dfnd_code ) CALL :out_info Set data successfully. PAUSE GOTO :EOF REM SUBROUTINES TO VALIDATE/SET VARIABLES :set_var_bool IF "%s%"=="y" ( SET %1=y GOTO :EOF ) IF "%s%"=="n" ( SET %1=n GOTO :EOF ) CALL :out_error Invalid value. Please enter Y (Yes) or N (No). GOTO :%2 :set_var_letter ECHO %s%|findStr /i "^[a-z]$">nul IF %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( SET %1=%s% GOTO :EOF ) ELSE ( CALL :out_error Invalid value. Please enter a single letter. GOTO :%2 ) :set_var_number ECHO %s%|findStr "[^0-9]">nul IF %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( CALL :out_error Invalid value. Please enter a number. GOTO :%2 ) IF "%3"=="" GOTO :napproved IF %s% GTR %3% ( CALL :out_error Invalid value. The maximum value is %3. GOTO :%2 ) :napproved SET %1=%s% GOTO :EOF :set_var_nospace ECHO %s%|findStr /c:" ">nul IF %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( CALL :out_error Invalid value. You cannot have a space. GOTO :%2 ) ELSE ( SET %1=%s% GOTO :EOF ) :set_var_notnull IF "%s"=="" ( CALL :out_error Invalid value. You must enter a value. GOTO :%2 ) ELSE ( SET %1=%s% GOTO :EOF ) :set_var_in ECHO %s%|findStr "^[%3]$">nul IF %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( SET %1=%s% GOTO :EOF ) ELSE ( CALL :out_error Invalid value. Please enter one of the suggested values only. GOTO :%2 ) REM FILE HANDLING :make_projdir CD "%curdir%" IF NOT EXIST "%projname%" MD "%projname%" CD "%projname%" SET in_projdir=y GOTO :EOF :wipe_projdir IF NOT "%in_projdir%"=="y" CALL :make_projdir IF EXIST "%projname%.avs" DEL *.avs *.d2v *.wav IF EXIST "%projname%_job.bat" DEL %projname%_job.bat GOTO :EOF :wipe_avs IF EXIST "%projname%.avs" DEL *.avs COPY /B "%projname%.bak" "%projname%.avs" 1> NUL GOTO :EOF :index_dvd CALL :out_info anri-chan will now open DGMPGDec to index your DVD movie files. Once it is finished, anri-chan will continue. PAUSE IF "%vbo%"=="y" ( "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\dgmpgdec149\dgindex.exe" -AIF=[%driveletter%:\DVD_RTAV\VR_MOVIE.VRO] -OM=3 -OF=[%projname%] -AT=[%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\dgmpgdec149\template.avs] -exit ) ELSE ( "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\dgmpgdec149\dgindex.exe" -AIF=[%driveletter%:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_0%chapternumber%_1.VOB] -OM=3 -OF=[%projname%] -AT=[%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\dgmpgdec149\template.avs] -exit ) MOVE /Y "%projname%.avs" "%projname%.bak" GOTO :EOF :index_dvd_mpa IF "%vbo%"=="y" ( "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\dgmpgdec149\dgindex.exe" -AIF=[%driveletter%:\DVD_RTAV\VR_MOVIE.VRO] -OM=2 -OF=[%projname%] -AT=[%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\dgmpgdec149\template_mpa.avs] -exit ) ELSE ( "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\dgmpgdec149\dgindex.exe" -AIF=[%driveletter%:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_0%chapternumber%_1.VOB] -OM=2 -OF=[%projname%] -AT=[%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\dgmpgdec149\template_mpa.avs] -exit ) MOVE /Y "%projname%.avs" "%projname%.bak" GOTO :EOF :sball CALL :wipe_avs SET temp_files=y IF "%dvdsource%"=="n" ( COPY /B "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\nondvdtemplate.avs" "%projname%.avs" 1> NUL ECHO directshowsource^("%avipath%"^).converttoyv12 >> "%projname%.avs" ) TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\ntscpal.txt" >> "%projname%.avs" IF "%d%"=="4" TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\d4.txt" >> "%projname%_temp.avs" IF "%d%"=="1" TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\d1.txt" >> "%projname%_temp.avs" TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\f1.txt" >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%prog%"=="y" ( TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\deint_prog.txt" >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" GOTO itsprog ) IF "%vhs%"=="y" ECHO nate_vhs_head_change_erase >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%odd%"=="y" ( TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\deint_odd.txt" >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" ) ELSE TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\deint.txt" >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%onepixel%"=="y" ECHO nate_1_pixel_bob_fix >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%gba%"=="y" ECHO nate_retard_bob_2 >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%gameboy%"=="y" ECHO nate_retard_bob_2 >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%deflicker%"=="y" ECHO nate_retard_bob_2 >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%nes%"=="y" ECHO nate_nes >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\resize.txt" >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%gba%"=="y" ECHO nate_gba >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" IF "%gameboy%"=="y" ECHO nate_gb >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" :itsprog IF "%prog%"=="y" type "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\fwhatever.txt" >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" ECHO changefps(f1/%f%) >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" ECHO run=converttoyv12 >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" COPY /B "%projname%.avs" "%projname%_trimtemp.avs" 1> NUL ECHO bilinearresize(320,240) >> "%projname%_trimtemp.avs" GOTO :EOF :script_buildfiles IF NOT "%temp_files%"=="y" CALL :sball IF "%trim%"=="y" ECHO trim(%trim1%,%trim2%) >> "%projname%.avs" IF "%gba%"=="y" GOTO gbastatid IF "%gameboy%"=="y" GOTO gbstatid ECHO statid=nate_statid_d1(run,"""%statid1%""","""%statid2%""","""%statid3%""").Lanczos4Resize(d1,run.height) >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" GOTO statidrefork :gbastatid ECHO statid=nate_statid_gba(run,"""%statid1%""","""%statid2%""","""%statid3%""").Lanczos4Resize(run.width,run.height) >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" GOTO statidrefork :gbstatid ECHO statid=nate_statid_gb(run,"""%statid1%""","""%statid2%""","""%statid3%""").Lanczos4Resize(run.width,run.height) >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" :statidrefork IF "%statid%"=="y" ( ECHO statid++run++statid >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" ) ELSE ( ECHO run >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" ) ECHO converttoyv12 >> "%projname%_temp_2.avs" copy /B "%projname%.avs"+"%projname%_temp.avs"+"%projname%_temp_2.avs" "%projname%_HQ.avs" 1> NUL TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\d4.txt" >> "%projname%.avs" REN "%projname%.avs" "%projname%_temp_f.avs" COPY /B "%projname%_temp_f.avs"+"%projname%_temp_2.avs" "%projname%.avs" 1> NUL DEL "%projname%_temp.avs" "%projname%_temp_2.avs" "%projname%_temp_f.avs" "%projname%_trimtemp.avs" COPY /B "%projname%_HQ.avs" "%projname%_IQ.avs" 1> NUL REM IF "%gba%"=="y" ECHO lanczos4resize(240,160) >> "%projname%.avs" COPY /B "%projname%.avs" "%projname%_LQ.avs" 1> NUL IF "%twod%"=="y" TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\changef3.txt" >> "%projname%_LQ.avs" IF "%twod%"=="n" ( TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\changef2.txt" >> "%projname%.avs" TYPE "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\changef2.txt" >> "%projname%_LQ.avs" ) copy /B "%projname%_LQ.avs" "%projname%_xvid.avs" 1> NUL copy /B "%projname%_LQ.avs" "%projname%_LQ_xvid.avs" 1> NUL GOTO :EOF REM SETTINGS MANAGER :find_existing_settings IF EXIST "%curdir%\%projname%\%projname%_job.bat" ( CALL "%curdir%\%projname%\%projname%_job.bat" SET using_settings=y ) GOTO :EOF :show_settings CALL :out_cls_section REVIEW SETTINGS IF NOT "%this_anriver%"=="" IF NOT "%this_anriver%"=="%anri_ver%" CALL :out_info NOTICE: Your settings for this project were created in an outdated version of Anri-chan. They may not work properly in this version. It is recommended that you discard these settings and re-enter them. IF "%dvdsource%"=="y" ( CALL :out_info DVD Source: Yes ) ELSE ( CALL :out_info DVD Source: No ) IF "%dvdsource%"=="y" ( CALL :out_info DVD Drive Letter: %driveletter% IF "%vbo%"=="y" ( CALL :out_info DVD-RAM .VRO Source: Yes ) ELSE ( CALL :out_info DVD-RAM .VRO Source: No ) IF NOT "%chapternumber%"=="" CALL :out_info DVD Chapter Number: %chapternumber% ) CALL :out_info Project Name: %projname% IF NOT "%avipath%"=="" CALL :out_info Source Video File: %avipath% IF NOT "%twod%"=="y" ( SET twodtemp=3D ) ELSE SET twodtemp=2D IF NOT "%d%%f%"=="" CALL :out_info Video Format: D%d% F%f% %twodtemp% IF "%vhs%"=="y" ( CALL :out_info From VHS Source ) ELSE ( CALL :out_info Not From VHS Source ) IF "%prog%"=="y" ( CALL :out_info Progressive ) ELSE ( CALL :out_info Interlaced ) IF "%odd%"=="y" CALL :out_info Odd Dominant IF "%onepixel%"=="y" CALL :out_info One-Pixel Bob IF "%nes%"=="y" CALL :out_info From NES Console IF "%gba%"=="y" CALL :out_info From Game Boy Advance IF "%gameboy%"=="y" CALL :out_info From Game Boy IF "%trim%"=="y" CALL :out_info Trim from frames %trim1% to %trim2% IF "%statid%"=="y" CALL :out_info StatID: %statid1% / %statid2% / %statid3% GOTO :EOF :check_settings CALL :show_settings :check_settings_p2 SET s= SET /P s=Do you want to encode using these settings? If you choose No you will be prompted to enter them again. [y/n] CALL :set_var_bool settings_good check_settings_p2 GOTO :EOF :savesettings ECHO @ECHO OFF > "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET proj_anriver=%anri_ver%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET using_settings=y^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET dvdsource=%dvdsource%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET avipath=%avipath%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET d=%d%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET f=%f%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET vhs=%vhs%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET onepixel=%onepixel%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET nes=%nes%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET twod=%twod%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET statid=%statid%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET statid1=%statid1%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET statid2=%statid2%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET statid3=%statid3%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET driveletter=%driveletter%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET chapternumber=%chapternumber%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET projname=%projname%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET gba=%gba%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET gb=%gameboy%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET odd=%odd%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET dvdsource=%dvdsource%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET vbo=%vbo%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET prog=%prog%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET trim=%trim%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET trim1=%trim1%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO ^(SET trim2=%trim2%^) >> "%projname%_job.bat" ECHO IF NOT "%%in_anrichan%%"=="y" CALL "%anri_path%" >> "%projname%_job.bat" GOTO :EOF :createjob CALL :savesettings PAUSE GOTO die REM QUALITIES SELECTION :selectquality SET s= SET /P s="Create %1 (%2Kbps) movie? " IF "%s%"=="y" ( SET create_%3=y GOTO :EOF ) IF "%s%"=="n" ( SET create_%3=n GOTO :EOF ) CALL :out_error Invalid value. Please enter Y (Yes) or N (No). GOTO :selectquality %1 %2 %3 :select_qualities CALL :savesettings CALL :selectquality Low-Quality 192 lq CALL :selectquality Normal-Quality 576 mq CALL :selectquality High-Quality 2176 hq IF NOT "%d%"=="1" SET create_iq=n IF NOT "%f%"=="1" SET create_iq=n IF "%gba%"=="y" SET create_iq=n IF "%gameboy%"=="y" SET create_iq=n IF NOT "%create_iq%"=="n" CALL :selectquality Insane-Quality 5320 iq CALL :selectquality XviD-Low-Quality 192 xl CALL :selectquality XviD-Normal-Quality 576 xm REM was having trouble with this getting stuck on so i just made it go to the encoding section anyway even if there's nothing to encode REM IF NOT "%create_lq%"=="y" IF NOT "%create_mq%"=="y" IF NOT "%create_hq%"=="y" IF NOT "%create_iq%"=="y" IF NOT "%create_xl%"=="y" IF NOT "%create_xm%"=="y" SET not_encoding=y GOTO :EOF REM ENCODING :encode_movies CALL :out_section encoding %projname% REM thanks snow! IF "%create_lq%"=="y" ( CALL :out_section encoding %projname% LQ MP4 CALL :2pass %projname%_LQ.avs %projname%_LQ 128 64000 17 1 1 ) IF "%create_mq%"=="y" ( CALL :out_section encoding %projname% MQ MP4 CALL :2pass %projname%.avs %projname% 512 64000 17 1 1 ) IF "%create_hq%"=="y" ( CALL :out_section encoding %projname% HQ MP4 CALL :2pass %projname%_HQ.avs %projname%_HQ 2048 128000 17 1 1 ) IF "%create_iq%"=="y" ( CALL :out_section encoding %projname% IQ MP4 CALL :2pass %projname%_IQ.avs %projname%_IQ 5000 320000 19 1 1 ) REM back to nate's work (based on snow's though!) IF "%create_xl%"=="y" ( CALL :out_section encoding %projname% LQ AVI CALL :xvid %projname%_LQ_xvid.avs %projname%_LQ 128 64 1 1 ) IF "%create_xm%"=="y" ( CALL :out_section encoding %projname% MQ AVI CALL :xvid %projname%_xvid.avs %projname% 512 64 1 1 ) GOTO :EOF :2pass "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\x264.exe" --pass 1 --bitrate %3 --stats "%2.stats" --bframes 16 --analyse none --qpmin %5 --threads auto --thread-input --progress --no-psnr --no-ssim --output NUL "%1" "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\x264.exe" --pass 2 --bitrate %3 --stats "%2.stats" --direct auto --ref 8 --mixed-refs --no-fast-pskip --bframes 16 --b-rdo --bime --weightb --subme 7 --trellis 2 --analyse all --qpmin %5 --me umh --threads auto --thread-input --progress --no-psnr --output "%2_video.mp4" "%1" "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\virtualdub-1.7.1\vdub.exe" "%1" /i "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\audioout.vcf" "%2_temp.wav" "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\neroAacEnc.exe" -br %4 -lc -if "%2_temp.wav" -of "%2_audio.mp4" "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\MP4Box.exe" -tmp . -new -add "%2_video.mp4" -add "%2_audio.mp4" "%2.mp4" IF "%6" == "1" del %2.stats IF "%7" == "1" del %2_video.mp4 | del %2_temp.wav | del %2_audio.mp4 GOTO :EOF :xvid "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "%1" -bitrate %3 -pass1 "%2.stats" "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "%1" -bitrate %3 -pass2 "%2.stats" -avi "%2v.avi" "%PROGRAMFILES%\anrichan\ffmpeg.exe" -b %4 -ac 2 -acodec mp3 -y -i "%2v.avi" -vcodec copy -i "%1" "%2.avi" IF "%5" == "1" del "%2.stats" IF "%6" == "1" del "%2v.avi" GOTO :EOF REM OUTPUT :out_cls CLS ECHO. ECHO =============================================================================== ECHO. metroid 2002 speed demos archive anri-chan %anri_ver% ECHO. ECHO =============================================================================== ECHO. GOTO :EOF :out_info ECHO %* REM ECHO. GOTO :EOF :out_error ECHO [!] ECHO [!] %* ECHO [!] ECHO. GOTO :EOF :out_section TITLE anri-chan %anri_ver% - %* ECHO ------------------------- ECHO. %* ECHO ------------------------- ECHO. GOTO :EOF :out_cls_section CALL :out_cls CALL :out_section %* GOTO :EOF :out_cls_info CALL :out_cls CALL :out_info %* GOTO :EOF REM OTHER :start_encode_test IF "%start_encode%"=="y" GOTO proc_encode IF NOT "%start_encode%"=="y" GOTO proc_close :resetvars FOR %%A IN (%vars_to_use%) DO (SET %%A=) GOTO :EOF :die CALL :resetvars (SET in_anrichan=) CD %curdir% TITLE anri-chan dun ^^_^^ PAUSE

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