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#nathan jahnke <>

use warnings;
use strict 'subs';

if (!(-e "amu_remotehosts.txt")) {
	die "amu_remotehosts.txt not found";

use IO::Socket;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Sys::HostIP;

$port = 56677;
if ($#ARGV == 0) {
	$command = $ARGV[0];
	print "\$command is $command\n\n";

if (open(REMOTEHOSTS,"amu_remotehosts.txt")) {
	while (<REMOTEHOSTS>) {
		s/^#.*$//; #kill commented out hosts
		$remote_hosts{$_} = 0 if $_; #a space for amus to sign off that they have seen the list
	print "\%remote_hosts:\n";
	foreach $host (keys %remote_hosts) {
		print "\"$host\" => \"$remote_hosts{$host}\"\n";
	print "\n";

&contact_amu("AMU HOSTS ".join(";",%remote_hosts)."\n");
&contact_amu("AMU DO $command\n") if $#ARGV == 0;

sub contact_amu {
	my $command = shift;
	foreach $remote_host (keys %remote_hosts) {
		print "trying $remote_host ...\n";
		if (my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $remote_host,
						PeerPort => $port,
						Proto    => "tcp",
						Type     => SOCK_STREAM,
						Timeout  => 5 )) {
			print $socket $command;
			my @answer = <$socket>;
			print "contact with $remote_host\n";
		} else {
			print "no contact with $remote_host\n";

exit 0;
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