// Settings
$df_path = 'http://speeddemosarchive.com/kb/index.php/DF'; // Path to sda/kb/DB
$titles_path = 'dfnd_titles.bat'; // Path where the titles file will be written
$data_path = 'dfnd_data.bat'; // Path where the data file will be written
// Usually non-editable stuff below.
// If this doesn't work, comment it out and use the commented code below it.
$raw = file_get_contents($df_path);
include $df_path;
$raw = ob_get_contents();
$pos1 = strpos($raw, '<table>');
$pos2 = strpos($raw, '</table>');
if ( ($pos1 === false) or ($pos2 === false) or ($pos1 > $pos2) )
die('DF data does not exist in this page.');
$raw = substr($raw, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1 - 1);
$t = explode('<tr><td>', $raw);
$k = 0;
for ($i = 1; $t[$i]; $i++)
$t2 = substr( $t[$i], strpos($t[$i], '</td>') );
if ( preg_match('/D([14])/', $t2, $m) )
$data[$k]['d'] = $m[1];
if ( preg_match('/F([123])/', $t2, $m) )
$data[$k]['f'] = $m[1];
if ( preg_match('/([23])D/', $t2, $m) )
$data[$k]['twod'] = ($m[1] == 2) ? 'y' : 'n';
if ( is_array($data[$k]) )
$title[$k] = str_replace(
array( ':', '&', '<', '>', '(', ')', 'é' ),
array( ' -', 'and', '[', ']', '[', ']', 'e' ),
html_entity_decode( substr( $t[$i], 0, strpos($t[$i], '</td>') ) )
$initial[$k] = strtolower($title[$k]{$j});
if ($initial[$k] == '.') $initial[$k] = 'd'; // because .hack disagrees with Spock's philosophy.
if (!is_array($title))
die('DF data does not exist in this page.');
$out1 = $out2 = "@ECHO OFF\r\n";
for ($i = 0; $title[$i]; $i++)
if ($initial[$i] == $cur_initial)
$j = 1;
$cur_initial = $initial[$i];
if ($out1) $out1 .= ")\r\n";
$out1 .= "IF [%dfnd_letter%]==[$cur_initial] (\r\n";
$number[$i] = sprintf('%03d', $j);
$title[$i] = preg_replace('/[:&|><\(\)]/', '^\\0', $title[$i]);
$out1 .= "ECHO {$initial[$i]}{$number[$i]}: {$title[$i]}\r\n";
$out2 .= "IF [%s%]==[{$initial[$i]}{$number[$i]}] (\r\nCALL :out_info Selected \"{$title[$i]}\"\r\n";
foreach ($data[$i] as $k => $v)
$out2 .= "SET $k=$v\r\n";
$out2 .= "SET dfnd_set=y\r\n)\r\n";
$out1 .= ')';
if ( $f = fopen($titles_path, 'w' ) )
if ( fwrite( $f, $out1 ) )
print 'DF title file created successfully.<br/>';
if ( $f = fopen($data_path, 'w' ) )
if ( fwrite( $f, $out2 ) )
print 'DF data file created successfully.<br/>';