Talk:SiN and SiN: Wages of Sin/Game Mechanics and Glitches

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Revision as of 04:07, 11 July 2017 by Fruit (Talk | contribs)

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General Movement




Health, Armor, Damage

Drops table


Saving and loading


Using the console

Useful Aliases

Glitching/Experimental Stuff

Unsolved Mysteries

Level-specific (but not category-specific) notes:

Side notes

I'm trying to get the shortcut command parameters to do what I want: I just can't get it to happen consistently. In fact it only set the player and skipped the logon menu once and persistently failed ever after. Editing the autoexec might be more reliable?

  • Any ideas on what might be going wrong? If the parameters are in fact there when you start the shortcut, I can't think of any reason why it shouldn't just work. How does your shortcut look? Unfortunately, autoexec.cfg is not a "replacement" for shortcut parameters, see below.
  • Not every command or cvar will have the same effect, compared to putting them directly in the shortcut. For example menu_main does not seem to do anything at all, and if player is set, the game actually seems to load the config of the default user ("blade") before logging in as the chosen user (without loading that user's config!). This is why I prefer using both an autoexec file and the shortcut. It's also just quicker for me to edit the SiN shortcut on my desktop if I want to practise a specific map.
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