Secret of Mana

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  • Game can be done much faster with two or more characters. If you have all three characters controlled, there is much less time lost to players getting stuck.
  • Learn to alternate running/moving between characters to optimize speed/not get stuck.
  • 2-player glitches can be done by 1 person if they have two controllers. It can be a little tougher though.
  • Some bosses may be faster to spam magic on than to weapon charge glitch on.


Currently used glitches & tricks in any% with 2 Controller

  • Money Glitch
  • Weapon Overcharge
  • (Equipment Trashing) - Some do, some don't, it's very minor
  • Midge Mallet damage canceling
  • Rope Pole Noclip
  • NPC Weapon Charge Movement to skip the trials entrance Barrier
  • Invisibility Glitch to skip most of the Great Palace
  • Event override to skip the Pure Lands (=Mana Fortress Barrier Skip)

Weapon Overcharge

Must have a level of 2 on a particular weapon (usually Sword or Spear). Set ACT on computer controlled character with weapon to charge to 1. After fully charged, set it in ACT to 2. As it starts charging, go to ACT again and change it back to 1. The weapon charge will glitch out. Chances are you can get a Level 8 charge attack, one-hit killing early bosses.

ALTERNATIVE: REQUIRES TWO PLAYERS - If you have two players, you can have the player not charging switch weapons with the player charging. Switch weapons back, and the same effect will occur. A major advantage to this is that a player is actually controlling when and where he or she attacks.

Money Glitch

Secret of Mana is no exception to the general idea of SNES RPGs having a way to create infinite amounts of money.

Example on how to use it:

  1. You have 3 items* in your inventory in the following order* [Magic Rope] [Candy] [Herb]
  2. Go into your regular inventory and place the Cursor on the 3rd item - the [Herb]
  3. Go into the selling-menu and sell the 3rd item [Herb]
  4. Sell the 2nd item [Candy]
  5. Leave the selling-menu and re-enter it
  6. Now your cursor is on an [Empty] item slot which you can sell
  7. After the first time selling, your item slot will now contain the [Blat]
  8. After a total (including the first one) of selling the item 8 times, your item slot will be [Empty] again
  9. in a regular run, you want to sell a total of 24 times
* You can technically also do it with only 2 sell-able items
** The order in which you receive the items is extremely important

Extended explanation: If you have 3 items in your inventory, it might look like this:

  • Slot 1 [Magic Rope]
  • Slot 2 [Candy]
  • Slot 3 [Herb] <--- Selected

If you place your cursor onto the 3rd slot in your regular inventory, the game will remember to set it back to the 3rd slot when you re-open the inventory, because it remembers having placed the cursor exactly (!) on the 3rd slot. Also you need to know - the selling-menu is NOT the same menu as your regular inventory. It is newly created every time you select "Sell" in a shop. If we now sell all our items in the 3rd slot [Herb], the following will happen:

  • Slot 1 [Magic Rope]
  • Slot 2 [Candy] <--- Selected
  • Slot 3 [Empty]

Your 3rd slot is now [Empty], and the game will place the cursor of your regular inventory on the next item slot (=2) - regardless on where it places it in the selling-menu. Now here's the trick: The game still remembers that your cursor in your regular inventory was exactly (!) on the 3rd slot. If you now sell all your items in the 2nd slot [Candy], the following will happen:

  • Slot 1 [Magic Rope]
  • Slot 2 [Empty] <--- Selected (!)
  • Slot 3 [Empty]

Your 2nd slot is now [Empty], but the game does NOT place your cursor of your regular inventory on the next item, because it only remembers it being on the 3rd slot. But remember - you are still in the selling-menu, which is NOT the same as your regular inventory. The selling-menu is newly created every time you select "Sell" in a shop. So you now leave the selling-menu and enter it again. Your cursor will be placed on the 2nd slot, which is [Empty]. Selling the [Empty] will result in the item changing into a [Blat] and gives you a ton of money.

  • Note 1: Leaving the sell-menu and instead of entering it again, opening your regular Inventory will place your cursor in the 2nd [Empty] item and say "Trash" in your description bar on top. Leaving the item menu will fix the item slots.
  • Note 2: To get rid of the [Blat] item you have to sell all of them. In Secret of Mana, you can technically hold a total of 8 items of a kind in one slot, so you will have to sell the [Blat] item a multiple of 8 times to get rid of it.
  • Note 3: Do NEVER USE the "Trash" or "Blat" item - at least not on a regular console. I {Yagamoth} managed to corrupt my ROMs and Emulator by trying it out at certain points. I don't know whether it can actually destroy your Cartridge/Console, but I advise not to try it.

Extra Item Slots Glitch (or Many Walnuts Glitch)

This is an extension of the Money Glitch. It allows for multiples of items to be in other slots (for examples, four item slots for four walnuts each, 16 walnuts total).

Example on how to use it:

  1. Execute the Money Glitch until you get the [Blat], do not sell all of the Blat-items
  2. Leave the selling menu and enter the buy-menu and purchase the desired item
  3. Sell the rest of the [Blat]
  4. Now before you buy anything else, buy the desired item again, and it will fill into a different slot

Extended explanation:

From executing the Money Glitch to step [insert here Step number X], your inventory currently looks like this:

  • Slot 1 [Magic Rope]
  • Slot 2 [Blat]
  • Slot 3 [Empty]
  • Slot 4 [Empty]

When buying a new item, the game will always look for the first [Empty] slot and put it in there. If it finds the same item of it's kind, it will attempt to stack it. If we bought a Cup of Wishes, the inventory now looks like this:

  • Slot 1 [Magic Rope]
  • Slot 2 [Blat]
  • Slot 3 [Cup of Wishes]
  • Slot 4 [Empty]

If we now sell the [Blat], the inventory will look like this:

  • Slot 1 [Magic Rope]
  • Slot 2 [Empty]
  • Slot 3 [Cup of Wishes]
  • Slot 4 [Empty]

As mentioned, the game will always look for the first [Empty] slot to fill in a new item. Buying Cup of Wishes now will result in this:

  • Slot 1 [Magic Rope]
  • Slot 2 [Cup of Wishes]
  • Slot 3 [Cup of Wishes]
  • Slot 4 [Empty]

Because the game always fills the item in the first new slot it finds, it does not notice that there already are [Cup of Wishes] in the inventory.

Please note: Doing this only works with the [Blat], because it is not being "outsold" in a regular manner. If you sell the last piece of any other item, the game will re-arrange your inventory and thus close any gap. For an extended explanation, please read the TAS notes over at

Midge Mallet damage canceling

Midge Mallet can be obtained any time after defeating Jabberwocky in the Water Palace. Useful for quick casting spells as well as nullifying damage/effects done by enemy spells.

Experience Glitch

Find an enemy that can case Wall on itself (Palace of Darkness is a great place to do this, before completing it). Unequip all items on the partner you want dead (usually the girl). Cast a high level spell with Sprite on the waller. Hope that it reflects onto the intended party member. Depending on dead member's total experience, other members will get a good chunk of experience points. Experience points gained is as follows:

[Total Experience of Dead Member] % 65536

If you're not sure what Modulo (%) is, it's basically the remainder of a division problem (i.e. 10 modulo 3 is 1, since 10 divided by 3 is 3 REMAINDER 1). The most experience you can gain from killing a party member is 65535.

Soft-Reset Savewarp

Does not work on PAL Version. With this glitch you can load a specific save into any room you are currently in.


  • Flammie Drum

Example on how to use it:

  1. Fly to the Frost Forest and land near the palace at the place where Neko is located
  2. IMPORTANT: You HAVE to land directly at Nekos place, the glitch will not work if you enter the screen via normal entrance (Hence why Flammie Drum is a requirement)
  3. Talk to Neko and save into any slot
  4. Go to a map you wish to savewarp into
  5. Soft Reset - Hold L + R + Start + Select for ~5 Seconds
  6. Load the file you saved in step #3


  • Savewarping into the Mana Fortress past the initial entrance is problematic. The game expects you to activate all the buttons and defeat the two bosses in the Mana Fortress. If these requirements are not met, the cutscene with Thanatos will not play properly, and the Dark Lich will not appear. Also, savewarping into the Mana Beast fight will result in a pixelated mess.

Extended explanation: When saving, the game will save the "Entrance" coordinates as starting location when reloading the savefile. If you land anywhere with Flammie, those "Entrance" coordinates will be not set (NULL). Thus, if you land directly at a location where you can save, the created savefile will not have any information set on where to reload your starting location. The only known location where this is possible is the Frost Forest Neko. If you try to load such a savefile normally, the game will simply crash. When Soft-Resetting the game will keep the current RAM Information and not remove it - including the "Entrance" coordinates. When you reload a Frost Forest Neko savefile after soft-resetting, the "Entrance" coordinates from before the Soft-Reset will be used as your starting location.

Rope-pole Glitch (or Skipping map event glitch)


Hitting a rope pole with a weapon while calling Flammie causes the game to skip the first event that will happen at the landing maps. For example, if you have Player 1 begin striking at a rope pole with his weapon and Player 2 calls Flammie, you can skip going to the Pure Land and go straight to the Mana Fortress. This bypasses the barrier.

Rope Pole Noclip


If player 1 is attacking a rope pole while computer-controlled character is casting a spell, player 2 can walk through barriers, walls, pits, etc. This is especially useful in the Great Palace and the Mana Fortress.

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