Final Fight has 3 types of damage; Strikes, throws and direct. Strikes will be reduced by a percentage based on the enemies defensive modifier. Throws will do full damage against high HP, but against an enemy with less HP than 2 times the throw damage, it will do the greater of half of its damage or half of the enemies' remaining HP. Direct damage will always yield the same damage regardless of the situation.
Move |
Base Damage |
Damage Type |
Punch |
10 |
Strike |
A straight jab, your bread and butter for damage.
2 |
10 |
Strike |
A second jab, same as the first jab
3 |
10 |
Strike |
Gut punch, Cody leans into this one. Can hit behind Cody, and can chain into a shoulder toss by holding up or down and hitting punch again after.
4 |
16 |
Strike |
Uppercut, knocks down.
Superjoy |
20 |
Strike |
Invincible jumping spinkick that knocks everyone near you down. Drains some HP to use if it hits anything.
Vertical Jumpkick |
12 |
Strike |
Defensive kick. Knocks down. Deceptively good hitbox, but generally useless.
Forward Jumpkick |
14 |
Strike |
Straight kick; knocks down and is great for grouping staggered enemies.
Knee Drop |
6 |
Strike |
Great way to move into an enemy and toss them since it leaves them standing.
Kneebash |
9 |
Exact |
Press attack when grabbing. Leaves enemy still grabbed.
2 |
16 |
Exact |
Repeat above
3 |
28 |
Exact |
Repeat, but knocks down.
Shoulder Toss |
40 |
Throw |
Controls massive amounts of space due to enemies colliding. Knocks down.
Pipe |
20 |
Exact |
Slow swing and not much damage. Avoid. Knocks down.
Muramasa! |
30 |
Exact |
Slow swing but slightly better damage. OK in a pinch. Knocks down.
Knife |
30 |
Exact |
Cody can stab if you are close enough, or will be thrown. Swings fast as you can mash, and knocks down, so great against huge mobs.
Move |
Base Damage |
Damage Type |
Punch |
18 |
Strike |
Gut punch; long range but extends Haggar's hittable box.
2 |
18 |
Strike |
Same as the first punch, but can be chained into a suplex by holding up or down and attacking again.
3 |
18 |
Strike |
Overhead cop. Knocks down.
Superjoy |
20 |
Strike |
Invincible jumping spinkick that knocks down. Drains some HP to use.
Vertical Jumpkick |
20 |
Strike |
Defensive kick. Knocks down. Deceptively good hitbox, but generally useless.
Forward Jumpkick |
20 |
Strike |
Same as vertical kick, but moves forward; knocks down and is great for grouping staggered enemies.
Body Splash |
8 |
Strike |
Knocks enemies down in the direction Haggar is facing, so back jumping into this can be used to great effect for spacing.
Headbutt |
10 |
Exact |
Press attack when grabbing. Leaves enemy held.
2 |
18 |
Exact |
Repeat above
3 |
36 |
Exact |
Repeat above, but knocks down.
Suplex |
50 |
Throw |
Controls space pretty well. Knocks down.
Piledriver |
70 |
Throw |
Jumping throw; high damage and knocks down.
Pipe |
20 |
Exact |
Fast swing but not much damage. Knocks down. Avoid.
Muramasa! |
30 |
Exact |
Fast swing and slightly better damage. Useful against fast standing enemies and enemies with high strike resistance like Andores. Knocks down.
Knife |
30 |
Exact |
Throwing knife, mostly notable because El Gado's will leave a ton on the ground. Knocks down.
Move |
Base Damage |
Damage Type |
Punch |
6 |
Strike |
A straight jab, your bread and butter for damage.
2 |
6 |
Strike |
A second jab, same as the first jab
3 |
8 |
Strike |
Elbow, slightly better damage than a jab.
4 |
8 |
Strike |
Elbow, can chain into throw by holding up or down while attacking again.
5 |
14 |
Strike |
Roundhouse kick. Knocks down.
Superjoy |
20 |
Strike |
Invincible jumping spinkick that knocks everyone near you down. Drains some HP to use if it hits anything.
Vertical Jumpkick |
12 |
Strike |
Defensive kick. Knocks down. Deceptively good hitbox, but generally useless.
Forward Jumpkick |
14 |
Strike |
Straight kick; knocks down and is great for grouping staggered enemies.
Elbow Drop |
8 |
Strike |
Great way to move into an enemy and toss them since it leaves them standing.
Wall-jump, jumpkick |
30 |
Strike |
Weird and very situational kick. Knocks down.
Wall-jump, elbow drop |
30 |
Strike |
Like the jumpkick after walljumping, odd and not very useful attack. Knocks down.
Kneebash |
8 |
Exact |
Press attack when grabbing. Leaves enemy still grabbed.
2 |
14 |
Exact |
Repeat above
3 |
24 |
Exact |
Repeat, but knocks down.
Shoulder Toss |
30 |
Throw |
Controls massive amounts of space due to enemies colliding. Knocks down.
Pipe |
20 |
Exact |
Slow swing and not much damage. Avoid. Knocks down.
Muramasa! |
30 |
Exact |
Slow swing but slightly better damage. OK in a pinch. Knocks down.
Knife |
30 |
Exact |
Throwing knife, mostly notable because El Gado's will leave a ton on the ground. Knocks down.