Solomon's Key (NES)/PAL

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Improvement possibilities for the currently hosted pal SDA-runs (as of 05-Feb-2014)

For the general route for pal-speedruns (as well as a few additonal improvement suggestions), go to There are a few improvements that are to be had without introducing any new techniques. The rooms with suggested improvements are listed below.

Room 3 -
This solution can be used both in the normal and the best ending runs and introduces no particular additional risk. It has both the advantage of being half a second faster than in the current runs, but also require one less use of fireball. For the normal ending run, this means the fireball in room 1 can be skipped (half second saved). For the best ending run, the unused fireball can be used in room 4 for one second saved (see the normal ending run for the solution with fireball in room 4). So the improvement in this room leads to an overall save of one second in the normal ending run and one and a half second in the best ending run.

Room 19 - As described in the best ending (ntsc) section, it's possible to manipulate enemy drops (see under room 17). Upgrading a normal fireball to a super fireball would save time here in room 19. More research would be needed on where and how.

Room 32 -
The biggest improvement potential. This is a completely new concept for the solution, which is 8-9 seconds faster than in the current best ending run (this room is skipped in the normal ending run).

Room 33 -
3-4 seconds faster than in the best ending run.

Room 37 -
This solution can be used both the normal and the best ending runs. It was known at the time of making the current runs, but has yet to be proven to be possible to pull off on console and not only on keyboard-emu. It's around one second faster than the solution used in the currently hosted runs.

Room 47 -
(played on the ntsc-version, but the same solution also applies to pal)
A detail changed in picking up the seal in the upper right corner that would save half a second. It comes with a small additional risk though.

Room 48 - After dropping the two blue flames in the top left corner, it's possible to do a running edge jump instead of creating an extra block to stand on. The same block later on needs to be destroyed on the second trip around the room. Not creating that extra block saves ~1 second and is applicable both in the normal and the best ending runs. (since this is only a minor tweak, there is no video uploaded for it)

Solomon's room -
This solution can be used both in the normal and the best ending runs and introduces no particular additional risk. It's roughly half a second faster than in the currently hosted runs.

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