#nathan jahnke <njahnke@gmail.com>
use warnings;
use strict 'subs';
package sasami;
#system("export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Volumes/l/anrix");
#to move to anri config file later
$gba_crop_left = 43;
$gba_crop_top = 39;
$gba_crop_right = 44;
$gba_crop_bottom = 41;
$gb_crop_left = 80;
$gb_crop_top = 48;
$gb_crop_right = 80;
$gb_crop_bottom = 48;
sub sasami {
open(AVS, "${basename}.avs"); #must be unix text when running sasami under unix ...
@avs = <AVS>;
@sources = ();
for (@avs) {
push(@sources,"${1}.VOB") if m/^.*MPEG2source\("(.+)\.d2v".*$/;
push(@sources,$1) if m/^.*avisource\("([^"]+)".*$/;
push(@sources,$1) if m/^.*directshowsource\("([^"]+)".*$/;
$fieldorder = 1 if m/^AssumeTFF\(\)/;
$fieldorder = 0 if m/^AssumeBFF\(\)/;
$d = 1 if m/^global d1 = true/;
$d = 4 if m/^global d1 = false/;
$f = $1 if m/^changefps\(f1\/([0-9])\)/;
$deflicker = 1 if m/^nate_retard_bob_2/;
$vhs = 1 if m/^nate_vhs_head_change_erase/;
$onepixel = 1 if m/^nate_1_pixel_bob_fix/;
$nes = 1 if m/^nate_nes$/;
if (m/trim\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)/) {
$gba = 1 if m/^nate_gba$/;
$gb = 1 if m/^nate_gb$/;
$resize = 1 if m/^lanczos4resize\(d1,last\.height\)/;
$statidlines[0] = $1 if m/^statid1="""(.*)"""$/;
$statidlines[1] = $1 if m/^statid2="""(.*)"""$/;
$statidlines[2] = $1 if m/^statid3="""(.*)"""$/;
die 'sasami: no sources detected in .avs!' if @sources == 0;
#get vital info about first source
$mplayeridentify = <<SABRAC;
mplayer -identify -vo null -slave ${sources[0]} 2>&1 <<ENDOFSCRIPT
for (qx($mplayeridentify)) {
$width = $_ if s/ID_VIDEO_WIDTH=([0-9]+)/$1/;
$height = $_ if s/ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT=([0-9]+)/$1/;
$framerate = $_ if s/ID_VIDEO_FPS=([0-9.]+)/$1/;
$maxaudiobitrate = $_ if s/ID_AUDIO_BITRATE=([0-9]+)/$1/;
# print "$width\n";
# print "$height\n";
# print "$framerate\n";
# print "$maxaudiobitrate\n";
$pal = ($height eq "576");
#build mencoder command to feed fifo
$mencoderargs = "./mencoder";
# $framerate = 29.97;
# $framerate = 25 if $pal;
$mencoderargs .= " -ss ".($trimone * $framerate) if $trimone;
$mencoderargs .= " -endpos ".($trimtwo * $framerate) if $trimtwo;
#one pixel bob
if ($onepixel) {
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add crop=${width}:".($height-1).":0:0,expand=${width}:${height}:0:1";
$fieldorder = 0 if $fieldorder == 1;
$fieldorder = 1 if $fieldorder == 0;
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add crop=".($width-8).":${height}:8:0,expand=${width}:${height}:8:0" if $nes;
#-af channels=6:4:0:0:0:1:0:2:0:3 media.avi
#Would change the number of channels to 6 and set up 4 routes that copy channel 0 to channels 0 to 3. Channel 4 and 5 will contain silence.
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add yadif=3 -vf-add mcdeint=1:${fieldorder}" if $d == 1;
$tfields = 0;
$tfields = 4 if $deflicker;
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add tfields=${tfields}" if $d == 4;
#i just eyeballed this - someone will need to sync the avisynth and mencoder sharpen filters
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add unsharp=l3x3:0.6:c3x3:0.6" if $deflicker;
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add crop=${width}:".($height-12).":0:0,expand=0:-12:0:0" if $vhs;
if ($gba) {
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add scale=320:240";
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add crop=".(320-$gba_crop_right-$gba_crop_left).":".(240-$gba_crop_bottom-$gba_crop_top).":${gba_crop_left}:${gba_crop_top}";
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add scale=240:160";
$newwidth = 240;
$newheight = 160;
} elsif ($gb) {
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add scale=320:240";
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add crop=".(320-$gb_crop_right-$gb_crop_left).":".(240-$gb_crop_bottom-$gb_crop_top).":${gb_crop_left}:${gb_crop_top}";
$newwidth = (320-$gb_crop_right-$gb_crop_left);
$newheight = (240-$gb_crop_bottom-$gb_crop_top);
$newframerate = ($pal ? (50/$f) : (59.94/$f));
$x264newframerate = "--fps ${newframerate}";
$mp4boxnewframerate = "-fps ${newframerate}";
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add framestep=${f}";
$newwidth = (($d == 1) ? ($pal ? 704 : 640) : ($pal ? 352 : 320)) unless $newwidth;
$newheight = (($d == 1) ? ($pal ? 576 : 480) : ($pal ? 288 : 240)) unless $newheight;
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add scale=${newwidth}:${newheight}" if $resize;
$mencoderargs .= " -vf-add format=i420 -ovc raw -of rawvideo -nosound";
$mencoderargs .= " ".join(" ",@sources);
$mencoderargs .= " -o ${avs}";
if ($statidlines[0]) {
use Imager;
$img = Imager->new;
$img->read(file=>"ntsc_d1.tga") or die "Cannot load statid image: ", $img->errstr;
$font = Imager::Font->new(file=>"/Library/Fonts/Verdana.ttf");
&statid_lines_write($statidlines[0], $img->getheight/2, 36, 'white' ) if $statidlines[0];
&statid_lines_write($statidlines[1], 360, 36, 'white' ) if $statidlines[1];
&statid_lines_write($statidlines[2], 400, 36, 'white' ) if $statidlines[2];
&statid_lines_write("Audio commentary on track 2", 460, 28, '#E1CE8B') if $audio_commentary;
or die 'Cannot save statid.tga: ', $img->errstr;
$basename = 'pokemon';
$avs = "${basename}.pipe";
#for(my $N = 1; $N le 2 ; $N++) {
system("rm ${avs}");
system("mkfifo ${avs}");
# this is a hack to deal with the fact that sometimes x264 takes a while to finish encoding and write out the statsfile
if ($N eq 2) {
while (!(-e "${basename}.stats")) {
print("Waiting for stats file ...\n");
&sasami;# if $os eq 'unix';
# $x264command = "./x264 --pass $N --stats ${basename}.stats --bitrate 5000 --qpmin 19 ${x264newframerate} -o ${basename}.264 ${avs} ${newwidth}x${newheight} &";
$x264command = "./x264 --bitrate 5000 --qpmin 0 ${x264newframerate} -o ${basename}.264 ${avs} ${newwidth}x${newheight} &";
system($mencoderargs);# if $os eq 'unix';
#rm -f "$avs"
$mp4boxcommand = "./mp4box ${mp4boxnewframerate} -new -add ${basename}.264 ${basename}.mp4";
print ("$mp4boxcommand\n");
exit 0;
#statid line text, y-offset, text size, color
sub statid_lines_write {
$font->align(string => $_[0],
aa => 1,
size => $_[2],
color => $_[3],
x => $img->getwidth/2,
y => $_[1],
halign => 'center',
valign => 'center',
image => $img);