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This memory block consists of a tutorial on investigations and then your first assassination. This section requires synchronizing at a view point, saving a citizen and riding across Kindgom.


Information in this section is currently unverified. You can help by testing this information out and reporting your findings.
Specifics: route from pickpocket to interrogation. Please ask on the talk page for more clarification.

Altaïr is stripped of all his equipment and abilities, so when you're sprinting around, be careful not to run into anyone, as you can't tackle them out of the way. Drop down/jump the railing and sprint to the next cutscene where you can jump toward the guy. Afterward, sprint down the hill and take the quick way down by jumping the wall halfway down to a rooftop to a beam to the ground then continue down the last slope. About halfway down, jump the wall on the right which should take you right in front of the two guys you need to eavesdrop on. Sprint right by them to the bench, sit down, turn the camera and quickly lock on and listen.

When they're done sprint back toward them and around the far side of the building, hop the wall behind the bench of there and run up the hill to the pickpocket mission. Lock on as soon as you can. The guy does one look around at the beginning, and then the grab is pretty easy.

Take the quickest route to the interrogation, and get as close to him as possible during the cutscene. Beat him where he stands – don't follow him. After the cutscene with Al Mualim, you get a couple weapons back. Head outside and jump toward the weapons master to start him talking sooner. As soon as you can lock on in the combat tutorial and immediately exit to menu to get out of there. Head down the hill the quick way (over the wall) and jump on a horse outside the gate. Sprint to Kingdom.


Sprint down the hill to the tower and jump off the horse onto the tower at full gallop, then climb up that side and synchronize at the top. Leap of faith down and take the new horse right beside the hay cart. From here full sprint all the way to Damascus. Cut corners whenever possible and it's much safer to try and avoiding alerting enemies whenever you can, so they don't knock you off your horse, wasting a ton of time.


Ride down to the the citizen, then jump of and take out the three guards. The first one should be really quick if you switch to hidden blade when you dismount. Do a jumping lock on the citizen to skip his cutscene and get back on the horse. Ride into the city using the horse dismount over the guards.


From the gate, run down the street, then take the first right to the pickpocket investigation. From the pickpocket, run back out the way you came and take a right and keep going down the street. At the second fork, take a left, then right around the corner by the haystack. Run right past the two eavesdropping targets to the bench on the other side and do the eavesdropping mission. From the bench go right through the market, then take another right up the stairs to a main street. It's another right and this street takes you right to the ladder going up to the bureau. Climb up, jump down and get your feather.

Talal assassination

From the top of the bureau, run across the rooftops to the assassination. At one point you'd have to go out of your way to stay on the rooftops, so just jump down to the street and run the rest of the way. From where you enter, walk directly back to the other side of the souk to trigger Talal's entrance. During the cutscene, make your way around behind the target so he's in front of and just to the left of you. This puts you into position of an immediate assassination as soon as the cutscene ends. Afterward, run out the same way you came in and take a right at the end of the alley in front of the hay cart. At the main intersection take a left and run until you get to the bench at the top of the stairs, where you can sit down to lose the alert status. From there keep running with an immediate right onto the street that takes you right back to the ladder at the bureau. Remember to stop sprinting if you see a guard, although you can still run.

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