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Valkyria Chronicles is a PS3 strategy RPG that came out in November 2008. The gameplay is live action third-person perspective instead of the traditional SRPG passive team-based / grid-based action. There are 23 mission in total which typically vary between Capture the enemy flag, Kill the enemy commander or even simply Get from point A to point B. A casual play through usually necessitate roughly 30 hours or more to complete but the cut scenes take a big chunk of that because there’s a lot of story to Valkyria Chronicles. Thankfully, cut scenes can be skipped. Hopefully, with the help of this guide, this game can be beaten in less than 4 hours.


Run discussion thread

Segmented run-in-progress by TJazZ (youtube)

Orders, Potentials and Upgrades

A speed run for Valkyria Chronicles consists of managing the levelling of units and weapons very carefully. After each battle you earn EXP and DCC. EXP is used to upgrade unit levels while DCC is used to upgrade weapons, armours, and tanks. DCC points are always in abundance throughout the game and that’s why they are not tabulated below. Accumulation of these points doesn’t make the upgrades go up automatically, you have to go in Headquarters and upgrade manually. This process takes a fair bit of time and quite a bit of menu scrolling so going in to Headquarters should be well planned.

Each type of unit has different upgrades as their levels progress. These upgrades are split into two different categories: Potentials and Orders. Potentials are personal attributes for each character that randomly generate during the actions and lasts for the duration of the turn. Orders are similar to Potentials but Orders are manually assigned before a turn, however, they use Command Points.

Some Orders and Potentials are absolutely crucial to beat some missions quickly so the key to planning a good speed run in Valkyria Chronicles game would be to well identify which Orders and/or Potentials are needed in each mission and plan visits to Headquarters accordingly.

Saving and Segments

It’s possible to save pretty much anytime in Valkyria Chronicles. Segments should probably be divided according to luck manipulation and extensive menu scrolling which are visits to Headquarters.

Speed Run

Segment #1

Residual Used in Segment Total Used Acquired in Segment Total Acquired
EXP 0 0 0 2360 2360

Prologue: Gallia, to Arms!

Take Welkin from the start line and walk up to each consecutive enemy and killing them with head shots.

Chapter 1: In Defense of Bruhl

Alicia is the only one with a grenade so she’s going to be the one who runs up to the commander and kill him with a grenade. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to kill the commander without jumping over the sand bags. Next turn, Welkin can run across to the destination point. If Welking runs too close to the tank he’s going to die.

Chapter 2: Escape from Bruhl

In this level you get the Edelweiss in turn 3 regardless of what you do in turn 1 and 2. You can't take out the enemy tank with foot soldiers so it's faster and easier to simply end turns 1 and 2 without doing any actions. Some luck manipulation is required because the enemies will run up to the gate in an attempt to blow it up and if they do reach it, you have to sit through their action which takes up some extra time. Typically those units get killed by cross-fire before getting to the gate but it’s possible they don’t so a good segment would only be acceptable if they get killed. Once the Welkin arrives with the Edelweiss, simply take out the enemy tank as fast as possible.

Segment #2

This is a good spot to begin a new segment. Some luck manipulation is required while visiting Headquarters and there is a lot of menu scrolling.


This is the first time visiting headquarters and you are forced to view the Command Room, the Training Field and the R&D Facility.

In the Command Room, you will have to pick 20 recruits. Only three units are key : Aika, Vyse and Hector. Aika is the best scout after Alicia because she has a little more HP and AP and she also has the Double Movement potential which will be handy in chapter 13. Vyse will be required in the very last chapter because, like Aika, he has a little more HP and AP and he also has the Super Damage potential. Hector will be required because he has both the Extra Shot and the Super Anti-Armour potentials which are required in chapter 14 and 17.

In the R&D Facility, the weapons for the scouts will need to be upgraded for chapter 4.

In the Training Room, Engineers will have to be upgraded to level 3 to earn clearance for the Defence Boost order which will be required in many chapters including chapter 3. In an effort to save a little time in future visits in the Training Room, it is favourable to also upgrade Scouts, Shocktroopers and Lancers to levels 3, 2 and 2 respectively.

Residual Used in Segment Total Used Acquired in Segment Total Acquired
EXP 2360 2355 2355  ?  ?
Unit Level
Scout 3
Shocktrooper 2
Lancer 2
Engineer 3
Sniper 1

Chapter 3: Vasel Urban Warfare

Defence boost on Alicia and then run her up directly to the base. Use a grenade to knock commander out of the base and then turn around to kill the enemy standing in the base with head shots.

Chapter 4: Operation Cloudburst

Get a lancer to knock down the wall and then use Defence Boost on Alicia. Run her up straight to the baseKnock one enemy out of the base with a grenade and kill the other one in two turns. If the scout weapons wouldn’t have been upgraded, it would have taken three to kill the last scout.

Chapter 5: The Kloden Wildwood

This level requires two grenades: one to blow the enemies in the base camp and one to blow out a pile of wood in order to reach the base camp from it’s side. Start Alicia up north and run her up through the woods right up to the gate. If Alicia crosses the gate, the enemy tank will show up and during the enemy phase the tank will simply go up and down until the CP run out. On the other hand, if the line is not crossed, the enemy phase will end when he is out of logical moves. It is therefore beneficial to throw a grenade from outside of the gate and end the turn while still being outside. There is an enemy commander that is quite powerful (shocktrooper) who is hiding behind a building. If a unit is placed outside of the gate, he will get out and encouter it. If this commander gets out of the camp it is going to be extremly difficult to get through him without dying. It is then beneficial to stay hidden behind the building. An easy way to get the commander to stay there while still ending Alicia’s turn outside the gate is to position Alicia in a way that she will shoot the commander as soon as he starts his turn. The position in question behind the fence on the right side while still seeing the commander. Enemies end their turn as soon as they get shot at and if they are in firing range, they will attack. Thankfully scouts have a longer range than shocktroopers so the will end his turn before being in range to fire back at Alicia so she won’t get killed. End player phase in this position.

In the second turn, three enemies need to get cleared out of the base camp and two of which are standing shocktrooper commanders and the other is a crouched scout. Using a grenade on the commanders will not kill them nor throw them out of the base and it is possible to kill each of them in one turn with head shots. It’s faster and easier to blast the scout out witht eh grenade and then walk up to the shocktroopers and kill them with head shots.

Chapter 6: A Desert Encounter

With Defence Boost, Alicia can simply walk up to the base camp if a ragnade is used halfway. With near perfect movements, it’s possible to reach the flag in 4 movements but care must be taken with the walking line because the Tank will kill Alicia if she walks too close it.

Segment #3

This is a good spot to begin a new segment. Some upgrades are required in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 , second battle while visiting Headquarters and there is some menu scrolling.


In the R&D Facility, the Edelweiss weapons will need to be upgraded twice. The first upgrade, missle, is required for chapter 7 and the second upgrade, mortar, is required in the second battle of chapter 8.

Residual Used in Segment Total Used Acquired in Segment Total Acquired
EXP 2360 2355 2355  ?  ?
Unit Level
Scout 3
Shocktrooper 2
Lancer 2
Engineer 3
Sniper 1

Chapter 7: The Battle at Barious

The enemies who start up the hill need to be killed on the first turn or else they will take a lot of time to act when their turn comes. Taking a sniper up the Batomys is the fastest way to kill three of the four enemies. The remaining enemy should be killed by a scout. This scout should then return and kill the sniper and then end the turn in the middle of the desert. The position where the scout is left is actually quite important because in the later turns, if this scout is positioned correctly, no enemy units will take a turn to shoot at it which saves some time. A Lancer should then go shoot the two ruins and then it's faster to retire the lancer in the base camp rather than letting it out in the open. The reason being because, if left in the open, enemies will take turns shooting at it until it's dead. End the turn after the lancer is retired. In the second turn, the scout in the trench should be moved behind the Edelweiss and then the turn should end immediately after. If the scout is left in the trench the Batomys will attack it 4 times which takes more time than moving the scout behind the Edelweiss. Turn 3 requires no action because the radiators are still not vulnerable until the next turn because the Batomys will end his turn after blowing up the ruin. The scout hidden behind the wall should hop onto the port side of the Batomys and throw a grenade into that radiator. After that, the scout should be hidden against the wall in such a way to ensure it won't be attacked in future turns. End the turn here. Turn 5 requires no action because the radiators are still not vulnerable until the next turn because the Batomys will end his turn after blowing up the ruin. Turn 6, the scout that was hidden behind the Edelweiss should run up the rear of the Batomys and throw a grenade into that radiator. After that, the scout should be let killed for two reasons: 1) if it is left out in the open, enemies will take time attacking until the scout is dead anyways and 2) it's faster than running all the way back behind the Edelweiss to prevent enemies from attacking the scout. Turns 7 and 8 require no action. Turn 9, the scout left out in the open needs to run up to the starboard side of the Batomys and blow up the last radiator. The scout can stay directly on the Batomys for the rest of the chapter. After that, the Edelweiss can simply blow up the Batomys in 7 hits. If the Edelweiss weapon were not upgraded, the Edelweiss could not have destroyed the Batomys before the CP has ran out.

Chapter 8: The Woodland Snare

Battle #1

This level has a few small nuances.

Battle #2

Under construction

Segment #4

Under construction


Under construction

Residual Used in Segment Total Used Acquired in Segment Total Acquired
EXP  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Unit Level
Scout 12
Shocktrooper 5
Lancer 7
Engineer 3
Sniper 1

Chapter 9: A Midsummer Incident

Under construction

Chapter 10: Liberation of Fouzen

Battle #1

Under construction

Battle #2

Under construction

Chapter 11: The Marberry Shore

Under construction

Chapter 12: The Fight for Bruhl

Under construction

Segment #6

Under construction


Under construction

Residual Used in Segment Total Used Acquired in Segment Total Acquired
EXP  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Unit Level
Scout 17
Shocktrooper 5
Lancer 11
Engineer 3
Sniper 5

Chapter 13: The Clash at Naggiar

Under construction

Segment #6

Under construction

Chapter 13: The Clash at Naggiar

Under construction

Segment #7

Under construction

Chapter 14: Loss Within Victory

Under construction

Chapter 15: Citadel Ghirlandaio

Battle #1

Under construction

Battle #2

Under construction

Chapter 16: The Maiden's Shield

Under construction

Chapter 17: The Bridge to Hope

Under construction

Segment #6

Under construction


Under construction

Residual Used in Segment Total Used Acquired in Segment Total Acquired
EXP  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Unit Level
Scout 17
Shocktrooper 11
Lancer 11
Engineer 5
Sniper 15

Chapter 18: Shadow of the Valkyrur

Battle #1

Under construction

Battle #2

Under construction

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