The Sunday Sequence Break
From SDA Knowledge Base
The Sunday Sequence Breakis a weekly web show about speedrunning, hosted by flickyPJfeaseland duckfist
This is an archive of links and information about the runs and runners referenced on the show. For corrections send a message to one of us on the SDA forums or IRC.
[hide]- 1 Episode 53 - Secret of Evermore - 24 March 2013
- 2 Episode 52 - Records Week! - 17 March 2013
- 3 Episode 51 - Zelda 2 - 10 March 2013
- 4 Episode 50 - Castlevania: Harmony of Despair - 3 March 2013
- 5 Episode 49 - Yoshi's Island - 24 February 2013
- 6 Episode 48 - Records Week! - 17 February 2013
- 7 Episode 47 - Shadow the Hedgehog & Sonic 06 - 10 February 2013
- 8 Episode 46 - Pokémon Fire Red & Leaf Green - 3 February 2013
- 9 Episode 45 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent - 27 January 2013
- 10 Episode 44 - AGDQ Recap - 20 January 2013
- 11 Episode 43 - AGDQ Live - 13 January 2013
- 12 Episode 42 - AGDQ HYPE! - 30 December 2012
- 13 Episode 41 - Portal 2 - 16 December 2012
- 14 Episode 40 - Ninja Gaiden - 9 December 2012
- 15 Episode 39 - GTA: Vice City - 2 December 2012
- 16 Episode 38 - Banjo-Kazooie - 25 November 2012
- 17 Episode 37 - Metroid Prime - 18 November 2012
- 18 Episode 36 - Records week, Spooktacular, and numbersmw! - 11 November 2012
- 19 Episode 35 - Bio Force Ape and Holy Diver!!! - 28 October 2012
- 20 Episode 34 - Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, & 3 - 21 October 2012
- 21 Episode 33 - Super Metroid 100% - 14 October 2012
- 22 Episode 32 - Mega Man 10 - 7 October 2012
- 23 Episode 31 - Records Week: The Return - 30 September 2012
- 24 Episode 30 - Puzzle Week - 23 September 2012
- 25 Episode 29 - Records Week! - 16 September 2012
- 26 Episode 28 - Super Mario Sunshine - 9 September 2012
- 27 Episode 27 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - 2 September 2012
- 28 Episode 26 - Super Meat Boy - 26 August 2012
- 29 Episode 25 - Spyro series - 19 August 2012
- 30 Episode 24 - VVVVVV - 12 August 2012
- 31 Episode 23 - Donkey Kong 64 - 5 August 2012
- 32 Episode 22 - Mega Man 3 - 29 July 2012
- 33 Episode 21 - Battletoads - 22 July 2012
- 34 Episode 20 - The Legend of Zelda - 15 July 2012
- 35 Episode 19 - Portal - 8 July 2012
- 36 Episode 18 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series - 1 July 2012
- 37 Episode 17 - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 24 June 2012
- 38 Episode 16 - Pot Luck Extravaganza - 17 June 2012
- 39 Episode 15 - The SGDQ2012 Retrospective Show! - 10 June 2012
- 40 Episode 14 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 20 May 2012
- 41 Episode 13 - Ape Escape - 13 May 2012
- 42 Episode 12 - Super Metroid (any%) - 6 May 2012
- 43 Episode 11 - A Week of Garfield & The Great Gatsby - 29 Apr 2012
- 44 Episode 10 - Punch-Out - 22 Apr 2012
- 45 Episode 9 - A Link To The Past - 15 Apr 2012
- 46 Episode 8 - TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - 8 Apr 2012
- 47 Episode 7 - Final Fantasy 7 (not *** 64) - 1 Apr 2012
- 48 Episode 6 - Donkey Kong Country - 25 Mar 2012
- 49 Episode 5 - Contra 3 - 18 Mar 2012
- 50 Episode 4 - Super Mario World - 11 Mar 2012
- 51 Episode 3 - Castlevania III - 4 Mar 2012
- 52 Episode 2 - Sonic 1 - 26 Feb 2012
- 53 Episode 1 - Mega Man X - 19 Feb 2012
Episode 53 - Secret of Evermore - 24 March 2013
Guests: MetaSigma Lemonsx TheAngryPanda
Secret of Evermore Guide iTunes Audio iTunes Video
A Bug's Life (any%) in 23:22 by Flint_Gaming (video)
Banjo-Kazooie (100%) in 2:23:25 by Stivitybobo (video)
Bioshock (any%) in 57:14 by Bl00d_Thunder (video)
Blaster Master (Death Warps) in 33:03 by UraniumAnchor (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Richter, All Bosses) in 25:24 by Mecha Richter (video)
Crash Banidcoot 3 (any%) in 51:12 by Stoneknot1 (video)
Darkwing Duck (any%) in 13:46 by Joka (video)
Dishonored (any%) in 38:53 (without loads) by Fearful Ferret (video)
Donkey Kong 64 (101%) in 6:56:54 by Cfox7 (video)
Ecco the Dolphin (any%) in 23:43 by halfbakedprophet (video)
Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition (any% SS) in 1:37:57 by Lenophis (video)
Gungrave (any% SS) in 35:09 by Greenk4 (video)
Kingdom Hearts (any% Normal) in 5:59:45 by Sonicshadowsilver2 (video)
Kingdom Hearts 2 (any%) in 4:23:20 by Bl00dyBizkitz (video)
Little Big Adventure (any%) in 1:28:31 by CrimsonxxMana (download)
Little Nemo: The Dream Master (any%) in 26:25.9 by MrJugajoga (video)
Luigi's Mansion (any% w/ Skips) in 10:54 by Sockfolder (video)
Metroid (any%) in 15:43 by cak (video)
Mickey's Dangerous Chase (any%) in 15:38.4 by adefgames (video)
Nimbus (any%) in 20:16 by crate (video)
No Time to Explain! (100%) in 31:16 by Thehealbus (video)
Q.U.B.E. (any%) in 29:00 by eTholon (video)
Rad Raygun (any%) in 10:15.014 by Sir Fist (video)
Ratchet & Clank 3 (any%) in 1:44:17 by Xem92
Rosenkreuzstilette (any% Tia) in 32:50 by hagspam (video)
Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel (any% Freudia) in 32:50.76 by bjw (video)
Socket (any%) in 31:37 by setz (video)
Sonic Generations (any%) in 1:06:57 by Talon2461 (video)
Super House of Dead Ninjas (True Ending) in 5:02.62 by iongravirei (video)
Super Punch-Out! (All Circuits SS) in 2:54.05 by zallard (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (100%) in 5:30:40 by EnNopp112 (part 1) (part 2)
Whiplash (any%) in 24:07 by Rueake (video)
Yoshi's Island (100%) in 2:41:34 by Kaede (video)
Zelda II (100% Deathless) in 1:10:46 by Pro_JN (video)
Zelda II (New Game+) in 39:30 by Pro_JN (video)
Zelda II (Any% Deathless) in 1:02:05 by Pro_JN (video)
Episode 52 - Records Week! - 17 March 2013
Guests: peaches_ Pheenoh Romscout
Ballad of Gay Tony (any%) in 3:02:50 by Stauken (video)
Batman (Pacifist) in 18:20 by dxtr (video)
Batman Returns (any%) in 14:47 by honorableJay (video)
Batman: Return of the Joker (any%) in 13:40 by funkdoc (video)
Bioshock (any%) in 58:37 by Bl00d_Thunder (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Pacifist) in 1:19:55 by Romscout (video)
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (any%) in 10:12 by Nudua (video)
Crash Banidcoot 2 (100%) in 1:25:27 by MrBeen35000vr (video)
Dark Souls (All Bosses) in 1:44:41/1:41:48 (real time/in-game) by Vviking (video)
Donkey Kong 64 (101%) in 7:07:44 by Cfox7 (part 1) (part 2)
Doom 64 (any% Be Gentle) in 39:21 by peaches_ (video)
Elmo in Grouchland (any%) in 2:59 by neskamikaze (video)
Final Fantasy Tactics (any%) in 4:27:47 by Claude (video)
Final Fantasy VIII (any% RTA) in 8:48:12 by Caracarn (video)
FTL: Faster Than Light (Easy Difficulty, any ship, Crystal B) in 20:45 by Jovialis (video)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (any%) in 1:42:08 by tyr (video)
Haunting Ground (Single Segment) in 1:19:24 by rudyxx (video)
Journey to Silius (any%) in 12:12.77 (SDA timing) by christian (video)
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain off Memories (any% Sora) in 3:22:42 by Jambalya (video)
Kirby's Epic Yarn (any%) in 1:46:15 by neskamikaze (video)
Little Big Adventure (any%) in 1:30:32 by CrimsonxxMana (video)
Mario is Missing! (any% SS) in 21:34 by __sdfg (video)
Metroid Prime (any%) in 0:57 (in-game) by MilesSMB (video)
Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another World (any%) in 38:05.50 by Stauken (video)
Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another World (All Chosen One Quests) in 1:01:09 by Stauken (video)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! (any% SS) in 16:41 by sinister1 (video)
Nimbus (any%) in 20:58 by crate (video)
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (All Bounties) in 1:39:42.79 by Studio (video)
Paper Mario (any%) in 2:42:19 by Anatomyz (video)
Paper Mario (All Cards) in 3:41:14 by Anatomyz (video)
Pilotwings 64 (any%) in 35:49 by Graviton (video)
Portal (any% w/ OoB) in 9:51.915 by Spyrunite (video)
Q.U.B.E (any%) in 29:28.8 by eTholon (video)
Quest 64 (any%) in 2:04:44 by peaches_
Rad Raygun (any%) in 13:19.1 by Sir Fist (video)
Red Faction Guerrilla (any% Casual Difficulty) in 2:45:18 by Kotti (video)
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (All Levels) in 39:13 by mugg (video)
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (any%) in 2:34:58 by Cerpin (video)
Star Ocean 3 (any%) in 3:29:36 by Withhelde (video)
Streemerz (any%) in 4:17.49 by ArcBliss (video)
Suikoden (any%) in 3:29:50 by CVagts (video)
Super House of Dead Ninjas (True Ending) in 5:23.64 by iongravirei (video)
Super Mario Bros 2 (Warpless) in 23:49 (Nico RTA Timing) by Jeffrosledger (video)
Super Punch Out (All Circuits SS) in 2:58.75 by zallard (video)
Super Return of the Jedi (any% Easy) in 32:15 by Edenal (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (100%) in 5:31:03 by EnNopp112 (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (any%) in 1:54:45 by Paladrima (video)
Viewtiful Joe (any% Kids Mode, Joe) in 29:46 by tminator64 (video)
Viewtiful Joe (any% Kids Mode, Captain Blue) in 30:32 by tminator64 (video)
VVVVVV (any% w/ deaths) in 13:07 by FieryBlizzard (video)
Episode 51 - Zelda 2 - 10 March 2013
Guests: Arctic Eagle Pro_JN
Amagon (No Megagon) in 23:45 by scaryice (video)
Borderlands 2 (any%) in 3:37:20.80 by Admiral_Bahroo (video)
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (any%) in 21:53 by setz (video)
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (any%) in 58:37 by MikeMuscles (video)
Dark Souls (any%) in 56:44 (game time) by Santzo84 (video)
Drakkhen (any%) in 39:03 by Dragondarch (video)
Ecco the Dolphin (any%) in 24:33 by halfbakedprophet (video)
Final Fantasy V (any%) in 4:48:42 by puwexil (part 1) (part 2)
Gargoyle's Quest (any%) in 30:39 by chumlum (video)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (any% SS) in 1:22:44 by oasiz (video)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (any%) in 1:44:58 by tyr (video)
Half Minute Hero (Evil Lord 30) in 2:23.77 by Dowolf (video)
Holy Diver (any%) in 18:45 by funkdoc (video)
Jazz Jackrabbit (any% All Episodes) in 32:43 by Vortale (video)
Journey (any% NG+, White Cloak) in 26:49 by Vucas (video)
Journey (NG+, White Cloak, All Symbols) in 31:12 by Vucas (video)
Metal Gear Solid (Doberman Rank Single Segment) in 57:41 (game time) by DSmon (video)
Nimbus (any%) in 21:02 by crate (video)
Punch-Out! (any%) in 2:35 by funkdoc (video)
Q.U.B.E. (any%) in 29:54 by eTholon (video)
Rad Raygun (any%) in 14:55.8 by inv4der (video)
Scribblenauts: Unlimited (No Backpack) in 1:20:15 by Untouch (video)
Secret of Evermore (any%) in 1:24:06 by Lemonsx (video)
Socket (any%) in 32:01 by setz (video)
Solomon's Key (Best Ending w/o Warps) in 33:41 by ktwo
Solomon's Key (any% w/ Warps) in 15:28 by ktwo
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Warpless) in 24:12 (Nico RTA Timing) by Jeffrosledger (video)
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (any% Glitchless) in 26:50.6 by Mugg (video)
Super Metroid (any%) in 46:11/0:30 (real time/in-game) by Garrison (video)
Super Metroid (low% Ice) in 57:57/0:44 (real time/in-game) by zoast (video)
Super Metroid (low% Speed) in 1:10:48/0:53 (real time/in-game) by zoast (video)
Super Punch-Out! (any% SS) in 3:02.17 by zallard (video)
Tales of Symphonia (NG+, Glitched) in 6:55:02 by TheOriginalFanatic (part 1) (part 2)
The Castlevania Adventure (any%) in 19:42 by CountNeko (video)
The Legend Of Zelda (No Up+A) in 31:44 by Darkwing Duck (video)
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask (100%) in 5:32:56 by EnNopp112 (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (any%) in 13:12.65 by Stauken (video)
Town & Country II: Thrilla's Surfari (any%) in 17:00.74 by neo_sporin (video)
Viewtiful Joe (any% Kids) in 29:53 (game time) by Tminator64 (video)
VVVVVV (any% w/ deaths) in 13:14 by FieryBlizzard (video)
Within a Deep Forest (100%) in 20:26 by chumlum (video)
Yoshi's Island (any% w/ Warps) in 1:42:20 by MY (video)
Zelda 2 (any%) in 1:02:12 by Pro_JN (video)
Episode 50 - Castlevania: Harmony of Despair - 3 March 2013
Guests: Aftermath Mecha Richter
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (any%) in 4:21 by xcd (video)
Banjo-Tooie (any%) in 2:57:02 by Pjii (video)
Borderlands (any%) in 2:50:11/2:23:03 (real time/in-game) by jayTOH (video)
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (any%) in 14:19 by polarityy (video)
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (any%) in 22:01 by setz (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (any%) in 18:53 by Romscout (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (any% no OoB) in 27:19 by Romscout (video)
Demon's Crest (100%) in 45:18 by Broedgeman (video)
Fantasy Zone (any%) in 4:10 by peaches_ (video)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (any%) in 1:48:11 by tyr (video)
Half-Life 2 (any% Old Engine, No Scripts) in 2:20:57 by S. (video)
Jazz Jackrabbit (any% All Episodes) in 33:17 by Vortale (video)
Jet Set Radio HD (any%) in 43:29 by Rueake (video)
Lara Croft: Guardian of Light (any% NG+, co-op) in 18:54 by Fatalis and mango.dawhos (video)
Little Samson (any% w/ warps) in 12:52 by primal85 (video)
Metal Gear Solid 3 (any%, European Extreme difficulty Foxhound Rank) in 1:21:53 by Hikari (video)
Ninja Gaiden II (any%) in 10:37 by arcus (video)
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams (Normal NG+) in 2:06:37 by Oblimix (video)
Portal (any% no OoB) in 14:18 by Azorae (video)
Rage (Easy) in 1:56:37 by BWoods (video)
Super Bonk (any% w/ Warps) in 27:34 by Jeffrosledger (video)
Super Mario Land (any%) in 12:36.85 by The Tycon (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (any%) in 1:31:27 by Samura1man (video)
Super Meat Boy (106%) in 1:31:22 by Takuji (video)
Super Metroid (any%) in 46:32 by Garrison (video)
The Little Mermaid (any%) in 8:12 by Dugongue (video)
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (any%) in 16:35 by Fisherrob86 (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (100%) in 5:33:53 by EnNopp112 (video)
Tomba (any%) in 1:01:22 by Zerovii (video)
Tomba 2 (any%) in 1:25:41 by CavemanDCJ (video)
Episode 49 - Yoshi's Island - 24 February 2013
Guests: zewing trihex Carl_Sagan
ActRaiser 2 (any% Hard) in 44:55 by PJ (video)
Ape Escape 2 (any%) in 1:13:02 by Crash41596 (video)
Bastion (any% NG+) in 14:49 by redbuddha (video)
Bastion (any% NG) in 16:32.39 by LawyerDogSr (video)
Bastion (All Story Levels NG) in 50:14.56 by LawyerDogSr (video)
Bastion (All Story Levels NG+) in 47:44.30 by LawyerDogSr (video)
Batman (any%) in 10:24 by funkdoc (video)
Blues Brothers (any%) in 19:29 by Zekinoma (video)
Bomberman 64 (100%) in 1:36:55/1:06:42 (Real time/in-game) by JaggerG (video)
Catechumen (any%) in 27:23 by peaches_ (video)
Commander Keen 3 (any%) in 1:56 by Xarthok (video)
Darkwing Duck (any%) in 13:57 by Joka (video)
Disney's Extreme Skateboarding Adventure (any%) in 19:27 by Chrno (video)
Donkey Kong Land (100%) in 44:10 by Wawlconut (video)
Dustforce (SS All Levels) in 53:03 by Krankdud (video)
Fatal Frame (any%) in 1:25:46 by Zero_Shift
Final Fantasy Legend III (any%) in 2:06:23 by Poxnor (video)
Mega Man X3 (any%) in 40:32 by zewing (video)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (any%) in 31:36 by Danshow1 (video)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! (Single Segment) in 16:56 by sinister1 (video)
Nox (any% Wizard, Segmented) in 38:51 by Pjoxt (playlist)
Paper Mario (any%) in 2:51:18 by Headstrong1290 (video)
Paper Mario: Sticker Star (any%) in 4:08:25 by Ryxos (video)
Plok (any%) in 36:47 by Mecha Richter (video)
Pokémon Gold (any% Glitchless) in 3:35:04/3:29 (Real time/in-game) by werster (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
Pokémon TCG (any%) in 1:06:27 by aneeslol (video)
Portal 2 (any%) in 1:09:42 by Znernicus (video)
Ratchet and Clank 3 (any%) in 1:48:29 by xemhanort (video)
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (100%) in 2:38:30 by Surreal (video)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (any% Tails) in 26:49 (in-game) by HDL (video)
Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon (117%) in 3:56:38 by Totozigemm (video)
Super Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back (any% Easy) in 43:12 by jadin (video)
Suikoden (any%) in 3:40:26 by CVagts (video)
Super Bonk (any% w/ Warps) in 28:49 by Uznare (video)
Super Castlevania IV (any%) in 33:50 by Hanage_Belmondo (video)
Super Dodge Ball (Easy) in 5:38 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (any%) in 27:05 by controllerhead (video)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (any% Warpless) in 1:48:22 by zewing (video)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (any%) in 1:44:47 by MY (video)
Super Punch-Out (SS All Circuits) in 3:04.16 by zallard1 (video)
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (any%) in 1:14:43 by Rebcart (video)
T.R.A.G.: Mission Of Mercy (NG+) in 54:22 by CavemanDCJ (video)
T.R.A.G.: Mission Of Mercy (any%) in 1:02:26 by CavemanDCJ (video)
Tales of Symphonia (NG+) in 7:21:12 by Cosalich (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (100%) in 5:34:32 by EnNopp112 (video)
Tomba (any%) in 1:04:32/0:43 (Real time/in-game) by Zerovii (video)
Tomba (100%) in 2:00:20 by Zerovii (video)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 (any%) in 5:31 by remedy (video)
Yoshi's Story (any%) in 13:21 by Tomtron93 (video)
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (any%) in 1:38:09 by Joenome1 (video)
Episode 48 - Records Week! - 17 February 2013
Guests: Samura1man metasigma tjp7154 RingRush
A Bug's Life (any%) in 27:52 by Flint_Gaming (video)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (any%) in 4:27 by xcd (video)
Batman (any%) in 10:30 by dxtr (video)
Castlevania: Bloodlines (any% Lecarde) in 30:50 by Klaige (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (any% Maria) in 8:15 by MarkSoupial (video)
Commander Keen 1 (any%) in 3:52 by Xarthok (video)
Commander Keen 1 (100%) in 11:33 by Xarthok (video)
Commander Keen 3 (100%) in 19:32 by Xarthok (video)
Commander Keen 4 (any%) in 10:26 by CaneCraft (video)
Commander Keen 5 (any% Normal, glitchless) in 18:15 by Xarthok (video)
Dark Souls (any% Archery) in 2:04:58 by srlClint (video)
Diddy Kong Racing (100%, Adventure 1) in 2:10:59 by Toufool31 (video)
Dishonored (any%) in 41:37 by amzblk (video)
DmC - Devil May Cry (any% Heaven and Hell Difficulty, Super Dante) in 53:03 by Aphox (video)
Dynowarz: Destruction of Spondylus (any%) in 23:26 by Dugongue (video)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (any%) in 7:04:23 by Joshimuz (video)
Half Minute Hero (Evil Lord 30) in 2:26.36 by Dowolf (video)
Jurassic Park - NES (any%) in 27:02 by ZX497 (video)
Jurassic Park - SNES (any%) in 49:52 by Leonpowpow (video)
Maximum Carnage (any%) in 18:51 by Vega4993 (video)
Mega Man X4 (any% Zero) in 42:04.66 by sneakytkdninja (video)
Mighty Bomb Jack (Best Ending) in 13:31 by SN64 (video)
Ninja Kun: Ashura no Shou (any%) in 37:45 by Romscout (video)
P.O.W. (any%) in 19:52 by MURPHAGATOR (video)
Paper Mario (any%) in 2:51:46 by Headstrong1290 (video)
Paper Mario (All Cards) in 3:46:24 by Almo (video)
Plok (any% with warps) in 39:03 by Mecha Richter (video)
Portal (any% no OoB) in 14:44 by SullyJHF (video)
Quantum Conundrum (any%) in 59:15 by Bl00d_Thunder (video)
Quest 64 (any%) in 2:31:02 by KirkQ (video)
Ratchet & Clank (any% NG+) in 48:17 by CavemanDCJ (video)
Rayman Origins (any%) in 2:10:10 by spikevegeta (video)
Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel (Freudia) in 33:28.85 by bjw (video)
Secret of Evermore (any%) in 1:36:59 by TheAngryPanda
Shadow of the Colossus (any%) in 1:56:30 by Darksaber (playlist)
Sonic R (100%) in 16:37 by bertin (video)
Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (any%) in 1:27:31 by COEL625 (video)
Spyro 3: Year Of The Dragon (117%) in 4:01:00 by Totozigemm (video)
Starcraft 2 (Brutal) in 2:30:52 by KingDime (playlist)
Super Dodge Ball (any% Easy) in 6:00 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Super Mario Land 2 (any%) in 27:27 by controllerhead (video)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (any% Warpless) in 1:48:21 by zewing (video)
Super Metroid (any%) in 46:37 by Garrison (video)
Super Punch-Out (All Circuits SS) in 3:06.20 by zallard1 (video)
System Shock 2 (Impossible Difficulty) in 27:29.90 by M1_Account (video)
T.R.A.G.: Mission Of Mercy (any% NG+) in 56:58 by CavemanDCJ (video)
The Great Gatsby (any%) in 3:09.10 by neskamikaze (video)
The Little Mermaid (any%) in 7:18 by Dugongue (video)
TLoZ: Majora's Mask (any%) in 1:40:01 by EnNopp112 (video)
TLoZ: Ocarina of Time (100%) in 5:05:07 by ZFG (video)
Toy Story 3 (any%) in 49:40 by PassiveBobOmb (video)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Easy) in 1:53:03 by KHANanaphone (video)
Ys Origin (any% Toal) in 1:45:15 by xtremeBored (video)
Zelda 2 (any% glitched) in 22:33 by Pro_JN (video)
Episode 47 - Shadow the Hedgehog & Sonic 06 - 10 February 2013
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (any%) in 5:28 by xcd (video)
Batman (any%) in 10:37 by dxtr (video)
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (any%) in 22:03 by setz (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Richter, any%) in 5:33 by Mecha Richter (video)
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (any%) in 15:39 by btrim (video)
Congo's Caper (any%) in 20:59 by Omnigamer (video)
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (any%) in 51:56 by ElectronAvenue (video)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (any%) in 6:00:59 by rinimt (video)
Doom 64 (any% Watch Me Die) in 1:18:59 by peaches_ (video)
Earthbound (any% Glitchless) in 4:54:20 by 0xwas (video)
Frogger: He's Back (any%) in 15:50 by CaneOfPacci (video)
Frogger: He's Back (All Gold Frogs) in 39:31 by CaneOfPacci (video)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (any%) in 7:42 by Joshimuz (video)
Gunman Clive (Easy Difficulty ILs) in 12:11.59 by Greenalink
Jak & Daxter (any% no S&Q) in 1:27:41 by fransson64 (video)
Journey (any% White Robe NG+) in 29:00 by Oblimix (video)
Jurrasic Park (any%) in 53:02 by HeyItsLeonPowalski (video)
Lion King (any%) in 6:36 by bangerra (video)
Mario Kart 64 (150cc with Shortcuts) in 32:11.77 by Mark Jones (video)
Mega Man X3 (low%) in 28:57 by IrregularJinny (video)
New Super Mario Bros U (any%) in 40:04.59 by Hardwk (video)
Ninja Gaiden (any%) in 11:50 by Exo (video)
Ninja Senki (any%) in 25:28 by ClysmiC (video)
Paper Mario (any%) in 2:54:01 by Anatomyz (video)
Paper Mario: Sticker Star (any%) in 4:09:38 by typetsuki (video)
Psychonauts (any%) in 1:01:32 by MrFleshlight (video)
Secret of Evermore (any%) in 1:53:17 by metasigma (video)
Super Dodge Ball (any%) in 6:18 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Super Mario 3D Land (any%) in 57:17 by KosmicD (video)
Super Metroid (any%) in 46:42 by Garrison (video)
Sonic '06 (Sonic's Story) in 1:03:01 by Parax (video)
TLoZ: Majora's Mask (any%) in 1:40:20 by sva (video)
TLoZ: Ocarina Of Time (100% U) in 5:33:07 by Runnerguy (part 1) (part 2)
Timecop (any%) in 20:12 by Omnigamer (video)
TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan (any%) in 13:15 by Dein (video)
Toki - Going Ape Spit (any% Hardest) in 41:00.89 by AdamAK (video)
Zelda II (any% Glitched) in 26:30 by Presjpolk (video)
Episode 46 - Pokémon Fire Red & Leaf Green - 3 February 2013
Guests: werster MexiricanBassMonkey
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (any%) in 7:53 by Deepfreeze (video)
Alice in Wonderland (any%) in 29:14 by A_Cute_Lynx (video)
Anticipation Any% (Very Hard) in 8:03 by KHANanaphone (video)
Ape Escape (100%) in 2:13:26 by Ihavenoname (video)
Ape Escape 3 (any% 2 All Monkeys) in 2:52:04 by Surreal (video)
Batman Returns (any%) in 18:14 by honorableJay (video)
Bionic Commando (any%) in 17:03 by feasel (video)
Bomberman 64 (any% Normal) in 25:49 by footbigmike (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (any% Luck Mode) in 23:34 by Romscout (video)
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (any% Magician Mode, Major Skips) in 2:31/2:50 (in-game/real time) by Zx497 (video)
Chulip (any%) in 4:16:33 by Rebcart (video)
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (any%) in 52:23 by ElectronAvenue (video)
Dante's Inferno (any% NG+ Classic) in 2:07:03 by Cfox7 (video)
Darkwing Duck (any%) in 14:59 by Joka (video)
Diddy Kong Racing (any% NG+ No Wrong Warp, Adventure 1) in 1:42:51 by 0xwas (video)
Diddy Kong Racing (100%, Adventure 1) in 2:11:36 0xwas (video)
Donkey Kong 94 (any%) in 1:08:31 by Tropicallo (video)
Dustforce (SS All Levels) in 58:34 by Krankdud (video)
Final Fantasy 5 (any%) in 4:53:50 by puwexil (video)
Final Fantasy IV (any% Major Skips) in 2:26:06 by Brossentia (part 1) (part 2)
Final Fantasy VIII (any% RTA) in 8:55:03 by Caracarn (video)
Frogger: He's Back! (All Gold Frogs) in 42:30 by CaneofPacci (video)
Gimmick (Best Ending) in 10:35 by cyghfer (video)
Hotline Miami (any% NG+) in 32:56 by Pykn (video)
I Wanna Be The Guy: Gaiden (Medium Difficulty) in 4:23 by Arkhanno (video)
Jak II: Renegade (any%) in 1:29:48 by ThaRixer (video)
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (any% Jazz) in 23:54 by Vortale (video)
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (any% Spaz) in 22:37 by Vortale (video)
Jewel Master (any% Easy) in 14:56 by Sonikkustar (video)
Katamari Damacy (any%) in 31:59 by grass (video)
Mark of the Ninja (any% NG+) in 26:01 by Aphox (video)
Marvel Land (any% Medium) in 21:05 by Therio (video)
Mega Man X4 (100% Zero) in 42:30 by sneakytkdninja (video)
Mischief Makers (any%) in 58:18 by Alfador (video)
New Super Mario Bros. U (100%) in 3:52:08 by ewaller (video)
New Super Mario Bros. U (any%) in 40:21 by Hardpelicn (video)
Ninja Gaiden 2 (any%) in 10:40 by duckfist (video)
Octodad (any%) in 6:00 by Jorf (video)
Pokémon Fire Red in 3:52 by werster (video)
Pokémon Stadium 2 (any% Round 1) in 2:42:01 by Sanford_Kelly (video)
RAGE (any% Anarchy Edition) in 2:06:35 by halfcoordinated (video)
Red Dead Redemption (any% True Ending) in 6:09:49 by Steve50013 (video)
Rockman & Forte (any% Forte) in 39:04 by Nijikutsu
Rugrats: Search For Reptar (any%) in 21:59 by c0urtney19 (video)
Scribblenauts Unlimited (any% No Backpack) in 1:29:31 by Untouch (video)
Secret of Evermore (any%) in 1:58:30 by metasigma (video)
Shadow The Hedgehog (Pure Dark) in 16:54 by bertin (video)
Smart Ball (any%) in 21:11 by Dugongue (video)
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Hero Story) in 39:21 by BrokenArthritis (video)
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! (100%) in 2:13:07 by Cyprys
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (any%) in 27:44 by mugg1991 (video)
Super Mario World (96 Exit) in 1:24:30 by Dram55 (video)
Super Mario World (Low%) in 15:29 by lemongrass
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (100%) in 2:41:50 by zewing (video)
Super Metroid (any%) in 46:58 by Garrison (video)
Super Metroid (100%) in 1:21:24 by zoast (video)
Super Star Wars (any%) in 28:08 by Striker (video)
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (any%) in 41:33 by Striker (video)
Super Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back (any%) in 52:28 by Striker (video)
The Blues Brothers (any%) in 27:20 by Dugongue (video)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (any%) in 58:09 by Wymorn (video)
The Great Waldo Search (any% Normal) in 1:11 by Dugongue (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (any%) in 1:41:09 by EnNopp112 (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (All Masks) in 2:39:15 by GoronGuy (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (any%) in 5:34:08 by Tlozsr (video)
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (low%) in 6:11:12 by Vulpone (video)
The Mafat Conspiracy (any%) in 28:35 by Emptyeye (video)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (any%) in 5:43 by remedy (video)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (any%) in 3:55 by George (video)
X-Men 2: Clone Wars (any%) in 26:25 by rggibson (video)
Ys: Origin (any% Toal) in 1:48:40 by xtremeBored (video)
Ys: Origin (any% Yunica) in 2:18:51 by xtremeBored (video)
Zelda 2 (any%) in 1:03:38 by Pro_JN (video)
Episode 45 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent - 27 January 2013
Guests: AdamAK Mr Weables
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (any%) in 28:16 by Mr Weables (video)
Amnesia: Justine (any%) in 3:59 by Mr Weables (video)
Batman (any%) in 10:53 by dxtr (video)
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (any% Richter Only) in 22:13 by setz (video)
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (any%) in 13:56 (in-game) by Romscout (video)
Diddy Kong Racing (any% Wrong Warp) in 4:27.33 by Toufool31 (video)
Donkey Kong Country (any%) in 8:51 by Klosty (video)
Donkey Kong Country (All Levels) in 35:27 by Klosty (video)
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (100%) in 1:36:10 by PiePusher11 (video)
Doom 64 (Watch Me Die!) in 1:22:51 by peaches_ (video)
Doom 64 (Be Gentle!) in 40:59 by peaches_ (video)
Earthbound (any% English, Glitchless) in 4:58:33 by skateman222 (video)
Ecco the Dolphin (any%) in 26:39 by Rezard (video)
Evil Dead: Hail to the King (any%) in 53:10 by kkrt
Final Fantasy VIII (any%) in 8:59:54 by Caracarn (video)
Frogger: He's Back! (any%) in 16:51 by CaneofPacci (video)
Frogger: He's Back! (All Gold Frogs) in 44:24 by CaneofPacci (video)
Journey (any% NG+) in 31:27 by Oblimix (video)
Katamari Damacy (any%) in 33:04 by grass (video)
Luigi's Mansion (any%) in 1:31:36 by Bonesaw577 (video)
Mighty Bomb Jack (any%) in 7:43 by SN64 (video)
Nimbus (any%) in 22:00 by bonygrunt (video)
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (Sword Only) in 13:58 by duckfist (video)
Octodad (any%) in 6:08 by S. (video)
Paper Mario (All Cards) in 3:49:39 by iateyourpie (video)
Paper Mario (any%) in 3:01:51 by 0xwas (video)
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (any%) in 6:05:35 by Almo (part 1) (part 2)
Super Paper Mario (any%) in 4:36:38 by reqve_ (video)
Portal (any% No OoB) in 14:55 by SullyJHF (video)
Quake (any% Easy) in 13:37 by coolkid (video)
Rage (any% Anarchy Edition) in 2:51:46 by halfcoordinated (video)
Ratchet & Clank (any% NG+) in 52:40 by CavemanDCJ (video)
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (any% Easy) in 2:38:35 by Zastbat (video)
Secret of Evermore (any%) in 2:14:56 by metasigma (part 1) (part 2)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles in 30:05 (any% Co-op) by werster and mike89 (video)
Starfox 64 (Redline) in 34:11 by zallard1 (video)
Stealth Bastard: Tactical Espionage Arsehole (100%) in 31:52.42 by Newman (video)
Super Mario Bros (warpless) in 19:26 by andrewg (video)
Toki: Going Ape Spit (any%) in 54:07 by Shrimp (video)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (any%) in 5:52 by remedy (video)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (any%) in 4:07 by George
Toy Story 3 (any%) in 1:09:07 by PassiveBobOmb (video)
Ys: Origin (any% Yunica) in 2:24:33 by General_Beatrix (video)
Episode 44 - AGDQ Recap - 20 January 2013
Guests: SMK Dram55 Cyghfer trihex
Banjo-Kazooie (100%) in 2:24:24 by StivityBobo (video)
Bastion (any% NG+) in 14:49 by RedBudha (video)
Blaster Master (any%) in 33:43 by Dugongue (video)
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Julius mode) in 32:53 by Romscout (video)
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (any%) in 15:49 by Romscout
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (any%) in 22:41 by setz (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Richter All Bosses, 360) in 22:41 by Mecha Richter
Crash Bandicoot (any%) in 46:20 by CaneofPacci (video)
Crash Team Racing (any%) in 56:58 by Lechanceux100 (video)
Crayon Shin-Chan 4 (any%) in 7:33 by jeffsledge (video)
Croc (any%) in 48:50 by Venick409 (video)
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (any% Leon) in 34:58 by Dragondarch (video)
Dear Esther (any%) in 19:44 by S. (video)
Demon's Crest (any%) in 12:33 by Broedgeman (video)
Diddy Kong Racing (Glitched NG+) in 6:04 by 0xwas (video)
Diddy Kong Racing (any% NG+) in 1:43:31 by 0xwas (video)
Die Hard (any% Beginner) in 4:56 by KirkQ (video)
Die Hard (low% Advanced) in 0:06 by KirkQ
Donkey Kong 64 (any%) in 45:36 by RingRush
Donkey Kong Country (any%) in 9:27 by Klosty (video)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (any%) in 42:19 by Drum
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (any%) in 1:29:41 by PiePusher11
Double Dragon: Neon (any% NG) in 38:01 by MURPHAGATOR (video)
Earthbound (any% Glitchless, English) in 5:16:54 by 0xwas (video)
Ecco the Dolphin (any%) in 28:11 by halfbakedprophet (video)
Final Fantasy X (any%) in 10:38:25 by Caracarn (video)
Frogger: He's Back! (All Gold Frogs) in 44:39 by CaneofPacci (video)
Gears of War (any% Casual) in 1:45:30 by zzDAZZLEzz (video)
Gimmick (Best Ending J) in 10:41 by Cyghfer
Hotline Miami (any% NG+) in 35:46 by Pykn (video)
Hudson's Adventure Island (any%) in 37:40 by takenoko (video)
Jak 3 (any%) in 1:09:26 by ThaRixer (video)
The non-submission submission
Jak and Daxter (any% No Save & Quit) in 1:30:12 by Bonesaw577
Joe & Mac (any% Easy) in 22:13 by Neptune (video)
Kid Chameleon (any%) in 1:43.93 by peaches_ (video)
Kirby's Adventure (100% Glitchless) in 54:06 by controllerhead (video)
Link's Awakening DX (any% Glitched) in 5:14 by giuocob
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (any%) in 4:03:16 by Rocmox (video)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (low%) in 3:49:07 by GoronGuy (video)
Mario Superstar Baseball (Mushroom Cup) in 30:44 by Boohead86 (video)
Mega Man X3 (100% J) in 47:22 by zewing (video)
Mega Man Legends 2 (any%) in 1:27:25/1:35:15 (in-game/real time) by JMC4789 (video)
Updated the time for this one
Metroid Prime (100%) in 1:18 by MilesSMB (video)
New Super Mario Bros. U (any%) in 41:23 by ewaller (video)
New Super Mario Bros. U (100%) in 4:22:42 by ewaller (video)
NightSky (any%) in 37:41 by ZFG (video)
NightSky (100%) in 38:02 by ZFG (video)
Nimbus (any%) in 23:17 by bonygrunt (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (100%) in 5:14:59 by ZFG (Part 1) (Part 2)
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (All Bounties) in 1:58:26 by @LeagueOfStudio
Okami HD (any% NG+) in 1:54:40 by kwanzai (video)
Paper Mario (any%) in 3:18:26 by headstrong1290 (video)
Paper Mario: Thousand-Year Door (any%) in 6:24:46 by Almo (video)
Pokémon LeafGreen (any%) in 2:09:26 by mexiricanbassmonkey (video)
Pokémon Snap (any%) in 22:46 by RaikerZ (video)
Pokémon Stadium 2 (any% Round 1) in 2:46:31 by Sanford_Kelly (video)
Portal (any% No OoB) in 15:06 by SullyJHF (video)
Portal (any% With OoB) in 10:23 by Spyrunite (video)
Portal 2 (any%) in 1:10:45 by Znernicus (video)
Ratchet & Clank (any% NG+) in 1:04:24 by Orch (video)
Ratchet and Clank 3 (any%) in 1:52:38 by Xem (video)
Resident Evil 2 (any% Claire A) in 1:09:26 by AndehX (video)
Resident Evil 2 (any% Leon A) in 1:01:21 by AndehX (video)
Secret of Evermore (any%) in 2:16:47 by metasigma (video)
Shadow The Hedgehog (Pure Hero) in 20:14 by bertin (video)
Shadow The Hedgehog (Neutral Story) in 17:46 by bertin (video)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (any%) in 1:27:46 by tekkie (video)
Skyrim (any%) in 1:05:53 by Wymorn (video)
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Hero Story) in 40:10 by BrokenArthritis (video)
Sonic Colors (Egg Shuttle) in 44:51:.14 by DarkspinesSonic (video)
Star Fox 64 (Redline) in 34:48 by 0xwas (video)
Super Castlevania 4 (any%) in 34:13 by hanage
Super Mario Land (any%) in 12:45.66 by mugg (video)
Super Mario World (any%) in 10:26.32 by menboo93 (video)
Super Metroid (100%) in 1:22:01 by zoast (video)
Super Star Wars (any%) in 28:57 by Striker (video)
LoZ: The Minish Cap (any%) in 2:08:18 by Mbrules
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (any%) in 6:19 by remedy (video)
LoZ: Twilight Princess (All Dungeons) in 4:32:28 by Pheenoh (video)
LoZ: Twilight Princess (any% No Save & Quit) in 3:36:36 by Pheenoh (video)
Wario World (any%) in 57:48 by TheTycon (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%) in 4:37:24 by Cosmo (video)
X-Men 2: Clone Wars (any%) in 26:52 by rggibson (video)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (100%) in 2:43:26 by Kaede
Ys: Origin (any%) in 2:26:22 by General_Beatrix (video)
NOTE: The Pokémon Gold run in this week's episode was a repeat from Episode 42. Sorry. :(
Episode 43 - AGDQ Live - 13 January 2013
Guests: Everyone
Live AGDQ (any%) in 1:44:16 by Everyone (video)
Episode 42 - AGDQ HYPE! - 30 December 2012
Guests: Lee Mr. K Mike Uyama Go1den
Ninja Gaiden (any%) in 12:00 by dxtr
Super Metroid (any% US) in 47:18 by Garrison
Super Metroid (100%) in 1:22:50 by zoast (video)
Street Fighter X Mega Man (any%) in 25:16 by Hotarubi (video download)
Contra 3 (Co-op) in 13:48 by Mr. K and Hurblat
Contra (Co-op) in 10:06 by Mr. K and Heidman
Contra: Shattered Soldier (Co-op A/S-rank) in 33:59 by Mike Uyama and Hurblat (video)
Contra Force (any%) in 16:00 by Hurblat
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (Sora's Story) in 4:08:13 by Drazerk
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (any%) in 4:22:09 by Drazerk
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (any% no OoB, PSX) in 31:58 by Satoryu (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Richter All Bosses, Xbox 360) in 25:48 by Mecha Richter (video)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Pacifist, Xbox 360) in 1:25:12 by Mecha Richter (video)
Kid Chameleon (any%) in 1:43.93 by peaches_ (video)
Toy Commander (any%) in 33:39 by DLH112 (video)
God of War 2 (NG+) in 1:28:47 by theenglishman (playlist)
Metroid Prime (100%) in 1:18 by MilesSMB
Secret of Evermore (any%) in 2:40:35 by metasigma
Double Dragon: Neon (NG any%) in 38:01 by MURPHAGATOR [ (video)
Frogger: He's Back! (any% 2) in 49:10 by CaneofPacci (video)
Buck Bumble (any%) in 36:54 by Rueake (video)
Blaster Master (any% with deaths) in 34:42 by UraniumAnchor (video)
Mega Man X4 (100% XC) in 43:09 by sneakytkdninja
The Battle Of Olympus (any%) in 33:34 by boxfat (video)
Snake Rattle N Roll (any% warpless) in 10:55 by [1] (video)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (any% Co-op) in 30:15 by werster and mike89 (video)
Jak & Daxter (any%) in 1:28:25 by Bonesaw577
Star Fox 64 (Redline) in 35:04 by 0xwas
Bastion (any% NG) in 19:11 by ClockworkMako
Bastion (any% NG+) in 15:01 by ClockworkMako
Paper Mario (any% US) in 3:21:16 by r0bd0g
Paper Mario (100% US) in 5:58:10 by 0xwas
Wario Land 4 (any% Super Hard) in 1:07:55 by mike89 (video)
New Super Mario Bros. U (any%) in 42:40 by ewaller (video)
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (any% Leon) in 34:58 by Dragondarch (video)
Pokémon Gold (any% Glitchless) in 3:30 by werster (video)
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (any%) in 1:29:41 by PiePusher11
Rocket Knight Adventures (any% Easy) in 28:09 by Vorpal (video)
Shadow the Hedgehog (any%) in 18:01 by bertin
Sonic Colors (any%) in 44:51.14 by Da1andOnlySonic (video)
Final Fantasy X (any%) in 10:38:25 by Caracarn
Crash Team Racing (any%) in 56:58 by Lechanceux100 (video)
Pokémon Snap (any%) in 22:54 by RaikerZ
Pokémon Snap (100%) in 25:47 by RaikerZ
Banjo-Kazooie (100%) in 2:26:41 by StivityBobo (video)
Resident Evil 2 (Leon A, Wii) in 1:04:09 by AndehX (video)
Resident Evil 2 (Claire A, Wii) in 1:10:16 by AndehX (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (100%) in 3:34:15 by Samura1man(video)
Hudson's Adventure Island (any% J) in 37:40 by takenoko (video)
LoZ: The Minish Cap (any%) in 2:08:18 by Mbrules
Jet Set Radio HD (any%) in 45:21 by Rueake (video)
VVVVVV (100%) in 17:48 by FieryBlizzard (video)
Episode 41 - Portal 2 - 16 December 2012
Kid Chameleon (4-boss) in 28:38 by Peaches (video)
Micro Maniacs (any% PAL) in 15:49 by CrashCycle (video)
Castlevania: SotN (pacifist) in 1:41:42 by Mecha Richter (video)
-Can't believe he's still doing this.
Maximum Carnage (any%) in 20:32 by Vega4993 (video)
-Wow! Beats funkdoc.
Dragon Dragon Neon (NG any%) in 39:22 by Murphagator (video)
Mega Man X3 (low%, J) in 44:38 by zewing (video)
Mega Man X3 (100% bad ending, J) in 48:18 by zewing (video)
Portal (any% OoB) in 11:12.405 by iVerb (video)
Portal 2 (any% co-op) in 43:11 by Xebaz & Colfra (video)
Paper Mario (any% with skips, J) in 3:27:55 by 0xwas (video)
-0xwas found out his record was taken. That isn't allowed to happen.
Final Fantasy Legend 3 (any%) in 2:17:58 by Poxnor (video)
Gungrave (any%) in 39:17 by Greenk4 (video)
Zelda II (any%) in 1:04:21 by Pro_JN (video)
He can't be stopped!
Final Fantasy VI (any% SS) in 4:57:22/4:36 (real time/in-game) by Essentia (video)
Blaster Master 2 (any%) in 40:20 by UraniumAnchor (video)
Star Fox 64 (Normal redline route) in 35:30 by 0xwas (video)
Whiplash (any%) in 1:37:03 by Rueake (video)
LoZ: Ocarina Of Time 3D (NG+ any%) in 36:52 by benstephens1000
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (100%, J) in 5:18:34 by Runnerguy
Bookworm Adventures (Adventure mode) in 1:53:09 by I have no name (video)
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (117%) in 4:08:18 by Totozigemm (video)
X-Men 2: Clone Wars (any%) in 27:50 by Rggibson (video)
-Go go Nightcrawler!
Earthbound (glitchless) in 5:18:30 by skateman222 (video)
Lost Odyssey (any% PAL) in 8:30:30 by PotatoHandle (video)
Bad News Baseball (win a game) in 2:32 by Rggibson (video)
Sonic '06 (Sonic's story) in 1:05:30 by Parax (video)
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum (any%) in 6:54 by neskamikaze (video)
-How did we let this happen? :'(
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Tails any%) in 27:00/38:06 (in-game/real time) by HDL (video)
Booty Hunt (any%) in 2:31.399 by Minion (video)
Super Metroid (any% real time) in 47:26 by Garrison (video)
-Amazing. This guy is too good.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (any% NG+) in 4:53:41 by rinimt (video)
Sonic CD (any%) in 12:37.56 by footbigmike (video)
Bastion (any%) in 29:29 by Lawyerdogsr (video)
Spyro The Dragon (120%) in 1:42:47 by Surreal (video)
Commander Keen 5 (any% glitchless) in 18:49 by Xarthok
Commander Keen 5 (any%) in 2:31 by Xarthok (video)
-One second faster than Cosmo!
Wario World (any%) in 58:58 by Omegagalax (video)
-I love this game! Mad good.
LoZ: Majora's Mask (low%) in 3:52:55 by GoronGuy (video)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (any%) in 28:55 (in-game) by Mr_weables (video)
Mischief Makers (any%) in 58:44 by Alfador (video)(Youtube)
-Whoa! Dethrones the P.
Wario Land 4 (any% super hard) in 1:17:04 by mike89 (video)
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar (any%) in 2:50:59 by Forte27
E. V. O.: The Search For Eden (any%) in 50:35 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (SS with scripts) in 57:00.81 by S. (video)
Episode 40 - Ninja Gaiden - 9 December 2012
Contra: Shattered Soldier (S-rank) in 35:14 by Mike Uyama (video)
Final Fantasy IV (any% SS, US) in 3:36:27 by Obdajr (video)
-Wow what an improvement!
Castlevania: SotN (Maria all bosses, Saturn) in 44:45 by Marksoupial (video)
Castlevania: SotN (Maria any%, Saturn) in 8:17 by Marksoupial
Ninja Gaiden (pacifist) in 15:48 by sinister1 (video)
-How timely!
Micro Maniacs (any%, PAL) in 16:13 by Crashcycle [2]
Pac-Man World 2 (any%) in 49:03 by C13 (video)
Final Fantasy Legend II (any%) in 34:28 by Poxnor (video)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (100%) in 1:13:52 by Kirua (video)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Knuckles any%) in 25:36/33:06 (in-game/RTA) by HDL (video)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Tails any%) in 27:28/38:44 (in-game/RTA) by HDL (video)
-Wow! This guy is on a roll. Look out, mike89!
Congo's Caper (any%) in 21:21 by Omnigamer (video)
-Cute monkeys!
Castlevania: SotN (pacifist!!!) in 2:25:14 by Mecha Richter (video)
-I can't believe he did this. Twice. In the same day.
Rayman (any%) in 1:42:15 by spikevegeta (video)
Kingdom Hearts (any% SS) in 6:26:13 by spikevegeta (video)
Kirby's Dream Land (any%) in 11:42 by Bosscrab (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%) in 21:18 by Pydoyks (video)
Resident Evil 2 (Leon A, PSP) in 1:07:19 by Carcinogen
Donkey Kong 64 (any%) in 45:37 by Ringrush (video)
-The best.
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (SNES, J) in 28:47 by dosite
Paper Mario (any%) in 3:53:36 by iateyourpie (video)
-New skippssss
X-Men 2: Clone Wars (any%) in 30:17 by Rggibson (video)
Joe & Mac (any% easy) in 22:49 by Neptune (video)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (low%) in 3:59:36 by GoronGuy (video)
Chex Quest (any% Episode 1, easy) in 4:41.34 by TheCarter913
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%) in 5:37:19 by EnNopp112 (part1)(part2)
Bomberman 64 (100%) in 1:07:32 by JaggerG (video)
-Repeat from last week.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (any%) in 6:01:18 by rinimt (video)
Mark of the Ninja (NG+ any%) in 29:34 by Raelcun (video)
-This game has a load of OoB
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar (any%) in 2:57:08 by Forte27 (video)
Half Minute Hero (Hero 3) in 12.12 (in-game) by Dowolff (video)
Mass Effect (NG+ casual) in 1:32:46 by your_name_here (video)
-New trick saved 6 minutes!
Pokemon Colosseum (any%) in 4:37:02 by Blkyoshi (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time Master Quest (MST, J) in 2:58:00 by footbigmike (video)
Episode 39 - GTA: Vice City - 2 December 2012
Commander Keen 4 (any%) in 10:28 by Cosmo (video)
Donkey Kong 64 (any%) in 46:36 by Cfox7 (video)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (any%) in 1:24:05 by Oasiz (video)
-Hey he's on our show!
Super Mario Bros. (warpless, NES) in 19:34 by KosmicD (video)
-Beats andrewg! :O
Doom 64 (any%) in 42:49 by Peaches (video)
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any%, J) in 4:39:01 by Demon9 (video)
-Wow this battle is intense!
Left 4 Dead (No Mercy) in 11:38 by oasizFreezardAdam_AKand flicky (video)
Metroid Zero Mission (low%) in 45:49 by Zx497 (video)
Katamari Damacy (any%) in 33:41 by DoughyGuy (video)
LoZ: The Phantom Hourglass (any%) in 3:48:05 by Cheese4343 (part1)(part2)
007: Agent Under Fire (00 Agent any%) in 38:33 (in-game) by Aleckermit (video)
Luigi's Mansion (100%) in 1:25:28 by Bonesaw577 (video)
Metroid Prime 2 (any%) in 1:06 (in-game) by Miles (video)
-Miles <3
Super Meat Boy (106%) in 1:42:55 by Breakdown (video)
Commander Keen 5 (any%) in 2:32 by Cosmo (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%) in 21:26 by Pydoyks (video)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Knuckles any%) in 26:26 (in-game) by HDL (video)
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (any% Richter) in 23:30 by setz (video)
Shatter (any% Story mode) in 48:22 by bonygrunt (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time Master Quest (MST, J) in 3:06:12 by HST (video)
Kirby 64 (100%) in 1:12:33 by 0xwas
Streemerz (any%) in 4:24.17 by Garrison (video)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (100%) in 1:14:31 by Kirua (video)
Sonic Adventure DX (Amy's story) in 13:31 by venick409 (video)
Final Fantasy X-2 (any%, J) in 3:17:49 by Caracarn (video)
Uninvited (any%) in 12:48 by Crippe (video)
Chinese Super Mario World (any%) in 2:05 by Xelotath (video)
Mass Effect (NG+ casual) in 1:38:50 by your_name_here (video)
Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (any% scriptless) in 1:43:26 by S. (video)
Fester's Quest (any%) in 24:37 by Brossentia (video)
Bomberman 64 (100%) in 1:07:32.35 by JaggerG (video)
Episode 38 - Banjo-Kazooie - 25 November 2012
Guests: StivityBobomr_weables
Mega Man 7 (any%, MMAC) in 40:31 by Obdajr (video)
-I love this game.
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (any% Richter) in 23:37 by setz (video)
Splatterhouse (any%, Arcade) in 13:54 by zallard1 (video)
Maximum Carnage (any%) in 20:37 by funkdoc (video)
-Some sick new strats! Definitely worth a watch.
Wario Land 4 (hard mode) in 1:01:52 by mike89 (video)
Cave Story (best ending) in 59:34 by Sain (video)
-How in the world did he beat his old run?!?!
Banjo-Tooie (any%) in 3:05:39/2:30:33 (RTA/in-game) by Pjii
Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny (any%) in 10:15 by Reaku (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%) in 4:40:15 by Cosmo (video)
VVVVVV (any% no-death mode) in 14:05 by FieryBlizzard (video)
Mega Man X (any%, J) in 32:13 by mushipan
-Beats Caleb by 1 second!
Donkey Kong COuntry (all levels) in 36:11 by tjp7154 (video)
-Those jumprolls!
Final Fantasy VII (any% SS, US) in 9:05:17 by puwexil (video)
Mega Man X3 (any%, J) in 40:45 by mushipan (video)
-Apparently an old record. An oldie but goodie.
Blaster Master 2 (any%) in 42:17 by UraniumAnchor (video)
Whizz (any%) in 16:10 by PJ (video)
-Ho hum
Super Monkey Ball 2 (story mode) in 36:08 by Miles (video)
Little Big Planet (any%) in 1:12:42 by Brossentia (video)
LoZ: Minish Cap (any%) in 2:09:07 by SD2 (video)
X-Men 2: Clone Wars (any%) in 30:51 by rggibson (video)
-This is a really cool game.
Resident Evil 2 (PSP, any% Leon A) in 1:07:26 by Carcinogen (video)
Paper Mario (100%, J) in 6:20:18 by 0xwas (part1)(part2)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time Master Quest (any% glitchless, J) in 4:09:00 by HST (video)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (all masks) in 2:43:35 by GoronGuy (video)
Super Mario 64 (70-star) in 49:09 by Siglemic (video)
LoZ: Twilight Princess (any%) in 3:22:57 by Pheenoh
-He back?!
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (MST, J) in 2:11:05 by Pydoyks (video)
Pokemon White (any%) in 3:55:26 by AnemBrawl (video)
Spyro the Dragon (120%) in 1:44:07 by Surreal (video)
Kingdom Hearts (any% SS) in 7:05:43 by tojimaru (video)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (any% normal mode) in 6:12:02 by rinimt (video)
Mario Kart 64 (150cc all cups, no shortcuts) in 40:47 by Dntn31 (video)
Descent (Sprint run) in 11:40 by Justis (video)
A Boy and His Blob (any%) in 1:59.36 by Jorf (video)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Tails any%) in 27:56 by HDL (video)
-Hot damn!!
Bomberman 64 (100%) in 1:09:23 by JaggerG (video)
Spyro: A Hero's Tail (any%) in 1:41:08 by Crash41596 (video)
Spyro the Dragon: Year of the Dragon (117%) in 4:13:04 by Totozigemm (video)
Episode 37 - Metroid Prime - 18 November 2012
Grand Theft Auto 3 (any%) in 1:24:23 by oasiz (video)
Super Monkey Ball 2 (story) in 36:38 by midboss (video)
-Where you at, Miles?
Metroid Prime (any%) in 0:58 (in-game) by Miles (video)
-Oh...there you are.
Rocket Knight Adventures (hard) in 32:28 by Vorpal
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (Meta Knightmare 100%) in 34:08 by neskamikaze (video)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (any% warpless) in 53:34 by Kirua (video)
Link's Awakening DX (any%) in 1:25:29 by giuocob (video)
Doom 64 (any%) in 44:32 by peaches__ (video)
Ninja Gaiden II (pacifist) in 17:30 by duckfist (video)
Soul Blazer (any% deathless) in 1:51:18 by Everhate (video)
-This is a great run of a great game
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%) in 5:38:32 by EnNopp112 (video)
Super Mario 64 (70-star) in 49:26 by Siglemic (video)
-This is the run Kappa
Solar Jetman (any% with warps) in 25:53 by ktwo (video)
-Please watch this run. Immediately.
Guardian Heroes (XBLA, Golden Silver path as Nicole) in 12:20 by Greenalink (video)
Star Fox Adventures (any%, PAL) in 5:23:50 by Samura1man (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any% no tuner) in 5:07:43 by Demon9 (video)
Mega Man 9 (in-game any%) in 20:37 by rggibson (video)
Mario Party (mini-game island) in 39:49 by Urboygraham
Super Mario World (96-exit) in 1:25:19 by dram55 (video)
Rise of the Dragon (any%) in 7:48.88 by Rebcart (video)
Portal 2 (any%) in 1:11:31 by znernicus (video)
Ultima Exodus (any%) in 1:14:03 by Presjpolk (video)
Bad News Baseball (any%) in 3:15 by rggibson (video)
A Boy and His Blob (any%) in 2:00.23 by Jorf (video)
Donkey Kong 64 (any%) in 46:39? by KosmicD (video)
Luigi's Mansion (low%, J) in 1:17:57 by Bonesaw577 (video)
Super Meat Boy (106%) in 1:43:25 by Breakdown (video)
Bomberman 64 (100%) in 1:11:49.99 by JaggerG
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%, J) in 4:42:02 by Demon9
Episode 36 - Records week, Spooktacular, and numbersmw! - 11 November 2012
Super Metroid (any%) in 47:37 by KottPower (video)
-WHOA! This is an incredible time!!!
Metroid Prime (any% in-game) in 0:59 by MilesSMB (video)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (any% in-game) in 1:09 by MilesSMB (video)
Final Fantasy VII (any% SS, J) in 8:07:23 by Emanon エマノン
Mass Effect (NG+ Casual) in 1:39:27 by your_name_here (video)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (100%) in 3:34:50 by Ewaller (video)
Rayman (any%) in 1:44:47 by spikevegeta (video)
-Got it during the Spooktacular
Zelda 2 (100%) in 1:13:59 by Pro_JN (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (MST, J) in 2:13:02 by Pydoyks (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time 3D (NG+) in 37:17 by benstephens1000
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%, U) in 5:42:03 by EnNopp112 (video)
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any% no tuner, J) in 5:01:51 by SwordlessLink
LoZ: The Minish Cap (any%) in 2:10:01 by Mbrules (video)
Crash Bandicoot (any%) in 46:53 by CaneOfPacci (video)
Mega Man X3 (100% bad ending, J) in 48:45 by Zewing (video)
Mega Man 10 (any%) in 35:25 by duckfist and UsedPizza (video)(video)
-Tied! Holy smokes!
Ninja Gaiden II (pacifist) in 19:19 by duckfist (video)
A Boy and His Blob (any%) in 2:02.97 by Zephyrz (video)
Doom 64 (any%) in 54:20 by peaches__ (video)
Pokemon Snap (any%) in 23:30 by RaikerZ (video)
Pokemon Snap (100%) in 26:24 by RaikerZ (video)
Commander Keen 4 (any%) in 10:35 by Canecraft (video)
-Beats Cosmo!
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (any% Julius mode) in 34:32 by romscout (video)
Bio Force Ape (any% in-game) in 4:52 by Frozencup (video)
Solar Jetman (any% with warps, PAL) in 27:07 by ktwo (video)
-<3 ktwo
Akuji the Demon (NG+ Easy) in 7:44 by ozzy88 (video)
God of War II (NG+ Easy) in 1:44:56 by theenglishman (video) (Youtube)
Diddy Kong Racing (any% NG+) in 1:47:17 by Toufool31 (video)
-Beats 0xwas!
Castlevania: SotN (Richter any%) in 5:35 by Mecha Richter (video)
-"...and it still sucks"
Batman: Arkham City (Hard mode no catwoman) in 1:36:48 by RoboSparkle (video)
James Pond 2: Codename: Robocod (any%, GEN) in 30:07 by RoboSparkle (video)
Earthbound (any% glitchless) in 5:31:55 by skateman222 (video)
Cave Story (any% best ending) in 59:59 by Sain (video)
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (any%) in 44:32 by Neoshine (video)
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (100%) in 48:50 by Neoshine (video)
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (any% PAL) in 21:34 by Chrno (video)
Dishonored (any%) in 42:59 by amzngblk (video)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (any%) in 4:24:25 by Drazerk
Ultima Exodus (any%) in 1:43:04 Presjpolk (video)
Episode 35 - Bio Force Ape and Holy Diver!!! - 28 October 2012
Left 4 Dead (All campaigns) in 1:12:25 by oasizFreezardAdam_AKand flicky (video)
Renegade (any% easy) in 5:45 by feasel (part1)(part2)
Quackshot (any%) in 27:34 by mike89 (video)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (any%) in 4:42:17 by Drazerk
Parasite Eve (any%) in 2:39:55 (in-game)by puwexil (video)
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (any% Julius mode) in 34:48 by romscout (video)
-This is a really good run...
Mega Man X (100%) in 36:41 by Caleb Hart
Timecop (any%) in 20:48 by Omnigamer (video)
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any%, J) in 4:46:16 by Cosmo
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any% no tuner, J) in 5:14:36 by Swordless Link (video)
Sub-Terrania (any% hard) in 11:29 by Mike Uyama (video)
-He doesn't quit!
Landstalker (any%) in 2:34:05 by hsanrb (video)
Dishonored (any%) in 52:17 by marksel (video)
Mega Man X6 (any%) in 37:54/20:10 (RTA/in-game) by Doicm (video)
-Cool category. Doesn't fight the 8 mavericks.
Mega Man 8 (any%, MMXC) in 53:19 by Obdajr (video)
-Such a cool speed run. Go go Rush Cycle!
Holy Diver (any%) in 19:48 by funkdoc (video)
-Wow. Unreal.
Robotrek (any%) in 3:47:01 by PJ (video)
-Finally done.
Crash Bandicoot 3 (any%) in 52:41 by Stoneknot1 (video)
Crash Bandicoot 2 (any%, PAL) in 47:53 by PeteThePlayer (video)
Crash Bandicoot (any%) in 47:04 by CaneOfPacci (video)
-Update to the whole trilogy!
Kurovadis (any% normal) in 30:49 by Hartweizen (video)
Gears of War (co-op Casual difficulty) in 1:34:37 by Youkai and Brassmaster (video)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (any%) in 25:28 by RaikerZ (video)
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning (any%) in 2:08 (in-game) by RaikerZ (video)
Darksiders (any%) in 1:16:14 (in-game) by Aftermath (video)
-I don't know how he keeps beating this time...
Super Metroid (any%) in 47:50 by Garrison (video)
-Holy smokes.
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (100%, J) in 5:25:29 by SVA (video)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (warpless) in 53:41 by Kirua (video)
Gremlins 2 (any%) in 8:43 by Mecha Richter (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (96 shines, PAL) in 3:03:05 by Samura1man (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (100%, PAL) in 3:46:28 by Samura1man (video)
-His power cannot be contained!
The Lion King (any% NES, PAL) in 6:50 by bangerra (video)
Bomberman 64 (100%) in 1:13:5X (in-game) by JaggerG
Pokemon Crystal (any%) in 3:24/3:30:54 (in-game/RTA) by werster (video)
Portal 2 (any%) in 1:12:42 by Znernicus (video)
LoZ: Skyward Sword (any%, J) in 5:39:28 by Tlozsr (video)
Jet Set Radio HD (any%) in 47:27 by Rueake (video)
Halo 3: Crow's Nest (any% easy) in 8:40 by Hiipfire (video)
Episode 34 - Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, & 3 - 21 October 2012
Guests: CaneOfPacciElectronAvenueThaRixer
Banjo Kazooie (100%) in 2:15:03 by StivityBobo (video)
-U S A
GTA: Vice City (any%) in 1:49:03 by S. (part1)(part2)
Spyro the Dragon (any%) in 45:07 by Surreal
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (any%) in 4:58:17 by Drazerk
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%) in 21:28 by TheMakaron (video)
-Wow. I can't believe this keeps getting beaten.
Gremlins 2 (any%) in 9:18 by Mecha Richter (video)
-First week!
Crash Bandicoot 2 (any% major skips, PAL) in 13:21 by ThaRixer (video)
Jak 3 (any%, PAL) in 1:17:41 by ThaRixer (video)
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (40-orb) in 51:46 by SSBMstuff
LoZ: Link's Awakening DX (any% no S&Q) in 1:26:44 by giuocob (video)
Sub-Terrania (hard mode) in 12:19 by mikwuyma (video)
-Mick Williams strikes again.
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (any%) in 5:49:50 by CrystalBeauty (part1)(part2)
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any% w/ tuner, J) in 4:48:02 by Demoon9 (video)
-WOW. Cosmo's turn again.
Mega Man X (100%, J) in 36:42 by Caleb Hart (video)
-This man is a beast.
Super Mario Sunshine (78 shines) in 2:49:40 by Samura1man (video)
Kirby's Adventure (any% no UFO glitch) in 52:52 by Controllerhead (video)
-Uh oh. I know what 0xwas is going to do this week.
Castlevania: Darn of Sorrow (any% Julius mode) in 35:42 by romscout
Journey to Silius (any%) in 12:21 by Reaif (video)
Zelda 2 (100%) in 1:15:03 by Pro_JN (video)
Renegade (any% easy) in 5:59 by feasel
Super Mario 64 (120-star) in 1:44:23 by Siglemic (video)
-Just 29 second improvement, no big deal.
Quest 64 (100%) in 2:53:59 by kirkq
-First 100% anybody. inb4 *** crushes this.
Terminator 2 (any%, Game Boy) in 8:07 by iastsa (video)
Super Monkey Ball 2 (story mode) in 39:03 by midboss2 (video)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (co-op NG) in 27:41 by Kotti & Ariwa (video)
George Foreman's KO Boxing (any%, Master System) in 5:53 by Adam_AK (video)
-Best boxing game ever. In your face, sinister1.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (any% SS) in 6:29:56 by Almolicious (video)
Half-Life (hard, no scripts) in 37:41 by coolkid
A Week of Garfield (any%) in 10:30 by coolkid (video)
Ape Escape 2 (any%2) in 2:28:21 by Surreal
Episode 33 - Super Metroid 100% - 14 October 2012
Metroid Prime (any% SS) in 1:01 by MilesSMB (video)
Mischief Makers (any%) in 59:31 by peaches_ (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (any%) in 1:32:31 by chibi (video)
Holy Diver (any%) in 24:04 by Funkdoc (video)
-I can't believe he's actually doing this.
Jet Set Radio HD (any%) in 50:35 by Rueake (video)
Pokemon Colosseum (any% SS) in 5:44:16 by Blkyoshi (video)
Super Metroid (any%) in 47:58 (in-game) by Garrison (video)
-Actually 2 weeks old now. It's definitely because we were saving the record for this week, not that we forgot...
Ninja Gaiden 2 (pacifist) in 21:50 by duckfist (video)
-FCEUX. What an insane category.
Wario Land 4 (any%) in 52:10 by mike89 (video)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (any% co-op) in 33:10 (in-game) by mike89 & werster (video)
-We need more co-op runs! This is a good thing.
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%) in 21:33 by TheMakaron (video)
-Holy shit. I can't believe Pydoyks was beaten.
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (MST (Medallions/Stones/Trials)) in 2:14:45 by Pydoyks (video)
-Pydoyks getting his revenge!
Half-Life (hard, no scripts) in 38:18 by coolkid (video)
Sonic CD (PC version, any%) in 12:51.51 by footbigmike (video)
Zelda 2 (any% no deaths) in 1:05:24 by Arctic Eagle (video)
Mega Man X3 (100% bad ending) in 51:10 by zewing (video)
Mega Man X4 (zero 100%) in 43:51 by Likado (video)
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (any% Julius mode) in 38:56 by romscout (video)
-His jump slashing is amazing. Really good watch.
Spyro 3 (117%) in 4:34:12 by Totozigemm (video)
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (any%) in 2:49:34 by FFgamer86 (video)
-Beats funkdoc's time by 1:13!
Syobon Action (any% no spacebar?) in 6:11 by bangerra (video)
Earnest Evans (any%) in 8:40 by sbagok (video)
-Beats mikwuyma's time!
Double Dragon: Neon (any% NG) in 47:21 by MURPHAGATOR (video)
Super Meat Boy (106%) in 1:45:26 by Breakdown (video)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%) in 5:52:10 by EnNopp112 (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (100%) in 3:57:47 by THEチキン
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (any% with warps) in 28:24 by Greenalink (video)
-Go go 3DS capture
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (any%) in 6:29:56 by Almolicious (video)
Dustforce (any% NG+) in 35:53 by Marksel (video)
Episode 32 - Mega Man 10 - 7 October 2012
Final Fantasy IX (any%) in 9:14:36 by Caracarn (part1)(part2)
-This changed hands like 4 times this week. Good effort, spikevegeta!
Grand Theft Auto 3 (any%) in 1:29:50 by oasiz (video)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (any%) in 6:51:13 by rinimt (video)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (any%, J) in 1:42:53 by ZFG (video)
-Wow! What a massive improvement.
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%, US) in 5:53:59 by EnNopp112 (video)
-See above. Yikes!
Pac-Man World 2 (any%) in 49:23 by C13 (video)
Secret of the Stars (any%) in 3:44:39 by CVagts (video)
I Wanna Be The Guy: Gaiden (medium difficulty) in 5:29.17 by Arkhanno (video)
Sly Cooper (any%) in 1:10:17 by Surreal (video)
-Taking it back!
Castlevania: SotN (low%, PS1 J) in 1:03:06 by romscout (video)
-Holy smokes. I can't believe he's doing this.
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (any%) in 45:19 by 0xwas (part1)(part2)
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (100%) in 49:08 by 0xwas (video)
-0xwas is on a rampage!
Wario Land 4 (any%) in 53:35 by mike89 (video)
Final Fantasy VII (any%, J) in 8:10:22 by Karome
Super Mario World (any%, J) in 10:28.62 by menboo (video)
Super Mario World (96-exit, J) in 1:25:43 by Dram55 (part1)(part2)
Darksiders (any%) in 1:16:44 (in-game) by Aftermath (video)
-Now with even more OoB!
Darksiders 2 (any%) in 1:09:12 by Aphox (video)
Super Punch-Out! (updated IL table) in 2:17.96 by zallard1 (playlist)(EVERYTHING VIDEO)
-Pokey and Heidman also contributed one fight each. The entire table is 16 frames slower than the TAS. :O
Megamari (any%) in 37:01 by Krimmydoodle (video)
The Lion King (any% NES, PAL) in 7:02 by bangerra (video)
Jak 3 (any%, PAL) in 1:25:02 by ThaRixer (video)
Mega Man 9 (buster only) in 41:23 by Chlorate (video)
Spongebob's Truth or Square (any%) in 42:24 by Coel625q (video)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (any% warpless) in 1:37:49 by RaikerZ (video)
Contra (any%) in 10:11 by Heidman (video)(Youtube)
-Oh my god. And it can still go lower!
Bastion (NG+) in 44:49 by Lawyerdog (video)
George Foreman's KO Boxing (any%, Sega Master System) in 6:45 by Adam_AK
-Go go bad game exchange!
Kirby 64 (100%, J) in 1:13:04 by 0xwas (video)
Episode 31 - Records Week: The Return - 30 September 2012
The Firemen (any% deathless, J) in 11:15 (in-game) by Omnigamer (video)
Batman: Arkham City (NG+ no catwoman, PAL60) in 1:37:08 by RoboSparkle (video)
Batman: Arkham City [Hard mode no catwoman, PAL60] in 1:40:55 by RoboSparkle
Luigi's Mansion (any%, J) in 1:05:47 by Bonesaw577 (video)
Portal 2 (co-op any%) in 43:33 by Xebaz & Colfra (video)
Mega Man 9 (any% in-game) in 20:39 (in-game) by rggibson (video)
Crash Bandicoot (any%) in 47:52 by CaneOfPacci (video)
Ape Escape 2 (any%, J) in 1:13:43 by Cham
Final Fantasy VII (any%, J) in 8:14:09 by Emanon (エマノン)
Castlevania: SotN (any% Alucard no OoB) in 32:08 by Satoryu (video)
-Great time! Not submitting and not improving...
Mass Effect (NG+ casual difficulty) in 1:48:36 by your_name_here (video)
Portal (No OoB) in 15:16.47 by SullyJHF (video)(Youtube)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (any%) in 3:22 (in-game) by neskamikaze (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%, J) in 4:50:46 by Cosmo (video)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (any%, J) in 1:47:09 by ZFG (video)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%, US) in 6:01:06 by GoronGuy (video)
Super Mario Bros. 2 (all levels, SNES J) in 24:47 by Hotarubi
Mischief Makers (any%) in 1:00:33 by peaches_ (video)
-He is so good at this...
Sly Cooper (any%) in 1:12:29 by Arrrde (part1)(part2)
LoZ: Oracle of Ages (any%) in 2:44:35 by rainbowism
Youyou Kengeki Musou (any%) in 15:08.40 by Jzero120 (part1)(part2)
Octodad (any%) in 6:20 by Jorf (video)
A Boy and His Blob (any%) in 2:03 by Jorf (video)
-Whoa! What a time!
A Boy and His Blob (Gameboy any%) in 2:02 by Jorf (video)
Trojan (any%) in 6:52 by dxtr (video)
Kirby's Nightmare in Dream Land (any%) in 49:39 by Kerowan (video)
Left 4 Dead (Death Toll) in 12:13 by oasizFreezardAdam_AKand flicky
Mega Man 8 (any%) in 53:49 by Obdajr
-Oh man! I love this game.
Episode 30 - Puzzle Week - 23 September 2012
Batman (any%) in 11:11 by funkdoc (video)
-It recorded correctly, too! YES!
LoZ: Wand of Gamelon (any%, PAL) in 48:00 by Tompa (video)
-I, uhhh...ok.
Castlevania: SotN (any% Alucard) in 19:17 (in-game) by romscout (video)
Sub-Terrania (any% hard mode) in 12:33 by Mike Uyama (video)
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any%, J) in 4:57:03 by Cosmo (part1)(part2)
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (100%, J) in 50:53 by 0xwas (video)
-He is such a monster at Kirby games. Wow.
Portal 2 (co-op) in 44:59 by Xebaz & Colfra (part1)(part2)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%) in 6:04:53 by ennopp112 (video)
Castlevania III (Sypha path) in 28:55 by funkdoc (video)
-This run is bonkers. Funkdoc strikes again!
Mega Man X3 (100% bad ending, J) in 50:31 by zewing (video)
Mega Man X3 (100% best ending, J) in 52:04 by zewing (video)
Alisia Dragoon (any%, PAL) in 17:44 by Toothache (video)
Secret of the Stars (any%) in 3:48:06 by CVagts
Rayman (any%) in 1:45:22 by spikevegeta (video)
Metroid Prime (100%) in 1:19 (in-game) by MilesSMB (video)
-Do yourself a favor and watch this. Immediately.
Mario Kart: Double Dash (All cups 150cc, PAL-60) in 27:47.790 by Kouider (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (120-sprites, PAL) in 3:57:54 by Samura1man (video)
Episode 29 - Records Week! - 16 September 2012
Swords & Serpents (SS any%) in 52:13 by feasel (video)
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (any%) in 19:56 by PJ (video)
A Boy and His Blob (any%) in 2:10 by Zephyrz (video)
-This is the best run.
Ape Escape 3 (any%) in 1:29:37 by Surreal (video)
Ape Escape 2 (any%) in 1:21:34 by Surreal (video)
Ape Escape (any%) in 48:48 by SSBMstuff
-So many monkeys this week o.O
Octodad (any%) in 7:34 by gerfuggery (video)
-You need to watch this.
Castlevania: SotN (Richter all bosses) in 26:04 by Mecha Richter (video)
Contra 4 (any%) in 24:37 by Mr. K (video)
-Really good run!
Final Fantasy X-2 (any%) in 3:10 by Augora (video)
The Firemen (any% w/ deaths, J) in 10:54 (in-game) by Omnigamer
Secret of Mana (co-op any%) in 2:55:54 by Pydoyks and Khovastis (video)
-Wow. Just wow.
Bad Dudes (any%) in 14:36 by Murphagator (video)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (any%, J) in 49:56 by riz
Banjo-Tooie (any%) in 3:05:48 (in-game) by fiveleafclover (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (120-sprites, PAL) in 4:09:52 by Nkiller (video)
Super Mario World (96-exit) in 1:26:39 by Dram55 (video)
-With a death, even!
Half-Minute Hero (Hero 30 NG+ IL) in 15:58.23 by Dowolff (video)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (any%) in 29:26 by mr_weables (video)
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (any%) in 1:15:24 by Surreal (part1)(part2)
Rayman (any%) in 1:49:01 by spikevegeta (video)
-Wow this progress is incredible!
Kirby Nightmare in Dream Land (100%) in 52:35 by Neoshine (video)
Banjo-Kazooie (100%, J) in 2:18:35 by hambacon (video)
Batman (any%) in 11:13 by funkdoc
Episode 28 - Super Mario Sunshine - 9 September 2012
Guests: GragleDump HiddenPower13
Duck Tales (Game Boy, any% J) in 9:27 by bangerra (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (96 shines, PAL) in 3:17:13 by samura1man (video)
Mega Man 9 (any% real time) in 21:04/32:01 (in-game/real time) by privateye (video)
-He...he really beat Exo. o.O
Duck Tales (any%) in 7:25 by Dxtr (video)
Super Mario World (any% J) in 10:29.57 by yaposon
-10:28 incoming!
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%) in 6:05:45 by GoronGuy (video)
Mischief Makers (any%) in 1:01:56 by peaches_ (video)
-Insane progress!
Rayman (any% PS1) in 1:56:28 by spikevegeta (video)
-Only took 2 weeks of practice. :O
Tony Hawk's Underground 1 (NG+ all missions) in 48:26 by Chrno
Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (easy any% w/ scripts) in 59:00 by S.
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any% J) in 4:58:01 by Demoon9 (video)
-Dat dry storage!
LoZ: The Wind Waker (100%) in 9:16:47 by Demoon9 (video)
-Missed this last week. Sorry!
Journey (White Robe any%) in 37:01 by Oblimix (video)
Half Minute Hero (Hero 300) in 2:53.52 by Dowolff (video)
Super Metroid (any% real time) in 48:18 by Garrison (video)
-I have no words.
Super Metroid (any% GT code) in 39:26 by Garrison (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time 3D (MST NG+) in 3:18:47 by BenStephens1000
A Boy and His Blob (any%) in 2:12 by Zephyrz
Episode 27 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - 2 September 2012
Final Fantasy IX (any% SS, J) in 9:32:44 by Tomato Rice
A Boy and His Blob (any%) in 2:16 by Zephyrz (video)
-Go go Gadget Rocket!
Dustforce (all levels) in 35:02.44 by Marksel (video)
Crash Twinsanity (any%, PAL) in 1:04:39 by DRsynj (video)
Renegade (any% medium difficulty) in 8:52 by feasel (video)
-Now with even more dash punch!
Portal 2 (SS co-op) in 47:00 by Colfra & Xebaz (video)
-We actually have a video this time!
Half-Life 2 Episode 2 (SS w/ scripts) in 1:06:09 by S.
Yoshi's Island (100%, J) in 2:45:43 by Kaede
-Bringing the pain
Pokemon Yellow (any% glitchless) in 2:02 by werster (video)
Rayman (any%) in 2:04:02 by neskamikaze (video)
Paper Mario (SS any%, J) in 4:03:23 by 0xwas (video)
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (SS any%) in 6:43:05 by Almolicious (video)
Crash Bandicoot (100%) in 1:21:25 by CaneOfPacci (video)
Far Cry 2 (any%) in 3:05:32 by S.
Hagane (any%) in 15:31 by Omnigamer (part1)(part2)
-Really solid run!
Donkey Kong Country 2 (any%) in 42:22 by riz
Banjo-Kazooie (100%, J) in 2:19:27 by hambacon (video)
-Bacon? Bacon!
Ape Escape 3 (any%) in 1:31:28 by Surreal
Aidyn Chronicles (any% segmented) in 12:52:05 by Darkwing Duck (video)
-I still don't know if this is real or not.
Super Mario 64 (120-star, J) in 1:44:52 by siglemic (video)
Contra (any%) in 10:16 by Heidman
-This will be improved very shortly.
Ninja Sneaking (any%) in 5:38 by Heidman (video)
Relevant links:
Castella's DKC2 any% in 42:33 (part1)(part2)
Riz's DKC2 102% in 1:32:17 (video)
Episode 26 - Super Meat Boy - 26 August 2012
Super Meat Boy (any%, PC) in 18:39 by Exo (video)
-What a coincidence! This run looks like TAS.
The Darkness (any%) in 1:53:28 by Indextic (part1)(part2)
Spelunky (any%) in 4:03.028 by Sirfist (video)
Metal Slug 6 (any% with Fio) in 19:58 by Stem(Sang) (video)
E.V.O. The Search for Eden (any%) in 51:01 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Ninja Gaiden 3 (low%) in 16:45 by UraniumAnchor (video)
Super Meat Boy (106%, XBLA) in 1:45:40 by Breakdown (part1)(part2)
-In your face, Exo! You're not that special!
Sonic 2006 (Sonic's story) in 1:07:23 by venick409 (video)
Mohawk & Headphone Jack (any% with warps) in 29:02 by PJ (video)
-Don't watch if you suffer from motion sickness. We mean it.
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any%, J) in 4:58:55 by Cosmo (video)
-Cosmo might finally be done?!
Duck Tales (any% Game Boy) in 9:49 by bangerra
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (100%, U) in 5:49:18 by ZFG (video)
Final Fantasy X-2 (any%, J) in 3:18:26 by Caracarn
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose (any%, J) in 23:17 by Edenal (video)
Tony Hawk's Underground 1 (any% Beginner, PC) in 57:23 by Chrno
Episode 25 - Spyro series - 19 August 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch
Guests: Surreal Crash41596
Final Fantasy IV (SS any%, US) in 3:40:03 by RaneofSOTN (part1)(part2)(part3)
-Now with even more Meteo!
Super Mario Sunshine (any%, J) in 1:32:47 by Tobou
Darksiders (any%) in 1:18:08 by Aftermath (video)
-This game has more OoB than DK64
Super Mario World (any%, J) in 10:29.63 by dram55 (video)
-Tied WR! U S A
Ghosts 'n Goblins (NES any%) in 21:07 by kareshi (video)
Mega Man X (any%, J) in 32:14 by Caleb Hart (video)
Earnest Evans (any%) in 8:55 by Mike Uyama (video)
-This run is far better than this game deserves. ;P
Sub-Terrania (any% hard mode) in 14:07 by Mike Uyama (video)
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any%, J) in 5:05:38 by Cosmo (video)
VVVVVV (100%) in 17:59 by FieryBlizzard (video)
VVVVVV (any% no-death mode) in 14:11 by FieryBlizzard (video)
VVVVVV (any%) in 13:18 by FieryBlizzard (video)
-Holy smokes! The trifecta!
Mohawk & Headphone Jack (any% warpless) in 44:01 by PJ (video)
-Nothing to see here...
Metroid Prime (SS any%) in 1:02 by MilesSMB (video)
Ninja Gaiden 3 (low%) in 18:18 by UraniumAnchor
Cobra Triangle (any%) in 17:19 by KHANanaphone (video)
-This game is amazing. Oh, the run isn't bad either.
Episode 24 - VVVVVV - 12 August 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch
Guests: FieryBlizzard Tranquilite
Super Mario 64 (120-star, J) in 1:45:35 by siglemic (video)
Banjo-Kazooie (100%) in 2:27:41 by StivityBobo
Rollergames (any%) in 14:11 by Murphagator (video)
Final Fantasy IX (any%, J) in 9:34:55 by Tomato Rice ??????
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (multiplayer ILs, no zips) in 6:33.XX by AftermathPJMecha Richter
-These guys suck.
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair [Soma ILs, no zips) in 6:52.34 by Aftermath (video playlist)
Earnest Evans (any%) in 9:10 by mikwuyma (video)
Ape Escape 2 (any%, J) in 1:23:33 by Cham
Ape Escape 3 (any%) in 1:36:29 by Surreal (video)
LoZ: A Link to the Past (100% no save & quit, SNES9x v1.53) in 1:45:13 by Kryssstal (video)
-Kryssstal still plays this?!
Ninja Gaiden (pacifist) in 16:59 by sinister1 (video)
Hydlide (any%) in 15:47 by feasel!
-It cannot be deniedlyde.
Super Mario Bros. 2 (all levels, SNES, J) in 25:27 by ygmc (video)
Billy Hatcher (any%) in 1:26:29 by iongravirei (video)
Dragon's Lair (any% PAL) in 5:52 by KartSeven (video)
Final Fantasy X (any% SS) in 10:38:33 by Caracarn
-He may finally be done!
Final Fantasy VIII (any% SS, J) in 8:52:57 by Emanon ????
Bomberman 64 (100%) in 1:15:58.16 by JaggerG (video)
LoZ: Oracle of Seasons (any% linked game) in 1:58:25 by Paladrima (video)
Renegade (any% easy mode) in 6:11 by feasel!
-Feasel wins this week again.
Hagane (any%) in 16:33 by Omnigamer
Super Meat Boy (106%, XBox360) in 1:49:58 by Breakdown (video)
Episode 23 - Donkey Kong 64 - 5 August 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Ninja Gaiden (pacifist, J) in 17:32 by ???? ????
-Crushed sinister1's old time! Insane run.
VVVVVV (100%) in 18:07 by FieryBlizzard (video)
-This run is bonkers. Definitely worth a watch.
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (any%) in 1:05:10 by Crash41596 (video)
Spyro the Dragon (any%) in 45:46 by Surreal (video)(youtube)
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (any%, J) in 6:53:27 by Haru Bashi (video)
Left 4 Dead (4P co-op) in 11:57.96 by oasizFreezardAdam_AKand flicky (video)
-WR by 0.02 seconds. Way to go flicky...
Portal 2 (any% co-op) in 47:55 by Xebaz and Colfra
Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels (warpless 8-4, J) by Menboo
Bomberman 64 (100%) in 1:18:27.47 by JaggerG (part1)(part2)
Relevant links:
Episode 22 - Mega Man 3 - 29 July 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Super Metroid (any% real-time) in 48:30 by Garrison (video)
-Even Garrison said this is good!
Eversion (any%) in 2:47 by bangerra (video)
Legend of Zelda (any% 2nd quest, no up+A) in 37:11 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Adventure Island (any%, PAL) in 43:58 by ktwo (video)
-Converted to NTSC time, this is faster than the TAS. No big deal.
Portal 2 (any% co-op) in 48:17 by z1mb0bw4y and Gocnak
LoZ: Oracle of Seasons (any%, J) in 1:52:49 by Paladrima (video)
LoZ: Oracle of Seasons (any% linked game) in 2:00:43 by Paladrima
-Someone finally ran this category!
LoZ: The Wind Waker (any%, J) in 5:14:07 by Cosmo
Athena (any%) in 22:30 by Brossentia (video)
The Immortal (philosophical ending) in 11:46 by boxfat (video)
Illusion of Gaia (100%) in 2:20:23 by puwexil (video)
Hagane: The Final Conflict (any%, J) in 18:30 by Omnigamer (video)
VVVVVV (any%) in 13:22 by FieryBlizzard (video)
Bomberman Hero (any%) in 51:53 by kirkq
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (100%) in 5:50:56 by runnerguy
Batman: Arkham City (SS Hard mode, no catwoman, PAL60) in 1:44:25 by RoboSparkle (video)
Super Meat Boy (106%, XBox 360) in 1:52:06 by Breakdown (video)
Blast Corps (any%, J) in 31:54 by peaches_
Relevant links:
Shark Savers marathon page: CLICK
Mega Man RTA Wiki
TASVideos Rockman resources
Final Fantasy 1 TAS in 1:09:57.7 by TheAxeMan (info) (video)
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Julius) TAS in 19:20.63 by Cpadolf (info) (video)
Episode 21 - Battletoads - 22 July 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Guests: Icthus & PJ!
Donkey Kong 64 (101%) in 7:10:03 by cfox7 (part1)(part2)
-27 minute improvement?!
Mega Man X2 (any%, J, SNES9x v1.53) in 33:14 by Exo (video)
TMNT4: Turtles in Time (any% Raph) in 20:20 by mikwuyma (part1)(part2)
Portal (segmented, no scripts) in 8:31.93 by Portal Done Pro-er team: z1mb0bw4y,inex, Gocnak, and Xebaz. (video)
Portal 2 (co-op any%) in 51:11 by Xebaz and Colfra
Yoshi's Island (100%) in 2:48:59 by Kaede
Ape Escape (100%) in 2:21:49 by Unizushi
Musya: The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror (any%) in 20:18 by MURPHAGATOR (video)
Kung Fu (any%) in 3:55 by Ducky1994 (video)
Final Fantasy VIII (SS any%, J) in 8:56:43 by ?????? (Tomato Rice)
Radical Rex (any%) in 25:46 by Omnigamer (video)
Earnest Evans (any%) in 9:42 by mikwuyma (video)
-How is this a game??
Luigi's Mansion (any%, J) in 1:07:09 by bonesaw577 (video)
The Legend of Zelda (2nd quest, no up+A) in 38:27 by Darkwing Duck (video)
I Wanna Be The Guy: Gaiden (any%) in 6:48 by Arkhanno (video)
-Read Ark's comments about this run!
Adventure Island (any%, PAL) in 44:06 by ktwo (video)
-Holy smokes!
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (100%) in 5:50:56 by runnerguy (video)
Relevant links:
European Speedster Assembly schedule: HERE
Super Metroid reverse boss order (RBO) TAS by Saturn (info) (video)
Episode 20 - The Legend of Zelda - 15 July 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch
Guests: Breakdown Darkwing Duck
Super Mario World (no cape, no star world) in 35:42 by dram55 (video)
The Legend of Zelda (any%, no up+A) in 32:04 by Darkwing Duck (part1) (part2)
-Oh hey, that's convenient.
Super Metroid (any% real-time) in 48:45 by Garrison (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%) in 5:21:08 by Cosmo (video)
Mega Man X (any%) in 32:28 by Tiki (video)
-~32:17 if played on J version. Did not record properly...
Mega Man X (100%, J) in 36:47 by Caleb Hart (video)
-Starts at around 3:46:00 in the video
Solomon's Key (any%, PAL) in 15:41 by ktwo (video)
A Week of Garfield (any%) in 10:32 by coolkid (part1)(part2)
-Most important record of the week
Yoshi's Island (100%, J) in 2:50:39 by Kaede
Musya: The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror (any%) in 20:51 by MURPHAGATOR (video)
-Bad Game Exchange buddies with below
Radical Rex (any%) in 27:40 by Omnigamer (video)
-Bad Game Exchange buddies with above
Crash Bandicoot (any%) in 50:29 by CaneOfPacci (video)
Rockman & Forte (any% Rockman) in 39:17 by Nijikutsu (video)
-Thanks to Yggdrizzle for uploading!
Space Chimps (any%) in 50:12 by Kosmicd12 (video)
Super Meat Boy (106%) in 1:53:19 by Breakdown (video)
Cat Poke (any%) in 1:33 by neskamikaze (video)
-Happy Birthday, nes
Blocks that Matter (SS NG+) in 31:45 by holydiver42 (video)
Relevant links:
The latest LoZ first quest, no up+A, screen scroll route: MAP
-Only works on browsers that support color.
DW's second quest run: LINK
Episode 19 - Portal - 8 July 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch (1)(2)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%, J) in 21:35 by Pydoyks (video)
Metroid: Other M (any%) in 2:29:49 by TheOnlyOne
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (any%) in 3:25:15 by DRsynj (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (MST, J) in 2:19:03 by Poodleskirt (part1) (part2)
Nier (any% SS) in 3:19:13 by Omnigamer (part1) (part2) (part3)
-Beat his segmented time! Daaaamn!
Solomon's Key (all rooms, best ending, PAL) in 34:37 by ktwo (video)
Ape Escape (any%) in 51:26 by SSBMstuff (video)
-Got it in a race. Go figure.
Crash Bandicoot (100%) in 1:24:34 by CaneOfPacci (part1) (part2)
Radical Rex (any%) in 28:14 by Omnigamer (video)
-Go go, game exchange!
Donkey Kong 64 (any%) in 47:14 by RingRush (video)
Castlevania: SotN (all bosses, Richter) in 26:32 by Mecha Richter (video)
Spyro the Dragon (120%) in 1:50:23 by Surreal (video)
Shadow Complex (NG+ any%, PAL60) in 7:28 by greenalink
Ninja Gaiden 3 (low%) in 19:41 by UraniumAnchor (video)
Castlequest (any%, J) in 12:37 by fuly (video)
Yoshi's Island (100%, J) in 2:51:42 by Leo
Hydlide (any%) in 17:52 by feasel! (video)
-Quality that cannot be denydlyde. Feasel is the winner of this week; sorry guys!
Portal 2 (SS any%) in 1:15:32 by znernicus
Final Fantasy X-2 (any%, J) in 3:20:45 by ryutchi (video)
LoZ: Twilight Princess (any% no save & quit) in 3:47:27 by Pheenoh (video)
Loz: Oracle of Ages (any%) in 2:49:09 by TheOnlyOne (part1) (part2)
A Week of Garfield (any%) in 11:32 by coolkid (part1) (part2)
-Coolkid trying to compete against feasel for 'winner of the week'
Relevant links:
Negatratoron's "fewest portals" run
Bunny hopping tutorial (Portal 2)
-Thanks go to Marksoupial for making this. No, we will not feature scores of this on our show.
Beautiful fan art made for us!
-Thanks for that, Karls_Friend
Episode 18 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series - 1 July 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Guests: George neskamikaze
Donkey Kong 64 (any%) in 47:55 by RingRush (video)
-Now featuring even more black abyss!
Donkey Kong 64 (100%) in 7:36:53 by cfox7 (part1)(part2)(part3)
Pokemon Leaf Green (any%) in 2:23:29 by mexiricanbassmonkey (part1) (part2) (part3)
LoZ: The Wind Waker (100%) in 9:57:12 by Demon9
Luigi's Mansion (any%) in 1:07:26 by Bonesaw577 (video)
Mega Man X (any%) in 32:19 by Caleb Hart (video)
Within a Deep Forest (any% glitched) in 16:08 by chumlum (video)
Crash Bandicoot (100%) in 1:27:33 by CaneOfPacci (video)
Super Metroid (any% real time) in 49:00 by Garrison
Blast Corps (any%) in 26:50 by peaches_ (video)
-peaches_ 4 president
LoZ: Oracle of Seasons (any%) in 1:55:32 by Paladrima (video)
LoZ: Majora's Mask (100%) in 6:06:26 by ZFG (video)
-These numbers are dangerously close to Planck's constant
LoZ: Oracle of Ages (any%) in 2:49:42 by TheOnlyOne (video)
Legend of Zelda (first quest, no up+A) in 32:31 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Solomon's Key (best ending, warpless, PAL) in 34:55 by ktwo (video)
Super Meat Boy (100%, XBLA) in 2:07:36 by Breakdown (video)
Episode 17 - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 24 June 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Guests: AniMeowzerz Cosmo
Yoshi's Island (any%) in 1:48:07 by Carl Sagan (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%) in 5:27:59 by Cosmo (video)
-How timely!
Super Mario Land (any%) in 12:58 by neskamikaze (video)
Mega Man 9 (any% in-game) in 20:46 by rgggibson (video)
Super Mario World (no cape, no star world) in 36:07 by dram55 (video)
Silhouette Mirage (any%) in 49:30 by Kari (video)
Rygar (any%) in 22:56 by Darkwing Duck (part1) (part2)
Castlevania: SotN (any% no OoB, PSX) in 32:11 by Satoryu
Castlequest (any%, J) in 12:44 by ??@??? (Yotsuba @ Spring) (video)
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum (any%) in 7:32 neskamikaze (video)
-I am speechless. At least it only took him one day.
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (any%) in 1:18:32 by Surreal (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (MST, J) in 2:21:04 by Poodleskirt (part1) (part2)
VVVVVV (any%) in 15:21 by FieryBlizzard
TMNT4: Turtles in Time (any% Raph) in 20:30 by Mike Uyama
-Once again, Uyama hits his submission threshold on the nose and decides he must go lower.
Crash Bandicoot (100%) in 1:28:25 by CaneOfPacci (part1) (part2)
LoZ: Oracle of Ages (any%) in 2:49:47 by TheOnly0 (part1) (part2)
LoZ: Twilight Princess (any%) in 3:28:04 by Pheenoh (part1) (part2) (part3)
Half-Life: Opposing Force (SS, no scripts) in 27:19 by coolkid
-coolkid strikes again
Ninja Gaiden (pacifist) in 18:07 by sinister1 (video)
Super Meat Boy (100%, XBLA) in 2:29:39 by Breakdown
Nier (SS any%) in 3:28:01 by Omnigamer (video)
Relevant links:
Wind Waker J vs English text differences
Savage Labyrinth 50th floor reward (J)
Old trials skip
Forbidden Woods TAS
Tower of the Gods TAS
Go watch SGDQ videos!
Episode 16 - Pot Luck Extravaganza - 17 June 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch (1)(2)(3)(4)
Guests: Tompasinister1BreakdownSurreal
Metal Gear (any%) in 24:42 by dunnius (video)
Spyro the Dragon (any%) in 46:55 by Surreal (video)
Soul Blazer (any% with death abuse) in 1:47:25 by Everhate (video)
Athena (any%) in 23:54 by Brossentia (video)
Castlevania: SotN (any% no OoB, XBLA) in 28:40ish by romscout (video)
Super Metroid (any% real time) in 49:22 by Garrison (video)
-Take THAT, Hotarubi! :P
Ninja Gaiden (pacifist) in 19:29 by sinster1 (video)
Super Mario 64 (70-star) in 49:35 by siglemic (video)
Final Fantasy X-2 (any%, J) in 3:21:27 by Caracarn (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%) in 5:32:01 by Cosmo (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%, J) in 5:46:42 by cafde (video)
Left 4 Dead (The Sacrifice, 4-player) in 6:10.88 by oasizFreezardAdam_AKand flicky (video)
Ratchet & Clank 3 (any%) in 1:53:XX by xem_92 (video)
TMNT4: Turtles in Time (any% Raph) in 20:34 by Mike Uyama (video)
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (any% Maxim) in 1:01 by Axon
-Zippity doo dah
Zelda 1 (any% no Up+A) in 32:46 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Super Mario World (no cape, no star world) in 36:23 by dram55 (video)
Donkey Kong 64 (any%) in 48:05 by Ringrush (video)
-This is the best N64 game.
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%) in 21:40 by Pydoyks (video)
-This is what we get for thinking OoT was finished.
LoZ: Twilight Princess (any%) in 3:33:14 by Pheenoh
Castlevania: SotN (any% no OoB, PSX) in 32:21 by Satoryu
Shadow Complex (NG+ any%, PAL-60) in 10:21 by greenalink
Crash Bandicoot (100%) in 1:29:44 by CaneOfPacci (video)
Superman 64 (any%) in 1:53:12 by Aleckermit (video)
Bomberman 64 (any%) in 27:05 by AniMeowzerz (video)
Final Fantasy IX (PSX, J) in 9:39:17 by Semieru
Episode 15 - The SGDQ2012 Retrospective Show! - 10 June 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Guests: EssentiaMike Uyama
Illusion of Gaia (100%) in 2:21:4X by puwexil (video)
Portal (any% no scripts) in 11:15 by z1mb0bw4y
-Beats the old scripted run on SDA by a minute! Wow!
Ape Escape (SS any%) in 51:54 by SSBMstuff
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%) in 5:33:35 by Cosmo (video)
LoZ: Twilight Princess (100%) in 8:02:40 by Pheenoh
LoZ: Twilight Princess (any%) in 3:36:51 by Pheenoh
LoZ: Majora's Mask (any%) in 1:48:09 by sva
Final Fantasy VII (any%, J) in 8:18:42 by Tomato Rice ??????
-Uses Cait Sith and Cid?!
Yoshi's Island (100%, J) in 2:52:43 by Kaede
-Japan is bringing it hard!
Skyblazer (any%) in 26:06 by Omnigamer (video) (youtube)
Super Mario World (96 exit) in 1:26:44 by Menboo
Zelda 1 (any%, no Up+A) in 32:52 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Super Mario Sunshine (PAL 96 shines) in 3:21:28 by Nkiller (video)
Super Mario World (no cape, no star world) in 36:33 by feasel (part1) (part2)
Blast Corps (100%) in 1:39:42 by peaches_ (video) (youtube)
-He did this on his first attempt. What a monster.
Sonic 2006 (Sonic's story) in 1:12:59 by venick409 (video)
Power Blade (any%) in 17:33 by Exo (video) (youtube)
Shadow Complex (NG+ any%, PAL-60) in 10:37 by greenalink
Episode 14 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 20 May 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Guests: romscoutMecha Richter
Shatterhand (any%) in 23:47 by UraniumAnchor (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (SS any%) in 5:56:34 by Cosmo
Yoshi's Island (any%, J) in 1:49:54 by ebance
- Beat Carl Sagan by 19 seconds. o.O
Kingdom Kearts II (SS any% beginner mode) in 4:24:17 by spikevegeta
Ape Escape (any%) in 55:38 by SSBMstuff
Illusion of Gaia (SS 100%) in 2:25:34 by puwexil (video)
Skyblazer (any%) in 26:18 by Omnigamer (video)
Super Mario World (96 exit) in 1:28:02 by Menboo
- Beats dram by 45+ seconds!
Contra 4 (any%) in 24:31 by Mr. K (video)
Mega Man X (any%, J) in 32:34 by mushipan (nicovideo)(part1)(part2)(part3)
Booty Hunt (100%) in 31:53 by Minion (video)
Batman: Arkham City (SS hard mode no Catwoman) in 1:51:51 by RoboSparkle
SotN TASes:
Castlevania: SotN (any% luck mode) in 13:58.27 by arukado (info)(video)
Castlevania: SotN (100% luck mode) in 57:20.6 by arukado (info)(video)
Castlevania: SotN (pacifist) in 28:48.67 by arukado (info)(video)
Episode 13 - Ape Escape - 13 May 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Guests: I have no namesimstim
Half-Life (any% hard, no scripts) in 40:35 by coolkid
Bomberman 64: The Second Attack (any%) in 1:22:05 by kirkq (video)
LoZ: Wind Waker (any%) in 6:11:18 by Cosmo
- People play this game?
Sweet Home (SS any%, J) in 1:05:23 by RaneofSOTN
Super Monkey Ball (expert) in 7:27.81 by Miles (video)
Castlevania: Bloodlines (Morris) in 30:50 by Klaige (video)
TMNT IV: Turtles in Time (raph) in 20:40 by mikwuyma
Super Mario RPG (SS any%, J) in 2:56:50 by rakuu
Donkey Kong Country (all levels) in 36:27(RTA)/31:38(in-game) by tjp7154 (video)
Illusion of Gaia (SS 100%) in 2:26:14 by Puwexil
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%) in 21:45 by ZFG (video)
- This run is bonkers
Ninja Gaiden (low%) in 13:07 by sinister1 (video)
Sonic 2 (Knuckles any%) in 15:58 by mike89
Rayman: Origins (SS any%) in 2:11:58 by spikevegeta
GotW records:
Ape Escape (RTA, J) in 57:22 by Sea Urchin Sushi (video)
Ape Escape TAS in ~53:10 (video)
Episode 12 - Super Metroid (any%) - 6 May 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Castlevania: SotN (any%, Alucard) in 19:40 by romscout
Oracle of Ages (SS, any%) in 2:56:38 by Samura1man (part1)(part2)
Harvest Moon (any% with major skips) in 2:04 by Golden (video)
- What a cheater
Super Castlevania IV (any%) in 34:29 by Bablo (video)
- 36 second improvement!
Diddy Kong Racing (100% adventure 1, NG+) in 2:04:58 by 0xwas (video)
Diddy Kong Racing (100% adventure 1, new game) in 2:18:50 by 0xwas (video)
Castlevania III (Sypha, US) in 29:15 by funkdoc
Shatterhand (any%) in 25:39 by UraniumAnchor (video)
Castlevania: SotN (Alucard any%, no OoB, PSX) in 32:36 by Satoryu (video)
Twilight Princess (SS 100%) in 8:16:47 by Pheenoh
Dark Souls (any%) in 32:47 by Thanatos (part1)(part2)(part3)
Ape Escape (100%, J) in 2:25:55 by Sea Urchin Sushi
Ape Escape 3 (any%) in 1:37:28 by Surreal (part1)(part2)
Episode 11 - A Week of Garfield & The Great Gatsby - 29 Apr 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Guests: coolkid neskamikaze
Final Fantasy X (segmented) in 9:56 by Caracarn
Super Mario RPG (SS, J) in 2:57:09 by cyghfer (part1) (part2) (part3)
- This was the best run ever. Beats rakuu by 1 second.
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%, J) in 21:56 by ZFG (video)
LoZ: Oracle of Seasons (SS any%) in 1:59:17 by paladrima
Ninja Gaiden in 12:08 by Exo (video)
- Ties Hotarubi!
Ape Escape (any%, J) in 57:22 by Sea Urchin Sushi
Super Mario Land 2 (any% with major skips) in 3:42 by Mugg (video)
- This run is insanity!
Harvest Moon (any% all days) in 43:58 by Krystal
- Gotta break dat fence
Skyward Sword (any% SS with resets) in 5:39:XX by Paraxade
Dark Souls (any% SS) in 32:49(in-game)/34:30(RTA) by Thanatos
GotW records:
The Great Gatsby (any%) in 3:10.82 by neskamikaze (video)
A Week of Garfield (any%) in 11:55 by coolkid(video)
Episode 10 - Punch-Out - 22 Apr 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Donkey Kong Country (all levels) in 36:36(RTA)/31:44(in-game) by tjp7154
TMNT IV: Turtles in Time (raph) in 20:55 by mikwuyma
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (Simon ILs) in 7:46.97 by PJ (video)
Banjo-Tooie (100% segmented) in 4:16:34 by Pjii
- Planning to redo the run to get 4:14 or so before submitting
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%, J) in 22:32 by Cosmo (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (MST, J) in 2:24:45 by sva (video)
- Beats Cosmo by 6:45 using wrong warps
Ninja Gaiden (low%) in 13:20 by sinister1 (video)
Castlevania III (Trevor) in 29:36 by funkdoc
Lufia II (SS, J) in 3:36:45 by mahiru part1 part2
- 3:22 game time. May beat the segmented run on SDA.
Final Fantasy X-2 (SS, J) in 3:22:40 by Caracarn
Kirby's Dreamland (any%) in 11:49 by bangerra (video)
Sub-Terrania (hard mode) in 14:25 by mikwuyma
- It's the gift that keeps on giving
Episode 9 - A Link To The Past - 15 Apr 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
LoZ: Majora's Mask (low%) in 2:28:26 by rocmox (part1)(part2)
Ape Escape 2 (any%) in 1:28:28 by Cham
Cutthroat Island (best ending) in 14:29 by funkdoc
- What a delightful game
Castlevania 3 (any%, Grant) in 30:43 by funkdoc (video)
Rocket Knight Adventures (Easy mode) in 28:18 by VorpalEdge
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%, J) in 22:56 by Cosmo (video)
Zelda 1 (any%, 1st quest) in 34:23 by Darkwing Duck (video)
- Happened in a back-to-back run of both quests
Nier (segmented any%) in 3:22:59 by Omnigamer
Final Fantasy X (SS any%) in just 10:39:37 by Caracarn
- 54 second improvement. Totally worth it.
TMNT IV: Turtles in Time (raph) in something prety good by mikwuyma
ALTTP records:
Master Sword record (J, with SQ) 21:26 by Krystal(video)
Any% record (J, without SQ) 1:26:06 by Krystal(video)
Any% record (J, with SQ) 1:23:55 by Krystal(video)
100% record (J, without SQ) 1:46:54 by Krystal(video)
Episode 8 - TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - 8 Apr 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Mega Man 5 () in 37:20.6 RTA by Exo (part1)(part2)
- beats agwawaf’s 37:49
Mega Man 10 (Wii, Normal, no DLC) in 35:28.2 RTA (22:47 in-game) by duckfist (video)
Ape Escape (J, any%) in 58:49 by Sea Urchin Sushi
Ape Escape (J, 100%) in 2:36:41 by Sea Urchin Sushi
Ape Escape 2 (J, any%) in 1:32:56 by Cham
- 9 Minutes faster than last week.
Ninja Gaiden (any%) in 12:18 by Arcus (video)
- Fastest recorded run. Hotarubi has 12:08 RTA but no video.
Ninja Gaiden (low%) in 13:26 by sinister1 (video)
- Same as above. Hotarubi has 13:15 RTA.
Double Dragon II (2P co-op) in 11:53 by jprophet and sinister1 (video)
TAS: NES Final Fantasy (White Mage only!) in 1:16:37.56 by TheAxeMan (info) (video)
- Amazing. Has the best final battle in history.
In other news, flicky looks like Justin Bieber.
Uyama's TMNT IV run (Raphael) from CGDQ (video)
Uyama's TMNT IV run (Donatello) from AGDQ2011 (video)
Uyama and Sinister1's TMNT IV co-op run from AGDQ 2012 (video)
Episode 7 - Final Fantasy 7 (not *** 64) - 1 Apr 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Mega Man X (J, low%/any%) in 32:37 by mushipan (video)
- 8 sec faster than Caleb Hart (?!)
Sonic 2 (any%) in 16:13 by mike89
Super Mario Bros. 3 (J, warpless) in 54:45 by blackhasu (video)
Yoshi’s Island (J, 100%) in 2:56:20 by Maple/Kaede
- Save us, Karl!
Rygar (deathless) in 23:01 by Darkwing Duck (video)
- 11 sec faster than that scrub feasel
Mega Man X2 (low%) in 38:16 (SDA)/38:33 (RTA) by Yoshiiscool (video)
- 1 min faster than Heidman
Ape Escape 2 (J, Any%) in 1:41:32 by Cham
- "Get to Ape Escape 3 already" --flicky
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (any%, SS, GCN) in 1:40:23 by mikwuyma
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (71-star SS w/ banktoad) in 3:18:33 by nemi (video)
Goof Troop (2p co-op) in 18:07 by cyghfer and Blechy (video)
- Forgot to press record :\
Battletoads (any% with major skips) in 0:00 by PJ (video)
- Uh... yeah...
Brandish (any%) in 1:21:42 by Breakdown (video)
- Check out all the awesome Falcom games!
Super Monkey Ball 2 (any%) in 39:34 by Thundrio
Mega Man 9 in 20:51 (in-game) by rggibson (part1)(part2)
- 28 seconds faster in-game time than exo’s RTA run
Super Castlevania 4 in 35:06 by [ Bablo}
- 7 seconds faster than SDA run
Episode 6 - Donkey Kong Country - 25 Mar 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Quest 64 (low%, J) in 6:14:36 by Peaches(video)
LoZ: Ocarina Of Time (any%) in 47:09 by ZFG(video)
Bomberman Second Attack in 1:25:50 by Kirkq
"this week is so dead" --flicky
Sonic 2 in 16:26 by mike89
Bayonetta in 1:33:21 (2:19:57) by flicky (video)
Operation C in 11:38 by Mr. K!
Illusion of Gaia (100%) in 2:26:59 by Nitrodon (video)
Rygar (deathless) 23:13 by Darkwing Duck(video)
Goof Troop (co-op) in 16:18 by cyghfer and blechy
Zelda II (100%) in 1:15:18 by solairflaire
TSSB intro video, for your viewing pleasure
Episode 5 - Contra 3 - 18 Mar 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (100%) in 5:52:37 by runnerguy (video)
Donkey Kong Country (New Warps Any%) in 14:53 by riz
Donkey Kong Country (Old Warps Any%) in 19:36 by riz
Super Mario World (Any%) in 10:29.76 by Menboo (video)
Yoshi's Island (100%) in 2:58:57 by Maple
Rygar (deathless) in 23:24 by Darkwing Duck(video)
Resident Evil 2 (Leon B) in 1:17:47 by Carcinogen
Super Mario 64 (120-star) in 1:46:35 by Nero
Illusion of Gaia (100%) in 2:29:20 by Puwexil
Ape Escape (100%) in 2:46:25 by Chibi Black
Castlevania: SotN (Richter, Any%) in 5:41 by Mecha Richter
Castlevania: SotN (Richter, All Bosses) in 26:35 by Mecha Richter(video)
Metal Gear (NES) in 24:48 by dunnius(video)
Skyblazer in 26:45 by Omnigamer(video)
Pulseman (with zips!) in 31:34 by Axon(video)
Two players, one controller. video
Hurblat makes badass chiptune music. Maybe we'll use some of it for the show? (oh wait) soundcloud
Live feed of TSSB production staff at work: link
TASes (Tool Assisted Speedruns) of Contra 3:
Pacifist TAS by Ash Williams (14:25) link
Co-Op TAS by Hero of the Day (13:03) link
Death Warps TAS by DorkClaude and Cpadolf (3:20) link
Episode 4 - Super Mario World - 11 Mar 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
SMW any% 10:30.49 by yaposon (video)
SMW any% 10:34.xx by dram55 (video)
SMW any% 10:34.xx by andrewg (video)
SMW any% (orbless) 10:44.96 by yaposon (video)
SMW 96 Exit 1:28:56 world record that dram55 got in a race(!!!) (video)
SMW TAS credits glitch in 2:36 by Masterjun (video)
Yaposon's bowser cape strat tutorial video
The Super Mario World speedrun wiki
To chat about Super Mario World or race it, visit the IRC channel #smw at
Support the swell Japanese SMW runners now streaming on twitch: YaposonMenbooAkimilatte
Castlevania: SotN (Richter, any%) in 5:45 by Mecha Richter (video)
Castlevania: SotN (Richter, all bosses) in 26:47 by Mecha Richter (video)
Skyrim (SS) in 1:14:53 by Ilseroth (part1) (part2)
Twinkle Tale (any%) in 22:50 by chum video
Rygar (no deathwarps) in 23:43 by feasel video
OWNED! Rygar (no deathwarps) in 23:41 by Darkwing Duck video when he should have been watching the show.
Adventure Island (PAL) in 44:25 by ktwo video
The Great Gatsby in 3:11 by Neskamikaze (video)
Terranigma (SS, NTSC-J, deathless) in 4:09:47 by lemonsx(not pronounced "lemon sex") (part1)(part2)(part3)
Sonic 2 in 16:42 by mike89
Fan-art by Chrno - pic
This has nothing to do with Super Mario World, but it's true
Episode 3 - Castlevania III - 4 Mar 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Super Mario 64 (70 Star) in 49:42 by Honey
Super Mario 64 (120 Star) in 1:47:05 by Honey
Rygar (glitchless) in 24:16 by Darkwing Duck
Twinkle Tale in 18:51 by Sent (video)
Chrono Trigger (SS 100%) in 5:41:xx (in-game) by Essentia (part1)(part2)(part3)(part4)(part5)
Donkey Kong Country (all levels) in 0:31 (in-game) by tjp7154
Donkey Kong Country 2 (102%) in 1:32:36 by riz
Yoshi's Island (100%) in 3:00:05 by Kaede
LoZ: Ocarina Of Time (any%) in 47:41 by ZFG (part1)(part2)
Bio Force Ape in 5:10 RTA (5:04 in-game) by Frozencup
PJ wasn't jerking us around when he said that he got a run of Whizz (SNES) in 18:08
Episode 2 - Sonic 1 - 26 Feb 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch Youtube
Naegleria's Sonic 1 run from AGDQ
Castlevania: SotN (Alucard, any%) in 19:42 by romscout (video)
Mega Man 1 (glitchless) in 22:47 by Exo (video)
Mega Man 1 in 19:56 by coolkid (video)
Mega Man X (any%, J) in 32:38 by Caleb Hart (part1)(part2)
Skyblazer (any%) in 26:48 by Omnigamer [(video)
Terranigma (SS, J) in 4:25:27 by Exo
Zelda 1 (2nd quest, SS, no Up-A) in 39:19 by Darkwing Duck (video)
Zelda 2 (any%) in 1:07:47 by Arctic Eagle
Link's Awakening (SS, J) in 1:15:00 by Exo (video)
LoZ: Ocarina of Time (any%) (gannonless) in 48:18 by ZFG
Metal Gear in 25:02 p1p2by dunnius
Final Fantasy 10 (SS) in 10:44:xx by Caracarn
Blast Corps (100%) in 1:41:42 by peaches_
Rizand Castella- awesome Japanese DKC2 players, now streaming on Twitch for your pleasure.
Episode 1 - Mega Man X - 19 Feb 2012
Watch this episode: Twitch
Guests: Tiki Caleb Hart